Hm... that's really weird. I can't think of a single reason why they'd do this.
That's half the EU price.Wait, when did Ubisoft drop the prices of Unity and Rogue? Both are listed for 29,99$ CAD.
I've been replaying Arkham Asylum while waiting for more sales to get the games I actually want to play, and I've discovered that I think I enjoy(ed) Asylum more than the sequels because of how simpler and straight-forward it is. The other games really got bloated with new mechanics and collectibles which detracted from the immersion.
They are testing the waters for more ArcSys support. If this japanese only game wont sell well...
Well. No more ArcSys games on Steam!
So, has anyone made a Steam controller config for the first Just Cause? The last time I tried booting it up no one had literally touched it besides me. And I'm not one to sit there and try to configure the controller.
I was hoping someone would figure out a way to make it similar to Just Cause 2's 360 controller layout so I could go through Just Cause 1.
From Batman patch note post:
Holy hell, 12GB of RAM is the minimum requirement for Win10.
That's half the EU price.
Thanks, Ubi!
Rogue is also 29.99 in EU. Unless you're talking conversion rates, and we all know thats a pointless conversation.
Unity also dropped, but to 39.99 (I guess it was 59.99 and not 49.99 like Rogue was)
The photo mode is neat:
I've got a FX-6300 and HD 7950 and I can play on Normal/1080p at a constant 30 FPS with little to no stuttering. The benchmark wavered between 45-60 but I wanted a little bit of consistency so I turned the cap on. Seems a bit better than pre-patch.
It's not, though.Conversion rates are pointless, you are 100% right sir.
Rogue is also 29.99 in EU. Unless you're talking conversion rates, and we all know thats a pointless conversation.
Unity also dropped, but to 39.99 (I guess it was 59.99 and not 49.99 like Rogue was)
12GB is not the minimum requirement for W10. Don't make things up.From Batman patch note post:
Holy hell, 12GB of RAM is the minimum requirement for Win10.
12GB is not the minimum requirement for W10. Don't make things up.
Man....the combat in Alan Wake sucks. :|
I'm on Chapter 3 and at this point i'm just forcing myself to beat the game and get it over with already.
Man....the combat in Alan Wake sucks. :|
I'm on Chapter 3 and at this point i'm just forcing myself to beat the game and get it over with already.
Man....the combat in Alan Wake sucks. :|
I'm on Chapter 3 and at this point i'm just forcing myself to beat the game and get it over with already.
I want to play it though, don't do this to me ;-;
From the Nintendo Strategy Briefing
Its happening ?
I found it meh. It picks back up a bit when you get some better weaps. I bought the ver with "American Nightmare" and that's never getting played, lol, even though I think I would play a legit sequel.
That is an odd release, are they doing it for the Jp consumers?
Looks like WB pulled the "Pre-release" moniker from launch reviews, because Shadownet's old review is back on the top and doesn't have the tag associated with it.
My new favorite meme. I don't even have to add the caption.
Well..Tales from the Borderlands Episode 4:
Alright, who were the50.7% of cowards who didn't backstab their "friends" and rule Hyperion with an iron fist and HANDSOME GODDAMN JACK?
Now accepting applications.
Conversion rates are pointless, you are 100% right sir.
The combat is serviceable. The game isn't Vanquish, but it's not a chore to play, either.
Haha yeah. I saw you playing it. I just finished it a few days ago. By the end of it I was glad it was over. Not to say I did not enjoy it but it was just the same thing over and over for 8 hours or so.Man....the combat in Alan Wake sucks. :|
I'm on Chapter 3 and at this point i'm just forcing myself to beat the game and get it over with already.
Nice report. It seems that we have similar PC specs.
How about on High/1080p? Will it dip below 30fps?
So this just came out and it's by the Funcom team that did The Secret World. I decided to grab it for $10 because it was on sale and figured I could use a good horror game. The game takes less than an hour to complete and it's kind of boring. The last part of the game they try a P.T looping type thing but end up doing nothing with it. After a few loops it stops and literally nothing can kill you.
The voice acting and brief story is alright and the game looks pretty nice it serves it's purpose but the price is way too much it literally feels like one level of a full game.It took me longer to download the game then it did to play it.
Haha yeah. I saw you playing it. I just finished it a few days ago. By the end of it I was glad it was over. I enjoyed American Nightmare more.
Sure Alan Wake combat is mediocre at its worst, it's still functional. The story, characters, and atmosphere was worth putting up with it. In the end, I think you'll be glad you played it through.
Tales from the Borderlands Episode 4:
Alright, who were the50.7% of cowards who didn't backstab their "friends" and rule Hyperion with an iron fist and HANDSOME GODDAMN JACK?
The game is pretty much a straight path. You basically walk through the park and get on rides and then you ride them while she talks. You do this for a few rides the you enter a haunted house that's basically a P.T clone with the looping but after a few loops you get the last cutscenes.That's disappointing to hear. The developers themselves said the game was 2 to 3 hours. I was surprised by their candor. It put me off the game though. I'll just wait for a sale of a game that short.
The problem is that everything in Alan Wake is mediocre at best.
The problem is that everything in Alan Wake is mediocre at best. The light-based combat is the only inspired thing about AW, and it sucks.
Just imagine Deadly Premonition with that combat engine... it would be better!
I'm afraid that heartful folksy jams don't really do anything for me.
The game is pretty much a straight path. You basically walk through the park and get on rides and then you ride them while she talks. You do this for a few rides the you enter a haunted house that's basically a P.T clone with the looping but after a few loops you get the last cutscenes.
Other than that there are notes everywhere you can read. I read everything I saw but maybe I missed some but the story is straight forward that I can't see how it matters. I've read there is stuff in TSW that ties into this but I'll never see that. I guess if you search everything you may be able to add a bit more time but everything thing is just a straight path I can't see many areas you could go explore if anything is hidden.