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STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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People not giving the latest AC the benefit of the doubt pleases me. Maybe next year if this one is solid upon release. But before that happens I'd rather trust one anonymous dude saying it's a buggy mess than anyone else. I mean we know shills are real and it's Ubisoft.
Forgot to add, it was a mistake to not retcon Wrex's death. He should've been a permanent squaddie along with Liara, so we wouldn't need to suffer Fake Wrex and Even Faker Wrex in the next two games.

Wrex is only one instance of Bioware not recognising their mistakes in the Mass Effect series.


Forgot to add, it was a mistake to not retcon Wrex's death. He should've been a permanent squaddie along with Liara, so we wouldn't need to suffer Fake Wrex and Even Faker Wrex in the next two games.

Wrex is only one instance of Bioware not recognising their mistakes in the Mass Effect series.

I shot Wrex in the face and I am glad he never came back.
I spit on his corpse.

Dr Dogg

People not giving the latest AC the benefit of the doubt pleases me. Maybe next year if this one is solid upon release. But before that happens I'd rather trust one anonymous dude saying it's a buggy mess than anyone else. I mean we know shills are real and it's Ubisoft.

Random, unanmed dude who has the game is more than entitled to their opinion as it's more qualified than most but what I tend to roll my eyes at is the legion of folks popping up in every thread saying stuff like 'this series needs to die' or 'take a break for a couple of years' and far more insidious things. None of them give two shits about the series or seem that interested in it anyways but they just can't wait to tell you about that ad nauseam.

Forgot to add, it was a mistake to not retcon Wrex's death. He should've been a permanent squaddie along with Liara, so we wouldn't need to suffer Fake Wrex and Even Faker Wrex in the next two games.

Wrex is only one instance of Bioware not recognising their mistakes in the Mass Effect series.

Well to be fair unless you games the Charm/Intimidate stats from the word go you'd find it nigh on impossible to talk Wrex down in your first playthrough.



How is it? Is it really just a repackage of the vanilla to hide the negative reviews?
Graphics look nice, not too dark and shabby like most Diablo clones out there.

Really late reply. Didn't see a response to the "repackage" portion of your question, but the main thing is that they took the engine they created for the follow up game Wave of Darkness, and back ported it to Legends of Dawn. One of the main reasons is to be able to support both in the same engine and add features that they develop for WoD that may be applicable to both games. They made another bunch of improvements that you can read about in their kickstarter update. Seems like more than most games that re-release but your mileage may vary in that opinion. Did it make it better because of that? Can't really comment in that regard.

As a side bonus for those +1 collectors, Legends of Dawn Reborn is a separate entry from the original.
Neat, Tales from the Borderlands didn't have steam cloud support so my save was erased in the great hard drive crash cleanse. Oh well, last episode seemed good ;-;


Have you played Sunset Overdrive by chance?


I don't think playing as a female character in that game would bother me as much since I wouldn't be invested in the story of that game.

Although the 'default character on box art' is an issue for me, I think my weird hangup has more to do with the fact that in games where I'm emotionally/intellectually invested in the story and I'm presented with character creation, I'm inclined to play as a character that resembles me (a bit of roleplaying if you will). In stuff like KOTOR 1-2, Fallout, or Dragon Age I just can't play as a female character because I generally try to roleplay as myself (although I'll try all the good/bad/neutral story paths and race does not break my immersion either).

Whereas in, for example, TES series, MMOs and the Souls series, it doesn't matter to me at all, in fact I play more female characters in those specific examples than male. In games where the protag is not a custom creation, I don't care at all, I'll play as anyone.


in restrospect, because my ps3 bricked, if i even play the series again i can roll FemShep

i was halfway through 2 on a long service run


Liara, Miranda and then Liara again.



haha that face.

Dr Dogg

in restrospect, because my ps3 bricked, if i even play the series again i can roll FemShep

i was halfway through 2 on a long service run

Thanks to the wonders of save editing and being a piece of piss on PC you can roll your ideal FemShep, set all the flags so you have your choices from ME1, alter it so you start off exactly where your were in your last playthrough (even a New Game+ run too) and then you can get funky with some mods, texture and model swaps too.
If I just go ahead and order a Steam Controller, hoping the BPM requirement ends up having alternatives, I could probably just sell it if I don't like it, right? I should think since the demand is still high and they still seem to be sending out batches that I could probably end up just dumping it for about what I paid for it, right?

Oh look. A link with no context. Let me click that...


Thanks to the wonders of save editing and being a piece of piss on PC you can roll your ideal FemShep, set all the flags so you have your choices from ME1, alter it so you start off exactly where your were in your last playthrough (even a New Game+ run too) and then you can get funky with some mods, texture and model swaps too.

but the dlc situation is shit
but the dlc situation is shit

Yes. It's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.


