A lot of the features don't work on the community site in Firefox 49, sadly. This is because Valve specifically set a CSP on those pages that Firefox doesn't allow extensions to overwrite. This has been fixed in Firefox 50 however, which is currently in beta. For optimal performance, I recommend updating Firefox to version 50 or higher to enable most of Enhanced Steam's functionality.
I like my women like I like my coffee, covered in beeeeeeeeees.
ftfy :3
I managed to clear the story mode and I liked it but yeah, it's very hard.
After I beat it I read it's because the default difficulty setting for that mode is Medium, but the fact is, since I simply selected Story Mode, I didn't see the option to change the difficulty because it's buried into the menus.
So if you are struggling, you can change the difficulty.
The story itself is worthy, a bit weird like all Mortal Kombat games, bit confusing but very enjoyable.
Damn, Higurashi Chapter 4 still isn't up? =/
Mafia III is really fun. The PC version definitely has problems, but the story is really engaging so far.
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition - is it a good PC port?
if u could which other open world game would u compare it most to?
Austin Walker compared it to The Godfather 2 on twitter, which sparked my interest immediately. Also saw several other people comparing to those licensed mafia games from the PS2 era, like Scarface and such.if u could which other open world game would u compare it most to?
Austin Walker compared it to The Godfather 2 on twitter, which sparked my interest immediately. Also saw several other people comparing to those licensed mafia games from the PS2 era, like Scarface and such.
I have come
Other anime thread
ModBot said:I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
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Shenzhen I/O --MB-DDF6A0D5AF55BCF0- Taken by Sarcasm. 40 entrants total.
From Zachtronics, makers of TIS-100 and SpaceChem. Early Access but basically complete.
also is it just me or the mafia 3 guy is like immense
like luke cage ginourmous
Just dont get some of Netflixs 4K content. Watched the last Daredevil episode and first Luke Cage episode in 4k, but they are using a grain filter, similar to the old Silent Hill games, so while you can see some small details in the background better, the filter actually destroys the purpose of 4k.
also is it just me or the mafia 3 guy is like immense
like luke cage ginourmous
also is it just me or the mafia 3 guy is like immense
like luke cage ginourmous
in a coma for weeks/months
loses no muscle mass
Finished it! One of the most unique and compelling games I have played, but got slightly distracted by Kerbal and Elite Dangerous updates.
Seeing that "Linus tried 8K gaming" thread had me thinking 'psshh that's soooo 2014' then I remembered I was playing Mass Effect and Dead Space at 15360x8640 back then (well sort off). Time to dig out some screenies of 8K downsampled captures.
Due to some of FFXIII's quirks I played most of that locked to 30 @ 7680x4320.
Probably going to make my top 5 this year despite being a decade old.
Seeing that "Linus tried 8K gaming" thread had me thinking 'psshh that's soooo 2014' then I remembered I was playing Mass Effect and Dead Space at 15360x8640 back then (well sort off). Time to dig out some screenies of 8K downsampled captures.
Due to some of FFXIII's quirks I played most of that locked to 30 @ 7680x4320.
Probably going to make my top 5 this year despite being a decade old.
I'm simultaneously disappointed it wasn't me and gleeful someone else gets to experience Zachtronics goodness. I'm also happy there were 40 entrants. Good to see excitement for Shenzen.Shenzhen I/O --MB-DDF6A0D5AF55BCF0- Taken by Sarcasm. 40 entrants total.
Where are screenshots 2, 3 and 4 from?
So I'll do one shameless bump since I have a few new things for the project, I feel a bit embarrassed since it's just my little Halloween project to bring attention to it, but Greenlight kind of requires you to put yourself out there for judgement of others.
Almost to the end of TW1 - Tell me, does TW2 or 3 have anyone who's half as BRO as Vincent?
Is the SNES-esque tiling and object placement an artistic choice or an engine limitation?
Rage quit Ass Creed IV again. I lost count how many.
Climb up some ship mast to kill a scout and you can't get to the platform because of the animation overrides.
So went to another mast to run across and the game decides I am jumping for the ocean instead.
Third attempt I drop down but am slightly off so I press the grab button but it decided to auto-grab so it queued the grab into a drop. Hit the ground, lost life, got backstabbed by a fatty and lost more life. Then died at the top of the mechanical lift thingie from some unknown damage.
Rage quit Ass Creed IV again. I lost count how many.
Climb up some ship mast to kill a scout and you can't get to the platform because of the animation overrides.
So went to another mast to run across and the game decides I am jumping for the ocean instead.
Third attempt I drop down but am slightly off so I press the grab button but it decided to auto-grab so it queued the grab into a drop. Hit the ground, lost life, got backstabbed by a fatty and lost more life. Then died at the top of the mechanical lift thingie from some unknown damage.
You could just shoot them from the safety of your boat.
So I'll do one shameless bump since I have a few new things for the project, I feel a bit embarrassed since it's just my little Halloween project to bring attention to it, but Greenlight kind of requires you to put yourself out there for judgement of others.
Hollow Bliss on Steam Greenlight and all of that.
So trying not to show too much, but released a 10-minute gameplay video that shows the first 10-20 minutes of the game (with cut out segments). Try not to show too much but how the basic groundwork of exploration works in the game, and talk about the game's branching paths and systems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDoTRNg0Sz0
Also released a series of new screens:
Hoping some people enjoy it when it hits, trying to put a lot in it. My expectation is the game will be 3-6 hours for most people, though that does depend what the player partakes in, how deep they go, and what they uncover.
(Jawmuncher was also kind and decided to make a topic on this, though I admit to being a bit embarrassed over it since it's just my small little project and I have definite limitations as a developer, but can find that thread here. Also posted this there.)