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30fps feels batman.
ᶦᵐ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵍᵒᶰᶰᵃ ᵍᵉᵗ ᴿᴰᴿ² ᵒᶰ ᵐʸ ᴾˢ⁴ ᴾʳᵒ⋅⋅⋅
30fps feels batman.
About, Mobius Final Fantasy coming to Steam... YAY! I will finally be able to uninstall the mobile version, as it works too slow in my phone lol.
Every time I see that avatar I keep thinking the character is picking her nose with her little finger...
You just went full anime avatar. You never go full Anime Avatar. SteamGAF is now trash to me.If you'd like to see the full render...
Stadiums: European Club Pack. Cities: Skylines, the award-winning city-building game from developer Colossal Order, was updated this summer with the ability for players to add sports arenas to their growing digital demesnes. Now, with the European Club Pack, those stadiums can play host to players favorite real-life football clubs, taking on the appearance of their home stadiums from the real world. The European Club Pack includes the stadiums, colors, and logos of Football Club Barcelona, Chelsea Football Club, Juventus Football Club, and Paris Saint-Germain, and is available today for $5.99.
You just went full anime avatar. You never go full Anime Avatar. SteamGAF is now trash to me.
Seems Rockstar has enough monies to say fuck you to potential 6 million purchases.
I stopped playing after the first chapter, because the game became such a total grindfest. Even if it comes to Steam, it still won't be worth playing.
The battles / battle systems are extremely repetitive, and the story line is pretty goofy.
I would be more excited to see Record Keeper or Brave Exvius come to Steam.
the real question should be why the hell it isn't coming to NX
It worked out for them pretty well the last time. They know their double and triple dippers.
Ucchedavāda;220509857 said:Which of TIS-100 and Shenzhen I/O would you recommend getting first? Based on your description, I'm thinking Shenzhen I/O.
I'm not sure what I'm more disappointed with, the lack of a PC release or what looks like an all male cast. Rockstar pls.
That's a video game, not an anime.
What difference between this and my freeware version?
I love idolmaster, I wish platinum star would come out in the west
By the time R* consider a PC version there will be a PS4Pro2 or PS5 (or wtvr the fuck) which will delay the PC version by an extra year. Sadly.
Spring 2019 at the earliest for PC version.
Nothing wrong with that.I'm not sure what I'm more disappointed with, the lack of a PC release or what looks like an all male cast. Rockstar pls.
The bigger tragedy today is Watch_Dogs 2 (2016 GOTY) has been delayed 2 weeks.
Nah, the real tragedy is that we still have no news on Xanadu Next.
XSeed pls.
The bigger tragedy today is Watch_Dogs 2 (2016 GOTY) has been delayed 2 weeks.
Nah, the real tragedy is that we still have no news on Xanadu Next.
XSeed pls.
The bigger tragedy today is Watch_Dogs 2 (2016 GOTY) has been delayed 2 weeks.
Since PoP games they are using that engine. And they started using it for other things like R6 Siege and For Honor. So it will be used for sure for next AC game.
i'm seriously considering pulling my wasteland 3 pledge off brian fargo doing interviews for some shit gg site
why do u do this to me brian
I'm okay with that. The delay separates it from Dishonored 2 by 19 days rather than just five.
Yes, but I mean specifically the part where you say new Anvil. Anvil Next was the big last jump I guess, will they be using Super Turbo Anvil Next now?
I'm still convinced that more Ubi franchises will move to Snowdrop now that it's ready by the way and wouldn't be shocked if AC moved as well.
no idea, i don't really read sites, just saw brian fargo retween an interview that talked about "oversensitive critics" and "sjws" and i'm likeTangentially related, but didn't Techraptor drink the gg Kool Aid way back when.