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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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Complete nonsence, I'd argue the complete opposite. The fact they delay it makes it clear that they know its importance in driving secondary and even tertiary sales. You can see it in the other thread too. Plenty of people happy to buy them all

The PC delay will simply be to maximise the console sales before PC piracy kicks in. It is what it is.

Even if that effect isn't as big as publishers worry it is, there really isn't a lot to lose on their part.

It's definitely bigger now with the DLC. BF3/4 balooned too.

Fair point

Oh god ;_;
Why though?

Because it sounds like starbase orion, which is brilliant.

Dr Dogg

That has put me off so many of them. Try a MMO for free? Sure why not! Oh it is a 700GB download?

Yeah probably not.

It's the way some lure you in. "Oh don't worry you don't have to download everything to play, just a portion". So you download the initial n-gb's and fire the game up but notice half the textures are missing. Then for having the audacity to select a race or class that it hasn't downloaded a good chunk of data for that starting area you're told to select another build. I can see some f2p games being the same.



What mango is that?


For you.
Complete nonsence, I'd argue the complete opposite. The fact they delay it makes it clear that they know its importance in driving secondary and even tertiary sales. You can see it in the other thread too. Plenty of people happy to buy them all

Maximizing sales is not really "caring".


Alienware Arena is giving away more steam discount vouchers.
Anomaly 50%, Broforce 25%, Crusader Kings II 75%, Drunken Robot Pornography 65%, Shadow Warrior 75%

Dr Dogg

Complete nonsence, I'd argue the complete opposite. The fact they delay it makes it clear that they know its importance in driving secondary and even tertiary sales. You can see it in the other thread too. Plenty of people happy to buy them all

I maybe fucking crazy and buy every Resident Evil or Metal Gear release under the sun but at least theres a good couple of years in between me rebuying those and there's usually some other trivial perk to buying essentially the same game again. Buying GTA V on the current consoles and then buying it again 2 months later on PC just seems a little silly to me. Then again a fool and his money...

Edit: Talk of the devil(s) as I just got a twitter notification that Rockstar and Playstation EU are tweeting about #GTA V. Guess they know where their bread is buttered then for the time being.

Yeah it sadly isn't that sort of GTA. Really solid game, but there isn't a lot else to do once you finish it.

That said, you can also sell the console versions to fund the PC release, so it isn't necessarily that bad of an idea. I myself sold my PS3 copy pretty soon after beating it, to make the PC rebuy a much more sensible one.

I can understand someone who want's to get it on a console to play with their friends and sometime later on down the line when the price is right and the community has formed around it pick up the PC version for the mods. Going by how committed the mod community has been since GTA 2, as long as Rockstar and TakeTwo don't block them I can see V being no different. But dropping £50/$60 and then two months latter doing the same again regardless of making a bit back on resell of the other copy and only getting a similar experience (albeit with hopefully the potential to look and run better) I see as playing into Rockstar's and T2's hands.

But hey ho who am I to judge, it's their money.
I maybe fucking crazy and buy every Resident Evil or Metal Gear release under the sun but at least theres a good couple of years in between me rebuying those and there's usually some other trivial perk to buying essentially the same game again. Buying GTA V on the current consoles and then buying it again 2 months later on PC just seems a little silly to me. Then again a fool and his money...

Yeah it sadly isn't that sort of GTA. Really solid game, but there isn't a lot else to do once you finish it.

That said, you can also sell the console versions to fund the PC release, so it isn't necessarily that bad of an idea. I myself sold my PS3 copy pretty soon after beating it, to make the PC rebuy a much more sensible one.


I maybe fucking crazy and buy every Resident Evil or Metal Gear release under the sun but at least theres a good couple of years in between me rebuying those and there's usually some other trivial perk to buying essentially the same game again. Buying GTA V on the current consoles and then buying it again 2 months later on PC just seems a little silly to me. Then again a fool and his money...

