Hands of Fate is a daily sale
Is it a good game? I got kinda burned on Age of Decadence.
My steam review:
Rating 7.5/10
Overview: Rogue, Card builder with Real-time combat
The Good:
+ When different genres are mixed together the results can be very unpredictable, yet when they work you get a pleasant surprise. Hands of fate thankfully does a successful job of mixing rogue with building a card deck with real-time combat. The game is pretty simple in its execution, you build a deck with equipment and 'encounter' cards, the dealer then mixes in his own cards (usually bad ones). The deck is then shuffled and the cards are placed faced down on the table. Most cards have a game of chance involved, the higher the reward the higher the risk. By completing cards, you then unlock new cards that can be used in subsequent play-throughs, usually resulting in greater rewards.
+ Unlocking new cards and equipment is very satisfying
+ You also have to manage 3 types of resources, health, food and gold. Every time you select a card you lose one food. Run out of food and you begin to lose health after every selection. Certain cards reward gold/food/health. Acquired gold can then be used to purchase food, equipment etc at a shop.
+ To make things interesting the dealer mixes in 'curse' cards in the deck. These cards are numerous and can drastically change the way the game is played. I.e. enemies do double damage, lose gold after every turn etc.
+ Soundtrack
The Average:
Combat is a big part of the game and it just isnt as good as other games. Combat is identical to Rocksteady's Batman games, you have a strike, counter and dodge button. The animations feel stiff, hitting enemies doesn't feel satisfying and the mechanics never change. The combat starts to feel rather repetitive after awhile. I found it strange the developers decided to use real time combat instead of a combat system that used cards which is the games entire premise.
Glitchy achievements.
This is a great unique game on Steam that is a bit rough around the edges but ultimately provides a very enjoyable and satisfying experience. I understand they are making a sequel which aims to improve many of the weaknesses from this game. If you like rogue-lite type of games and are looking for something a bit different, hands of fate will certainly deliver hours of fun.