This is where I admit my top played game on Steam is 35 hours.
This is where I admit my top played game on Steam is 35 hours.
hey guys how much is your steam account worth mines like $500 it's so crazy i don't think anyone has a more valuable account haha
OK, now for reals I am done with Spelunky. Just did a solo CoOp run and it was painful to adjust. Your partner dying when off-screen messed me up so many darn times. Once even in 4-4 at Olmec, after bringing him all the way there!!
Either way, I just successfully finished a run and got my badge. Shame Forzenlunky did not work for online Netplay
Oh well, not like I am much in the mood now anyway. Too many hours logged in in the very recent time got me slightly fed up. Still love the game but it needs a pause, maybe next year again. After all, last year upon defeating Olmec I said to myself "that's all I'll do in Spelunky" and exactly 12 months later I beat Yama, so who knows, maybe come Autumn 2017 I'll do a Low Scorer runlol I won't
I never cared for Steam Achievements and still don't care for almost every game but Spelunky's challenges aligned just well with the ones in my head, so I did almost all of them.
It also quickly climbed its way up my most-played games alongside.
Remembered I get the Sunless Sea dlc for free because I bought it during early access, huzzah!
Skyrim has the remaster coming out, so skip it. You have plenty of time to play HL2 before 3 comes out, so skip it for now. DAO will only give you false hope for the sequels, skip it.What to play next?
-Half life 2
-Dark Souls 1
-Prison Architect
-Or ignore all the above and buy Dragon Age Origins?
I was under the assumption that I could use that $25 Amazon digital gift card code and buy a $20 digital gift card code for Steam.
Boy, that assumption was wrong and i'am not a happy camper about that.
Apparently, I can buy a digital PSN $20 gift card code.
Let's leave out the fact that buying a physical $20 steam gift card ranges from okay to out right high way robbery, forget that fact for now, i'am genuinely angry that I thought I could buy a digital $20 Steam Gift Card and I cannot for reasons.
I could've sold that or traded that code for games.
Why did I let myself do this dumb fucking thing that was a waste of time?
I have $25 in my Amazon right now and what can I buy at Amazon that wouldn't be a complete waste for under $25?
This is such a first world problem that I'am even devoting brain cells in trying to be not angry, makes me think I should've bought a tall boy of Heineken and watch porn as a better way of wasting brain cells.
Okay typing this made me feel better about myself
Categories are simple enough.
Amazon digital services are weird sometimes. I can't use my amazon card credits on digital items either. Not a deal breaker but mildly annoying.
urgh... regarding Higurashi Chapter 4
Sorry about the delay. We're still having some trouble getting the game to work within Steam at this time. We hope to have it ready by the end of the week, but if you really can't wait, you can get Himatsubushi via our website right now.
Strangers in Sword City is the first of your games to be released in English on Steam, and was very well received by critics and fans. Are you surprised by this reception? Do you plan to bring more games to Steam?
While we were surprised by how well the game seemed to have been received, we are very happy to see that players are enjoying themselves! In regards to new releases on Steam we currently have nothing scheduled.
A new, updated version of Stranger in Sword City was recently released in Japan, featuring three new classes and many other improvements. Are there any plans to also update the English Steam version?
In regards to New Interpretation: Stranger of Sword City, this title was created from the feedback collected from our players who filled out a questionnaire here in Japan. If we were to do an overseas version, we would do another questionnaire and collect feedback in order to create a more enjoyable product. There are no plans to bring over the current New Interpretation: Stranger of Sword City
Gears of War 4 might be one of the best PC ports of this generation, runs at Ultra/Insane everything, at 1080p/60fps locked, on a i5-2500k/1070 combo. I'm really blown away by how nice it looks and runs.
Gears of War 4 might be one of the best PC ports of this generation, runs at Ultra/Insane everything, at 1080p/60fps locked, on a i5-2500k/1070 combo. I'm really blown away by how nice it looks and runs.
How is the start up load time to start screen on Windows? Seems terrible on X1.
Good to hear, i5 3570k/1070 here bout to put in work.
Like how longs it take from clicking the icon to main menu? If so about 15-20 seconds, it wasn't bad at all, I'm on an SSD so that might make the difference, and it took about 45 seconds to matchmake for Horde and load into the map.
Yeah man, it defaulted to Ultra and the benchmark and Horde match I played ran like a dream. Feels good to have a super solid PC port of a game, The Coalition has earned a lot of respect from me.
Yeah. Seems ages longer on X1, like it hangs at first. Least for me. Could be my hard drive is at 94% capacity, but it's not a problem with other titles so I doubt it.
Thanks. ❤️
This depresses me because it makes me think of the days where I had more time for games. Oddly I feel zero shame for what a borderlands whore I am.
Yeah man, it defaulted to Ultra and the benchmark and Horde match I played ran like a dream. Feels good to have a super solid PC port of a game, The Coalition has earned a lot of respect from me.
Only thing it didn't do at Ultra for me was Ambient Occlusion, but I ticked it on anyway and here we are at 1440p/60fps so far. I'm actually going up above 1440p a bit too. 4K caused a few artifacts near some edges tho so I knocked it down
Great looking game. Why couldn't every other UWP title be like this?
edit: I sent Dear Leader a PM bout Xbox Live and Gears, anybody else want to trade info? We can horde or something. Note: I am a Gears virgin.
Beat Midnight Club II.I need to get back into Midnight Club II, I haven't beaten it yet.
I'm not a game dev, haha. "My games" is actually the "Uncategorized" category; it contains all the games that I have yet to even touch.Interesting list, I might copy some of those.
Also, what's actually inside 'My games'? Are you a video game developer?
Counter-Strike: Source
903 hrs on record
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
357 hrs on record
DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin
157 hrs on record
Dragon Age: Origins
117 hrs on record
52.6 MiB
83 hrs on record
I ... just got this
weird that they choose to change the discount for a gift coupon but ok =P
Also, is the definitive edition worth it if you already finished the regular edition ?
Isn't that the default price if you own the original game anyway? Seems like a point less coupon if so lol.
Flying Wild Hog, Shadow Warrior 2:
it's not like there's any other big strategy games coming out anytime soon.
Outside of a few exceptions, I rarely don't play games for more than 20 hoursThis is where I admit my top played game on Steam is 35 hours.
This is where I admit my top played game on Steam is 35 hours.
If you had gtx 570 then the praise would be well deserved. But man that's how things are supposed to run on 1070, all those batmans and telltale tales take a dump on hardware and lower the expectations bar.Gears of War 4 might be one of the best PC ports of this generation, runs at Ultra/Insane everything, at 1080p/60fps locked, on a i5-2500k/1070 combo. I'm really blown away by how nice it looks and runs.
If you had gtx 570 then the praise would be well deserved. But man that's how things are supposed to run on 1070, all those batmans and telltale tales take a dump on hardware and lower the expectations bar.