I would agree with you usually. But I think GTA is an exception here. A large franchise particularly popular with modders, given an actual good version may well make people jump, particularly if before hand at some point they demonstrate improvements or extra features which is a possibility. But it is certainly very different to the usual short delay that we such as with dark souls 2 where the console version and PC versions are very different


I think rockstar just didn't want to have their title during the sale. Even though they know they could get away without discounting it.
I'd be annoyed about the further delay if I hadn't already completed the game last year. For those who haven't though, it's worth the wait.


Yeah it sadly isn't that sort of GTA. Really solid game, but there isn't a lot else to do once you finish it.

GTA Online seems to be very popular (haven't tried myself). And let's say you can transfer your character between versions it could make sense for a big fan to get everything. I mean you can sell the console discs so the 'loss' isn't 100%.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Pretty sure the main reason for RDR not getting ported is the sorry state the developers left the code in due to terrible working conditions, internal quarrels and such.

That's just a rumour and not one I place much stock in. The entire point behind the development of RAGE was that it'd facilitate the creation of then-next-gen content, so the notion that RDR had to be butchered to run on the PS360 when the engine it uses was built specifically with next-gen consoles in mind doesn't strike me as particularly likely. My guess as to why RDR hasn't appeared on the PC yet would be that a PC release simply wasn't planned as Redemption was envisioned as a spiritual sequel to a console exclusive that R* rescued at the eleventh hour and released to modest success; the snowball of positive buzz for Redemption that continued increasing up until the game's release caught Take-Two off-guard and it simply wasn't able to slot in a PC port amongst R*'s schedule of LA Noire, Max Payne 3 and GTAV.


Well, lucky for you there is a group of insane people who wants to change all the stuff so it is gender neutral.
F.e. there wont be "Professor and Professorin" just "ProfessX". That sounds great.
Lucky for me, they are just a group of insane people and hopefully nobody takes them serious. You should try and learn Austrian*, it's a much nicer language and Austria is closer to Italy anyway :p

Not a real language

Well, but that would be too much logic I guess! :D
I mean, as far as I'm learning, I can't see any pattern of semantic fields regulating neuters.
Like, "das Hemd" is logic, but at the same time "der Mantel" or "der Rock" aren't. Or why dogs are masculine and cats feminine?
I dunno, we don't have neuter in Italy (and my memories of Latin are too foggy) so we're used to assign random genders to neuter stuff, but at least our word suffixes match their genders, so it's kinda easy to use the right article!

also sorry for going OT, is just that I'm in this absolutely random and likely fleeting learning spree, so I'm pretty much trying to drown in German as long as I can :p
I think rockstar just didn't want to have their title during the sale. Even though they know they could get away without discounting it.

This stinks of wanting to avoid pirates getting a copy of their game while they try to sell it on consoles. I honestly don't blame them for it, but it blows that we have to wait 2 months because they want to maximize all possible consoles sales before getting the game out on PC.
I spent around 60 hours with GTA V's single player, 20 of which was post-game. I get into the series a lot more than some though, often just spend hours driving around listening to the various radio stations. GTA IV and V are really the only games I've played to where I really do spend time just exploring the world and messing with the inhabitants. They really feel like real places as compared to something like Skyrim where 10 NPCs to a city.

And I have mixed opinions on GTA V Online. Same incredible world(although the ped density is reduced heavily) so just messing around in the free roam mode is a lot of fun. Combined with the various death match modes, races, parachuting, and actual missions it should be perfect. Main issue with it is that it just doesn't have the same Rockstar polish as the rest of the game. I actually really like the idea of earning money and advancing your character's position in the world but it just feels too slow. Then there are weird things oversights that just don't feel like Rockstar. For example if you go to the upscale clothing shop it stocks clothes from all other stores with no way to separate quality. Actually trying to find nice clothes is made somewhat difficult. There are just a lot of little things that add up to make it feel a bit like a transaction filled hellhole at times, but more often than not it works. You can find some pretty crazy videos on youtube of people messing around in free roam mode that really shows how much fun it can be. Advancing the player count to 30 can only help things.

