If anyone is interested...
UP - Intel x5-Z8300 board (Kickstarter) Can emulate Gamecube, INSANELY SMALL.
UP - Intel x5-Z8300 board (Kickstarter) Can emulate Gamecube, INSANELY SMALL.
KICKSTARTER - Target goal already met.
Design based on Raspberry Pi, mostly as adevelopmet platform, but this can be used as a anormal PC, so you can isntall Windows, Linux or any other OS and you can install games on it.
Here is an example of it's capabilities running Dolphin, this is based on a commercial tablet with the same atom architecture for comparisons sake:
Why is this good for gaming?
1. The new CherryTrail platform is great for gaming, can run games from 2010 and below at medium/low settings
2. Can be used for streaming games through Steam or Moonlight
3. Low power usage and small form factor, could be modified into a portable handheld.
4. Emulation performance is pretty good, should be able to emulate Gaemcube games, can "run" PSP
5. has enough ports for gamepads and other devices you may want to hook up.
Why don't I just use a Small factor PC / Windows Stick/ Tablet instead?
1. smallest form factor that does not sacrifice ports, not tied down to a tablet interface or design of a box, can be integrated into other things.
2. more ports anf functionailty make it more expandable taht most boards
3. GPIO is a huge benefit for button / board integration
4. One of the first iterations on where we can just buy the atom board by itself with no extra junk.
5. Should be a lot easier to modify a heatsink for the cpu.
Hopefully we can see projects like this: