Anyone have good Tower Defense recommendations?
Defense Grid is one of the best if you don't have it. Toma will tell you Sentinel probably. Prime World Defenders seems ok and is 80% off and has a demo.Anyone have good Tower Defense recommendations?
Anyone have good Tower Defense recommendations?
Defense Grid is one of the best if you don't have it. Toma will tell you Sentinel probably. Prime World Defenders seems ok and is 80% off and has a demo.
I know its been around for a bit, but I've been mainly playing Tales of Maj 'Eyal ever since I won it in a modbot drawing a few months ago. Steam says...yikes 569 hrs played, but that includes a few stretches of forgetting to turn it off. 3.49 in Steam. free from the website, but donors get an extra class and a few other things. 1300+achievements, lots of races/classes to choose from. roguelike turn based. very cool check it out. the dev is very active and puts out new updates periodically with more classes and other refinements.
A turn based roguelike that regardless of the simple graphics has deep mechanics and a lot of combinations of classes, races and skills.
Anyone have good Tower Defense recommendations?
The opinion on that is a bit divisive, but I thought it was absolutely lovely. Imagine a bit less homogenous Ico with more direct "puzzle" elements and some imaginative visual trickery:
I actually think its a very charming game, and if you just let yourself in on what the game offers, it shouldnt disappoint you, even with its minor flaws.
Finally went through the main list again
Only got $13, and now I have my eyes on:
Atomic Zombie Smasher
Ironclad Tactics
One Way Heroics
Orcs Must Die
Splatter: Blood Red Edition
Falllout 2
Decisions, decisions. I'm a little hesitant of One Way Heroics, because I don't usually like JRPGs, but the GAF impressions have been overwhelmingly positive
I thought OWH was a JRPG with roguelike elementsJRPG? One way heroics is a roguelike and there really is no reason you should avoid it.
In addition, buy Fallout 2.Finally went through the main list again
Only got $13, and now I have my eyes on:
Atomic Zombie Smasher
Ironclad Tactics
One Way Heroics
Orcs Must Die
Splatter: Blood Red Edition
Falllout 2
Decisions, decisions. I'm a little hesitant of One Way Heroics, because I don't usually like JRPGs, but the GAF impressions have been overwhelmingly positive
I thought OWH was a JRPG with roguelike elements
In addition, buy Fallout 2.
Also, Toma, is Two Brothers worth it? It looks both like Secret of Mana and Link's Awakening, though I'm never sure how I feel about these shifting styles games.
Well Cheesecake just gifted me the game (thanks!) so I'll post impressions later here and bump the game's thread.Straight up roguelike, and one of the best ones in the genre.
Someone in the indie thread liked it, reminiscent of classic 3D jump&runs apparently.
I'll likely get it on the last day if it doesn't get discounted further. I got Ironclad Tactics but I've not really liked it. I would have preferred it if it was a more defensive game like Plants vs Zombies.
I don't think the two-way attacking works very well.
Thanks, I'll add it to my list. Not gonna buy it right away, as I've already got 10 new games to play as it is (hard to resist $1-$3 games...). Plus, I think I would prefer to wait until the author says a game is feature complete and won't generally need new updates (though... I did buy Dark Souls 2 in all its buggy glory initially).These color/visual upgrade games usually arent worth it because they are bad games and rely too much on that gimnick. Two Brothers was very interesting and I am glad I bought it, but back then it was very bugged. If those bugs are gone, then its definitely worth grabbing. Considering the dev is working on a new version, it should be safe to grab it now and if it still has too much issues, just wait for the update.
So I had never heard of Orcs Must Die before, game looks awesome. I really only play single player in games; OMD2 looks very co-op focused, but the reviews say it's bigger and better than the first. How is the sequel as a single player game?