Dr Dogg

I would agree with you usually. But I think GTA is an exception here. A large franchise particularly popular with modders, given an actual good version may well make people jump, particularly if before hand at some point they demonstrate improvements or extra features which is a possibility. But it is certainly very different to the usual short delay that we such as with dark souls 2 where the console version and PC versions are very different

Oh definitely but I doubt you're going to get to many mods within the first couple of months the game comes out. Christ we don't even know how it's going to run yet let alone what sort of PC would be needed to get the best results. As I said to toddhunter just above I get that some folks might want to play with their friends on a console version and pick it up on PC a bit down the road but straight after and at full price I can't see their being too much to benefit. But hey who knows we'll just have to wait and see how the console and PC versions pan out. If someone want's to buy 5 copies of GTA V more power to them.


Yeah because Max Payne was totally an Open World Sandbox game.

Oh wait, it wasn't.

Is that relevant? Max Payne 3 was still extremely optimized and, by all accounts, an excellent PC port.

If GTAV is extremely optimized, the open-world nature will simply require slightly more brute force to run.

GTA IV says otherwise.
Man, I'm glad I don't give a shit about GTA otherwise I probably would be angry right now.

Is that relevant? Obviously policies shifted within Rockstar in the interim 4 years between releases.

Just for reference, Steam had 25 million active users in 2009, which is one year after GTAIV was released on PC. Now Steam is likely approaching 85-90 million active users per month.


This stinks of wanting to avoid pirates getting a copy of their game while they try to sell it on consoles. I honestly don't blame them for it, but it blows that we have to wait 2 months because they want to maximize all possible consoles sales before getting the game out on PC.

I thought we were passed devs worrying that much about pirates. Tsk tsk.


Talking about Orborun, anybody had the steam key not to appear in Killjoy bundle besides me?

Ever since the UK ditched the BBFC for classifying games and adopted PEGI there appear to be more censoring going on Europe wide. It's not like every European country shares the same cultural values to be rated under one overarching set of guidelines. I mean check this out Mass Effect got rated as a 12 here because alien side boobs are not seen as or hardly anything to corrupt the youth whereas PEGI acting on behalf of 20+ countries throughout Europe deemed it an 18 because 'Adult Content'. There was a BBC production of Romeo and Juliet we had to watch as part of the school curriculum at about 12 that had more nudity than Mass Effect (and yes being a bunch of 12 years old, boys and girls alike were sniggering).

12 seems a bit early for Romeo and Juliet, not that I remember when we had it
to read
It makes me appreciate no censorship here that I'm aware of so much more, after reading stories of germansteamgaf


That's just a rumour and not one I place much stock in. The entire point behind the development of RAGE was that it'd facilitate the creation of then-next-gen content, so the notion that RDR had to be butchered to run on the PS360 when the engine it uses was built specifically with next-gen consoles in mind doesn't strike me as particularly likely. My guess as to why RDR hasn't appeared on the PC yet would be that a PC release simply wasn't planned as Redemption was envisioned as a spiritual sequel to a console exclusive that R* rescued at the eleventh hour and released to modest success; the snowball of positive buzz for Redemption that continued increasing up until the game's release caught Take-Two off-guard and it simply wasn't able to slot in a PC port amongst R*'s schedule of LA Noire, Max Payne 3 and GTAV.

That's definitely plausible. In that case a port isn't out of the question, I figure if they ever release one it will be alongside a PS4/XBO remaster as with GTAV.
Devs maybe, but shareholders and other people that have no firm grasp on economic realities? Not so much.

Economic realities?

Minimising risk on a multi-million dollar investment isn't exactly a bad idea. You also need to consider the effect on their next release and where they want those sales to initially be. The downside here is people will complain about it, but PC gamers who were going to buy it will still end up buying the game anyway.

When you factor in piracy and people buying the game for two keys and a bit of string, why wouldn't you delay it a couple of months?


Yeah because Max Payne was totally an Open World Sandbox game.

Oh wait, it wasn't.