Speaking of ridiculous, apparently ordering the steam controller forced Rocket League into my steam library... I really would've rather it had been placed in my inventory so I could sell it over in the B/S/T. Is there any way to remedy this? Or do I not get an option here?

Dr Dogg

So I guess we've covered the skewed ratio of Shep's gender but what class did you folks pick? Did you start a new save/class for the more actiony titles? Started off with an Adept in the first before finding out how OP a Vanguard was (especially when you get the bonus skills on a new character after unlocking certain chievos) but for 2 and 3 it was Infiltrator all the way as you could always bring along 2 squad mates to be your power wielding monkeys.

but the dlc situation is shit

Something about omelets and eggs though substitute those for EA's stance on DLC and spending real money on a fake currency.
So I guess we've covered the skewed ratio of Shep's gender but what class did you folks pick? Did start a new save for the more actiony titles? Started off with an Adept in the first before finding out how OP a Vanguard was (especially when you get the bonus skills on a new character after unlocking certain chievos) but for 2 and 3 it was Infiltrator all the way as you could always bring along 2 squad mates to be your power wielding monkeys.
I just loved doing charge. so fun to watch.
Really late reply. Didn't see a response to the "repackage" portion of your question, but the main thing is that they took the engine they created for the follow up game Wave of Darkness, and back ported it to Legends of Dawn. One of the main reasons is to be able to support both in the same engine and add features that they develop for WoD that may be applicable to both games. They made another bunch of improvements that you can read about in their kickstarter update. Seems like more than most games that re-release but your mileage may vary in that opinion. Did it make it better because of that? Can't really comment in that regard.

As a side bonus for those +1 collectors, Legends of Dawn Reborn is a separate entry from the original.

Well, I read some of the reviews and comments on the discussion board. I thought I can get more diversed reviews today, but the reviews on the store page just got worse instead.


4pack for Rocket League now available

$15 each

no excuse

I live in Asia and my internet sucks, perfect excuse. :p
I've been playing some of the excellent Pilgrimage scenario in ARMA 3 again recently, and it's really damn good. Here's some pictures and thoughts.

The premise of Pilgrimage is that your brother, Philip, ventured to Altis to undo something that your father left on the island, and was killed in the attempt. So you swiftly head over to Altis, with minimal equipment, in order to reclaim his body and bring it home. The only intel you have to start with is that your brother's body is near a church in Altis. Which is very useful, because there's 218 of them on the island.

There's quite an array of settings for the scenario, which really adds to the replayability factor. You can have quite an easy time of it, starting with rifles and a medic, loot everywhere and fewer enemies, or go very hardcore and start with nothing and have to deal with hordes of enemies with artillery and air support. Personally I tend to go middle of the road, starting with an SMG but having to deal with a fair number of enemies.

Upon starting my Pilgrimage, I find myself on the south-eastern coastline of the island, wearing civilian clothes and carrying a rather pathetic Sting 9mm SMG. But at least there's a lovely rainbow to enjoy.

My first task is to find a better weapon. Altis, being quite the wartorn island, has them in abundance, so that shouldn't be too hard. I set off to the north, hoping to find something of use at the surf club, as well as checking my first church. Loot is randomised, and can be found in almost any building, or only in certain military controlled areas, depending on the settings. It greatly varies in use, sometimes you can find a box with a pistol and a nice cap, other times you can find a crate loaded with heavy weapons and explosives. So it's always good to explore.

Turns out that I do find something useful. You occasionally get little messages, pointing out patrols and hideouts. In this case, it's very good news. I should be able to get the drop on two hostiles and take them out, even with my peashooter. These patrols are all generated at random, and can consist of either of the two factions on Altis, CSAT or the AAF. They can even engage each other in combat.

I sweep through the surf club and find nothing, before proceeding on to my first church. Unsurprisingly, I don't find the body there. Nor do I encounter the enemy yet.

Undeterred, I push further north, eventually finding one of the hostile soldiers on his own. I very carefully stalk him for a while, hoping to discover where his buddy is. However, before I can do that, I get spotted and end up in a rather brutal close-quarter firefight. Luckily I manage to take him down and grab his Katiba 6.5mm rifle, worriedly scanning the area for his comrade. I don't see him, but I do see a MSE-3 Marid APC driving quickly towards me from the south. Lacking any method whatsoever of damaging the vehicle, I run like hell to the north, towards a small settlement, hoping to lose the enemy there.