Game just went into beta, so I think it's worth a mention (that and because it's an awesome game)
Door Kickers - $11.99 (20% off)
So you might be thinking "Why do I need this game if I already have Frozen Synapse?". Now Door Kickers was one of the first PC games I bought, and while Frozen Synapse may be king in terms of multiplayer, I feel like Door Kickers is superior in other aspects. I enjoy the realistic SWAT setting and aesthetic far more than FS's sci-fi style. Frozen Synapse focuses on warfare; Door Kickers focuses on controlled planning and precise team work and meticulous assaults. Go in loud or stealthy, rescue hostages, arrest bad guys, defuse bombs. There's a ton of content, modding, a level editor, a leveling-up system for your squad, and special challenges for each mission
Defense Grid is one of the best if you don't have it. Toma will tell you Sentinel probably. Prime World Defenders seems ok and is 80% off and has a demo.
It takes a bit more careful planning but singleplayer is perfectly doable compared to coop for the sequel.So I had never heard of Orcs Must Die before, game looks awesome. I really only play single player in games; OMD2 looks very co-op focused, but the reviews say it's bigger and better than the first. How is the sequel as a single player game?
It's pinball exactly like they used to make. Arguably the best pinball game ever, this compiles emulated versions of various classic pinball games of the eighties and nineties, including some high profile tables such as Star Trek: The Next Generation, Terminator 2 and Theatre of Magic, combined with market-leading ball physics. The pricing model is £4 per table/two pack and about £23 for ten packs of tables. Season One ($22.49/£17.24/€20.99, 25% off) is generally considered the best buy since it has most of the best tables, although Season Three is also pretty good (if by far most expensive, in terms of money per table. Also, it's not on sale).
How far did you play? It took a while for me to click once I worked the rhythm of the game and adjusted my deck a bit.
I played almost an hour. At what point did the game click for you?
Going to recommend One Way Heroics as well. Was gifted it randomly by a gaffer (Archie) and I'm having good fun with it. It's so simple but it's kind of hard to put down. The name is far more literal than I expected it to be. Died immediately on my first playthrough because of it.
Fantastic thread as usual Toma.
Anyone know of any "streets of rage" "double dragon" type beat em ups with RPG elements like leveling up and looting???
So I had never heard of Orcs Must Die before, game looks awesome. I really only play single player in games; OMD2 looks very co-op focused, but the reviews say it's bigger and better than the first. How is the sequel as a single player game?
First day playing Inquisitor, 10 hours played.
I don't know many beat em ups on PC, maybe Double Dragon: Neon and while not beat'em ups check Guacamelee, Dust: An Elysian Tail and Valdis Story.
Good to know. I tried the demo for OMD2, and I'm sold.Every level is doable on any difficulty single-player. The waves are tuned different for SP vs Co-Op. They usually show up as a daily or flash sale as well, so hold out and just grab the big franchise pack as the DLC adds some neat stuff to the game.
I don't need this...I have Divinity to play soon....but you guys are tempting me so badly.
First day playing Inquisitor, 10 hours played.
Seriously, is Marlow actually good? I've been seeing tons of posts about it in the Steam thread, and I can't tell if people actually enjoy it or if they're being sarcasticDivinity 2: Developer's Cut is really fun. Definitely worth the $4 it was at when I bought it.
Marlow Briggs is the best $1 I've spent on Steam.
Anyone know of any "streets of rage" "double dragon" type beat em ups with RPG elements like leveling up and looting???
Anyone know of any "streets of rage" "double dragon" type beat em ups with RPG elements like leveling up and looting???
You sound like you've read some things.First day playing Inquisitor, 10 hours played.
You sound like you've read some things.
Castle Crashers is what you are looking for.
Also Oniken is a rad NES game.
Castle Crashers, and Sacred Citadel. Sacred Citadel isn't bad, just beat it a few days ago. I really enjoyed it.
Seriously, is Marlow actually good? I've been seeing tons of posts about it in the Steam thread, and I can't tell if people actually enjoy it or if they're being sarcastic
And I have to agree. Marlow Briggs is surprisingly really fun. Nonstop actionI'm genuinely enjoying it. It's a faster-paced God of War with a somewhat self-aware storyline. Easily worth $1.