If it uses the same engine as MP3 or it's given the ammount of care and optimization that MP3 was, unskipabble cutscenes aside, it's likely (hence the if in my post) that it's gonna be a good version.

Also what does the game's genre have to do with optimization? IIRC Red Faction Armageddon shared the same engine with SR3 and SR4 and RF:A was a TPS while SR3&4 were sandboxers. All 3 were well optimized from my experience.

Finally, what's with the tone? Sounds like you felt like i insulted you personally or something.


I'm this close to pulling the trigger on RE6 Complete, is the combat really that outstanding, and how about outside of Mercenaries? Are cutscenes skipable?
Now Rockstar even delays the PC port after the current gen versions.

God, I hope they optimize it at least. I don't want another GTA4 situation where I can't even run the game at steady 30 fps. Not to speak of 60 fps, which is straight up impossible to do in this game.


Economic realities?
I was replying to just the "devs worrying about piracy", not the PC delay and spread release which makes sense.

Pretty sure all devs know that their games will get pirated, no matter what they do.
Publishers keep coming out with these "look we lost so many millions due to pirates" bullshit stats based on downloads, when it's a fact that not every download equals a lost sale. The die hard pirates really weren't going to buy the game anyway, and then there's the people in third world countries that couldn't pay what amounts to a month's wages for one game, etc.
I'm this close to pulling the trigger on RE6 Complete, is the combat really that outstanding, and how about outside of Mercenaries? Are cutscenes skipable?

Best combat in a TPS game, and yes the cutscenes are skippable. A lot of people don't like the campaigns but outside of a horrendous start for Leon I think all of them are a lot of fun and incredibly weird in a great way. Chris's campaign in particular is really fun. Starts you out with a full squad in open combat before slowly isolating you against tougher and tougher enemies. Jake's campaign is just completely off the walls and has so many bizarre, unique gameplay elements in that I can't help but love it. It definitely feels like they threw in everything but the kitchen sink at times, but it worked for me.

There are definitely some bad sections, but given just how long the game is I think the quality ratio is pretty damn high. Not to mention the really ambitious coop elements. At times you will meet up with other players playing the campaign in order to fight a boss or a particularly tough group of enemies. And similar to Dark Souls you can be invaded by players who take control of the various monsters in the game. That mode is great and the amount of work put into letting most of the monster be controllable is pretty impressive. It was always terrifying for me when I saw that two players had just invaded my game and I had no herbs.


I'm this close to pulling the trigger on RE6 Complete, is the combat really that outstanding, and how about outside of Mercenaries? Are cutscenes skipable?

Played through the game with a good co-op partner near release. I wrote this Steam "review" a while back, maybe it answers some of your questions.

Cutscenes are skippable iirc and i quite liked the campaign(s). I played through them using the recommended chapter order (it's in the Steam guide section) for the story to make more sense.
Yeah, I made it finally!


After several attempts, the last succesful one took me maybe over 2 hours, I have eventually finished level 6-5, that's probably the most difficult one in the game; in the end I had just a few tiles left that I had already solved previously, but I could not recall how.



There was a BBC production of Romeo and Juliet we had to watch as part of the school curriculum at about 12 that had more nudity than Mass Effect (and yes being a bunch of 12 years old, boys and girls alike were sniggering).

In religion class when I was 13, the teacher showed us a movie about a women being raped by a street gang. It was REALLY graphical. I'm still not sure what was the point... was it to show us to be good people seeing how hurt the women was? No idea.

My brother had a book to read from school when he was 14 where a girl petted a dog's privates and then let it have sex with her.

... WTF is wrong with high schools over here...
I was replying to just the "devs worrying about piracy", not the PC delay and spread release which makes sense.

Pretty sure all devs know that their games will get pirated, no matter what they do.
Publishers keep coming out with these "look we lost so many millions due to pirates" bullshit stats based on downloads, when it's a fact that not every download equals a lost sale. The die hard pirates really weren't going to buy the game anyway, and then there's the people in third world countries that couldn't pay what amounts to a month's wages for one game, etc.

