I'm almost sure this guy has no idea how many sprites are there
Krisan Thyme said:I've already extracted most of the graphics, and am working on something for reinsertion now. I'll be adding this game to the modding community soon: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ff-modding
It's a psx game. You're not going to get a whole lot more out of a PC port.Grandia is on sale on PSN, I wonder if it will ever be released on PC. I mean, even if I buy it, I won't play it anytime soon, so I'll probably skip it hoping for the best.
It's a psx game. You're not going to get a whole lot more out of a PC port.
I bought it a while back on psn myself so I can play it on he go with the vita.
So, do it duder.
So I started Ground Zeroes, got to a part where the game told me to Hold L2 to aim while i was in cover.
I should not have done that :V Alerted the entire friggin base lol.
Also what's up with all the advanced tech in 1974? If you're gonna have that shit may as well give me a soloton radar like in MGS1.
Also what's up with all the advanced tech in 1974? If you're gonna have that shit may as well give me a soloton radar like in MGS1.
Please don't think about this. Expecially if you are going to play TPP.
What happened to GTA4?
Wasn't R* working on it, probably to remove GFWL and Securom?
The community hub is a graveyard, no one can play the game anymore it seems because it won't even start on Win 10.
Its like everyonw forgot since Snake Eater the series is basically on cyberpunk territorySo I started Ground Zeroes, got to a part where the game told me to Hold L2 to aim while i was in cover.
I should not have done that :V Alerted the entire friggin base lol.
Also what's up with all the advanced tech in 1974? If you're gonna have that shit may as well give me a soloton radar like in MGS1.
Yikes. Fire in high buildings are usually horrible death traps. Hope no one was injured.
I tried out Tunnerbear after reaching FlyVPN's daily connect limit but it wants me to register :/ Any way to use it without an account?
Sins of the Father Live! Vocal by Donna Burke
Yikes. Fire in high buildings are usually horrible death traps. Hope no one was injured.
Wow, that can't be normal then? What are they doing in that building?It's just steam.
Its like everyonw forgot since Snake Eater the series is basically on cyberpunk territory
It's just steam.
So, uh - anyone have recommendations for an MMORPG?
I'm burnt out on WoW. It's been nearly a year with only a single raid added via patch content.
I was going to try Wildstar, but NCSOFT fucked up my order of the game so badly that it's put me off supporting them.
Guild Wars 2 doesn't have any real end game PVE. Also, NCSOFT.
FFXIV is fun, but the GCD is a bit slow and the areas being small to fit on the PS3 really kill the sense of an MMO to me.
TERA isn't my style. Don't like the aesthetics.
SWTOR is bad. Just bad.
weird hovering vehiclesFunnily enough I'm trying to remember what the mega advanced tech they used in that game.
From what I do remember, there's just the radar and the not-Metal Gear right?
A normal building shouldn't make that much steam.
Depends on the weather conditions on how impactful a steam leak looks. The same size leak will look like nothing at one time of the year and a fog bank another time. It all depends on how quickly the compressed hot water cools down and condenses.
Because lightning and friends are not only dull characters, we didnt need them, shitty gameplay and their garbage plot shoved down our throats for an entire generation.
Did Lightning kick your dog or something?
That was just a general change by Valve.
There was actual changes earlier (End of July) to San Andreas, 4 & EFLC.
Those were based on this:weird hovering vehicles
When is Galak-Z coming to PC? Have yet to start the PS4 version, so not sure if i shold start on it.
Which Dawn of War 1 xpac has the best singleplayer campaign?
From this article back in July: http://www.pcgamer.com/why-galak-zs-acrobatic-space-shootouts-will-be-best-on-pc/
He says he hopes to have it out by the end of September, but that is looking a bit unlikely, so maybe October? I remember them saying something like when the free episode DLC for PS4 would be out, the PC version would be around that time.
Looks like something you'd use to get out of a room in a first person puzzle game, just need to reprogram the failsafe.
You asked for him; you got him!
Hes a legend among RPG fans, with some of the most impressive credentials in the world of games writing and now hes agreed to help us bring the characters of D:OS2 to life!
Chris Avellone (Planescape: Torment; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, Fallout: New Vegas) has agreed develop and write at least one of the playable origin stories in the game, meaning fans of his work will get to play through Divinity: Original Sin 2, Avellone-style.
Check out the video below, in which Swen and Chris seal the deal:
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Kickstarter Update 13: Is that a Yes?
How did it happen?
Before we launched our Kickstarter campaign, we asked the community what sort of reward and ideas they had in mind for our campaign. You guys came up with some interesting stuff, and one of the highest-voted ideas was getting Chris Avellone on board as a writer.
With 953 votes, the "Chris Avellone" goal was one of the highest-voted in our poll.
Plenty of folks on the Larian team are fans of Chris work, but we hadnt yet considered bringing him on for D:OS2. Intrigued, Swen sent him an innocent Tweet, and the two met up at PAX.
What happened there will probably remain a secret forever, but whatever it was, both gentlemen seem to be very enthusiastic about the collaboration. Here's what they had to say:
Chris: "This is the first time I think the community is responsible for bringing two developers together who might not have crossed paths... and especially for such a great project. I have a lot of respect for Larian Studios, Swen, and Divinity: Original Sin; it's one of the best game Kickstarters ever. I met Swen at PAX Prime, talked about RPGs for hours, and at the end of it, it was clear we were on the same page. Now? We're primed to do something great, and I'm proud to be part of it."
Swen: "Its a huge honor to have one of our favorite developers on board for the game. Chris credentials are sterling, so of course I was very nervous about showing him what wed been working on. When it turned out that he was enthusiastic about it, I was absolutely giddy! Its a real honor to have one of the masters on board to help us improve our narrative and charactersI honestly cant wait to get started."
This another great example of how a Kickstarter community can affect the development of a game in a positive way. We are all looking forward to what Chris will come up with, as much as many of you will be.
One step ahead of me lashman!
anyone happen to have one of those Wildstar keys from when it was $1 in the humble bundle? goes f2p in 4 days but Im jonesing for some kind of mmo this weekend and nothing is tickling my fancy
Steam is invisible guys.
Steam is invisible guys.
[URL="http://store.steampowered.com/app/387870"]Mold on Pizza Deluxe[/URL][/QUOTE]
Oh! pizza warfare, the game we deserve is finally here
[SPOILER]btw, you can thank me for cards, folks
no, I haven't drawn them, I asked for them[/SPOILER]
good news about Chris Avellone