playin this new steam game called try not to die from asthma
pretty addicting, no card drops tho
pretty addicting, no card drops tho
It ran like that for me and w/ tesselation on a 7770 back when I played it. Just great.Man the Max Payne 3 PC port is kinda amazing. Not only does it still look really good (especially the gun effects and destruction) it runs super smooth. I don't think I've seen it drop below 60 and I have it maxed out on a mostly stock Alienware Alpha.
If only we could get Vanquish on PC. Come on Sega.
Hmm, I wouldn't mind playing that game right now, need some new clothes.
playin this new steam game called try not to die from asthma
pretty addicting, no card drops tho
I'm dying, let me take a picture guys.
911 will need to make an Instagram soon to know who needs medical assistance.
Good tip, will disable motion blur. Think I'll search for a way to up the FOV as well. Pretty narrow.I've felt slightly motion sick playing it before too. Do you have motion blur enabled? Turning that off might help. I really like SR3 though. Been meaning to play more of the PC version.
Thanks! Took me more time than I'd like to admit and embarrassingly fun toying while creating the perfect woman lolI like your character~ ^^
playin this new steam game called try not to die from asthma
pretty addicting, no card drops tho
Homie said GTAIV is fun
Shit is fun breh, one of the best games period.
GTA IV is still one of the best games of all times
Homie said GTAIV is fun
Chilean healthcare system is pretty robust for a country that looks like a dried skinny pepper on the world map
Chilean healthcare system is pretty robust for a country that looks like a dried skinny pepper on the world map
If it makes you feel better you have like 30-40 hours of mgsv left.
GTA IV is still one of the best games of all times and has much more advanced physics than even GTA V. I love V but the downgrades compared to IV and Red Dead really hurt immersion at times(still far above other games though)
Shame Euphoria got bought out by fucking Zynga :/
Yo ass tried Singulair? They're some really great tablets / pills. They literally cured my asthma... Atleast for a while; I got a viral lung-infection that kickstarted it again, but I'll be damned if they don't enable me so I can do just about anything. I've started running 4-5km every other day, and I'm not choking and wheezing after 10 meters anymore!
Good stuff, man.
(Some pharmaceutical companies brand it as Montelukast)
Spelunky is really fun. Impressed. After I loose all my lives I start from 1-1 though (haven't gone further than 1-2 lol). But there are checkpoints, right?
Bro.Spelunky is really fun. Impressed. After I loose all my lives I start from 1-1 though (haven't gone further than 1-2 lol). But there are checkpoints, right?
Spelunky is really fun. Impressed. After I loose all my lives I start from 1-1 though (haven't gone further than 1-2 lol). But there are checkpoints, right?
It's the Dark Souls of platformers.
Ive gotten to the ice world (world 3) twice, never got passed 3-1Spelunky is really fun. Impressed. After I loose all my lives I start from 1-1 though (haven't gone further than 1-2 lol). But there are checkpoints, right?
Would you say it was trash and a mistake?"Dark Souls of X" is the worst thing ever.
dark souls
these all once had meaning.
dark souls
these all once had meaning.
Anime never had meaning. It was always trash.I fixed it for you.
dark souls
these all once had meaning.
dark souls
these all once had meaning.
dark souls
these all once had meaning.
Anime never had meaning. It was always trash.
Go buy Assault Android Cactus!
Thanks! Took me more time than I'd like to admit and embarrassingly fun toying while creating the perfect woman lol
word. now every indie game be like "breh we're tots metroidvania/rouge-like" or some dev be like "yo bros, we got dem dark souls vibes, come through with that wallet boy".
stfu, you clearly haven't seen the best anime of all time, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, else you wouldn't be spewing that kind of nonsense
What's up with different sized fonts? And is there a traditional Chinese version?This thing's going global...
What's up with different sized fonts? And is there a traditional Chinese version?
playin this new steam game called try not to die from asthma
pretty addicting, no card drops tho
Spelunky is really fun. Impressed. After I loose all my lives I start from 1-1 though (haven't gone further than 1-2 lol). But there are checkpoints, right?
GTA IV was the point where Rockstar began abandoning all of the game-ier elements of Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row embraced them and went from this terrible, trashy GTA knock-off to a ludicrously fun open world game with The Third.
It's like that debate about Max Payne that was going on earlier in this thread, one poster was arguing that MP3 wasn't noir because it was the campy, pulpy noir like MP1 and MP2. MP3 tried to be so deadly serious when its predecessors were largely ridiculous. Although you could argue Fall of Max Payne was a half-step away from the ludicrous camp of the first game.
Would buying Mad Max from Funstock be cool for an American duder like myself?