That may be true, but remember there are always two games being played.

The downloads = sales bullshit is just postering so lawmakers crack down on piracy and have some nice big figures to throw around in congress to show it is a serious problem.

Meanwhile you can bet publishers are making decisions seriously based on real data. They would know exactly how many sales they expect on each platform and the effect staggered releases have on a title. These are massive businessess after all and they are accountable to shareholders.

They crunch all those numbers and here we are.


Best combat in a TPS game, and yes the cutscenes are skippable. A lot of people don't like the campaigns but outside of a horrendous start for Leon I think all of them are a lot of fun and incredibly weird in a great way. Chris's campaign in particular is really fun. Starts you out with a full squad in open combat before slowly isolating you against tougher and tougher enemies. Jake's campaign is just completely off the walls and has so many bizarre, unique gameplay elements in that I can't help but love it. It definitely feels like they threw in everything but the kitchen sink at times, but it worked for me.

There are definitely some bad sections, but given just how long the game is I think the quality ratio is pretty damn high. Not to mention the really ambitious coop elements. At times you will meet up with other players playing the campaign in order to fight a boss or a particularly tough group of enemies. And similar to Dark Souls you can be invaded by players who take control of the various monsters in the game. That mode is great and the amount of work put into letting most of the monster be controllable is pretty impressive. It was always terrifying for me when I saw that two players had just invaded my game and I had no herbs.

Played through the game with a good co-op partner near release. I wrote this Steam "review" a while back, maybe it answers some of your questions.

Cutscenes are skippable iirc and i quite liked the campaign(s). I played through them using the recommended chapter order (it's in the Steam guide section) for the story to make more sense.

Alright you got me, especially the bolded as that's what I played for one or two hours before and put me off the game the most.


Does not have twelve inches...
Even if MP3 was a great port I have my fair share of doubts about the performance of the new GTA, I guess we'll find out next year, which sucks.

Dr Dogg

Economic realities?

Minimising risk on a multi-million dollar investment isn't exactly a bad idea. You also need to consider the effect on their next release and where they want those sales to initially be. The downside here is people will complain about it, but PC gamers who were going to buy it will still end up buying the game anyway.

When you factor in piracy and people buying the game for two keys and a bit of string, why wouldn't you delay it a couple of months?

I'd be curious to see if GTA V gets region locked right out the gate or it's left open for a while before being locked down.

I was replying to just the "devs worrying about piracy", not the PC delay and spread release which makes sense.

Pretty sure all devs know that their games will get pirated, no matter what they do.
Publishers keep coming out with these "look we lost so many millions due to pirates" bullshit stats based on downloads, when it's a fact that not every download equals a lost sale. The die hard pirates really weren't going to buy the game anyway, and then there's the people in third world countries that couldn't pay what amounts to a month's wages for one game, etc.

To be fair I haven't heard many pubs going on about piracy much these days. The last big ho-hah was that Ubisoft rep declaring that 95% of 'their consumers' would pirate their Ghost Recon game anyway as to why is wasn't coming (I don't think Unisoft knew what a consumer was back then). It did in the end but didn't it have some performance related problems?


The last person I recall to talk honestly and frankly about their game and piracy was Miles Jacobson of Sports Interactive. Instead of bandying around figures garnered from torrent sites they calculated it from unregistered copies that still called home and they lodged their IP address. They also speculated that out of the amount of people who did pirate the game that only about 2% would have bought it anyway.

was this posted already?

popped up in greenlight recently: Miko Gakkou Monogatari

edited: it's not VN, btw

As much as I love animu and doujin-games, but both of these games looks really... like a cheap Doujin-game...

I mean the art is good, but the graphics in both of the games and the actual gameplay looks really bad.


As much as I love animu and doujin-games, but both of these games looks really... like a cheap Doujin-game...

I mean the art is good, but the graphics in both of the games and the actual gameplay looks really bad.

I'm not entirely sure why they went 3D route, seems a lot of hassle, more work and looks less detailed.
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