Fortunately I get lucky and evade the enemy, and even more fortunately, find a very helpful civilian who's able to give me some intel on my brother's location. The game doesn't expect you to check every single church, but rather, it gives you various ways of obtaining intel as to your objective, ranging in usefulness from a general direction or eliminating some churches from the search, to narrowing the search area down to a relatively small circle. That top level intel can only be found by interrogating one of the two warlords on the map, located in one of the two strongholds on the map. Usually though, you're left interrogating soldiers who surrender, or taking intel from the bodies of NCO's/Officers, or as in this case, bribing some civilian to give you some intel. Very, very useful intel really. Check to the west you say? I'll get right on that!
ARMA III Pilgrimage update, with more pictures!

So last time I ended up being chased into a small settlement by a hostile APC, and found an ever so helpful NPC who told me that my objective lay to the west. Very helpful, given I was currently standing on the eastern coast of Altis.

Anyway, I prepared to move out only to hear the terrible rumble of engines, and quickly spotted the APC heading up the road towards me. Still lacking any method of damaging the vehicle, I hid and let it past. This was quite fortuitous for me, as it opened up the route south, an opening I quickly took advantage of.

Along the way, I encountered two more hostiles. As they weren't aware of me, and as I now had a rifle, I managed to get the drop on them, making sure to take out the autorifleman first. Observation pays off! Looting them of ammo and first aid kits, I had to leave the Zafir 7.62mm Light Machine Gun behind, as my Katiba rifle is far more versatile. I quickly left the battle behind, encouraged somewhat by the sight of the APC coming back towards me.

So why even head south. Well, there are three villages, one airstrip and one abandoned military outpost down there, all rather close together. Even on foot it shouldn't take much time to explore them all, and I should be able to find a vehicle of some kind. Even a civilian vehicle would make my mission far easier, and having a vehicle is infact one of the requirements of completing the mission (you need one to transport your brother's body).

I make my way to a high point overlooking the first village on my walk, Panagia. It appears deserted, but that can easily be misleading.

I approach cautiously, which saves me from quite an untimely demise. The moment I start to come down from my overlooking position, I spot a patrol of 4 hostiles, walking along the road.. and I've got the drop on them. I consider leaving them be for a moment, but decide to take advantage of this opportunity, and open fire, dropping two of them before they even realise they're under attack. The survivors return fire, but I'm in a covered position, and they're out in the open. They don't last long. Upon looting their bodies, I find that one of them's an explosives expert, and carrying a number of mines, including a pair of anti-tank mines. Finally, something I can use against the APC. The team leader lacks intel on the location of my brother's body, but he does possess something very useful instead. The radio frequency the CSAT forces are using. Now I can listen in on their every move.
Man, these were real fun to read. Very extensive detailed custom mission. Cool beans.


4pack for Rocket League now available

$15 each

no excuse
No excuse? 15 bucks is my excuse :)


What can I say? The universe loves me. Brb, selling booster and buying Rocket League...


So I guess we've covered the skewed ratio of Shep's gender but what class did you folks pick? Did you start a new save/class for the more actiony titles? Started off with an Adept in the first before finding out how OP a Vanguard was (especially when you get the bonus skills on a new character after unlocking certain chievos) but for 2 and 3 it was Infiltrator all the way as you could always bring along 2 squad mates to be your power wielding monkeys.

My first time playing an ME game was ME2 and in that playthrough I went Infiltrator.

When I did the full 1-3 playthrough I went soldier because I just wanted to shoot things until they die.


I played as a soldier all three times in Mass Effect. However I didn't realize the greatness of the vanguard class until I played MP. I used that when playing my evil dude shep.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
So it's time for me to put out a call for contributors in next month's thread. So far I have:
  • Assassin's Creed Syndicate - DrDogg
  • Fallout 4 - jshackles
But there are more great games coming out next month, such as:
  • Sonic Lost World
  • Anno 2205
  • Call of Duty - Black Ops III
  • Football Manager 2016
And tons more. We've also had a few "surprise" releases this month that would be great for next month's "You May Have Missed", such as:
  • Mugen Souls
  • Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
  • PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate
  • Rebel Galaxy
  • Broforce
  • Minecraft: Story Mode
  • Gabe Newell Simulator
So if you're interested in writing a few paragraphs about any game that's being released next month (or one that released this month but wasn't in the OP) please shoot me a PM!
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 5 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (DJSebolski, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Resident Evil Revelations -- MB-5799995DB82F2701 - Taken by CheesecakeRecipe
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony -- MB-5D507FF59014B2F2 - Taken by Fare Godmace
Bejeweled 3 -- MB-6CA0D3D601C2A069 - Taken by fuzzy123
Dragon Age: Origins -- MB-D2D81FF1DFF00C93 - Taken by Mixed2k
Remember Me -- MB-7FE5C423B1F61D84 - Taken by Darth Kupi[/QUOTE]
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