Hey remember a week or so ago when I laid out my case that Capcom is no longer able to to launch full-price AAA games and went over a bunch of stuff. And now Capcom's big TGS announcement is a <$30 multiplayer RE spinoff made in Unity... and still subsidized by Sony? *crickets*
Users sell keys to this website that then sells it to consumers. You never know where the key came from.
Keys bought in other regions or by stolen credit cards.
Isn't castle crashers on pc getting that remastered version?
or is that just a console thing?
Hey remember a week or so ago when I laid out my case that Capcom is no longer able to to launch full-price AAA games and went over a bunch of stuff. And now Capcom's big TGS announcement is a <$30 multiplayer RE spinoff made in Unity... and still subsidized by Sony? *crickets*
Ready to be stunned.
Yeah, the writing has been in the wall for a while , with their need of platform holders deals to be able to launch AAA big budget games, and the recent reliance in remakes/remasters. (which iccidentely I believe it's a good place to take focus in, in their many good IPs and classics that could really be revisited and improved)
I've said it before that Capcom would have a hard time surviving this generation. At the very least they've been smart by downscaling their efforts and offsetting the risk of their bigger ventures to platform holders, but I wonder if that will be enough to keep them afloat.
Keygens are less of a thing because online activation exists, so there's no longer a formula to generate keys, just a list of valid keys that are checked on activation.
They just fucked up in investing so much of their profits from the monhun games into a not well thought out mobile venture.
Hey remember a week or so ago when I laid out my case that Capcom is no longer able to to launch full-price AAA games and went over a bunch of stuff. And now Capcom's big TGS announcement is a <$30 multiplayer RE spinoff made in Unity... and still subsidized by Sony? *crickets*
Makes sense about sony. Since I was wondering why there wasn't a Xbox One confirmation. Still curious about RE7 though. If that ends up as an exclusive it's gonna be nuts.
New Bundle Stars
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat
Worms Revolution
Demonicon: The Dark Eye
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
One Finger Death Punch
Decay: The Mare
It will either be a exclusive or a lower budget effort. Though if it is a exclusive chances are that it will still release on PC so there's that at least.
Did anybody get the free "Blood of Old" Key @ Indiegala?
When I try to get the key in my account it says "No serial available yet."
RE is still their top selling franchise. Though I could see them not killing the budget like they did on RE6.
They needed a platform holder's help to be able to make Street Fighter V. One of their biggest franchises.Let that sink in.
How is it that games like resident evil fart out sequel after sequel while actual good games like Alan Wake only get a spin off?
My advice: he shouldn't have pulled those numbers. or any numbers for that matter
Hmmmm.... Would there be any legal reason to pull numbers? Surely not?
They needed a platform holder's help to be able to make Street Fighter V. One of their biggest franchises.Let that sink in.
They're just playing it very risk adverse. From the sound of things we were going to get SFV just not as soon as we are now. Sony basically got the boosters going sooner.
That's not to say RE7 as a exclusive is a impossibility.
Steam Spy is in a very tenuous position as Valve could revoke their access to the data at any time.
Best to keep as low-key as possible.
Capcom are just very risk adverse right now. They are focussing on high-margin, low-investment remasters and partnerships rather than taking on higher risk projects.
It is 1910, Christmas Eve and you're a swedish priest suspected of murdering one of his altar boys who just vanished into thin air a few days ago. Guilty or not, you find yourself trapped in the middle of strange events involving demonic possession and divine apparition. Your main goal is to find the boy and be sure that you won't hear the "swoosh" of the blade of the guillotine. Demonic manifestations will occur all the time, trying to lure you into delusion (reminding you of your past sins). Everything you'll see in game will be of an extreme importance in order to escape this hell.
Gray Dawn is a first person horror game that involves puzzle solving.
New Bundle Stars
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat
Worms Revolution
Demonicon: The Dark Eye
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
One Finger Death Punch
Decay: The Mare
Alan Wake wasn't actually a good game, though.
Although I don't think anyone was waiting for Resident Evil Counterstrike.
what fuckery is this?
how can anyone not like alan wake?
It was the butchered corpse of what might have been a good game, and you know it.
The enemies were laughable, the spawn-trigger-volumes ridiculously placed and multi-triggering, the combat was repetitive as fuck, the "platforming" was finnicky...
Also the lipsyncing wasn't well executed.
Jotun continues to look fantastic
From what I've played, first game in a while to really capture that SoTC atmosphere of being a small warrior fighting something towering and powerful
spawn rate complaints seem kind of like a nitpick certainly doesn't make it a bad game.
It was the butchered corpse of what might have been a good game, and you know it.
The enemies were laughable, the spawn-trigger-volumes ridiculously placed and multi-triggering, the combat was repetitive as fuck, the "platforming" was finnicky...
nitpicks abound.
not every game can have LA Noire facial tech or whatever it was called
I had lots of fun ghost busting shadow people.
and the story was cool in that outer limits/twilight zone/stephen king kind of way.
spawn rate complaints seem kind of like a nitpick certainly doesn't make it a bad game.
opionions will be opinions though
nitpicks abound.
not every game can have LA Noire facial tech or whatever it was called