STEAM | September 2015 - The Phantom Pre-Load or: AAA Movies Are Just +1s To Us

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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Alright I'm done.

Thanks again, one and all, for doing that. I've got a huge work project I'm having to take care of today but hopefully tomorrow(?) I'll be able to add more stuff that needs translating.
Got my shortcut :D Bow down to the master of Spelunking!!

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Got my shortcut :D Bow down to the master of Spelunking!!

Take comfort in knowing that it is generally considered the most challenging world to master.

That was the second shortcut right? Unlocking the third one is the most fun :) Good luck


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
if you like batman universe sure they are good

I think this is only fair to say if you're the type that'd watch Adam West prepare scrambled eggs because he once played Batman.

The gameplay of the Lego series is something you are either on board with or not and no license is really going to improve that.

Serious Sam 2's script was pretty good.

Getting your daily serving of steaming hot bullshit lies in early today, are we?

I'll admit that Serious Sam 2 is the most creative of the series, though.


"the journey to a thousand games ends with bad rats. ~Lao Tzu" ~Gabe Newell
Got my shortcut :D Bow down to the master of Spelunking!!

You will not learn the game properly when you use the tunnels :)

Indie Gala "FRIDAY FUNDAY" Bundle #1

Pilot Crusader (STEAM)
Naninights (STEAM)
Urizen Shadows of the Cold (STEAM)
Get Rich or Die Gaming (STEAM)
gShift (STEAM)
Break Into Zatwor (STEAM) +

Hektor (STEAM) +
Arclight Cascade (STEAM) +
StoryMode - A Game About Crafting (STEAM)
After The End: The Harvest (STEAM)
gShift (STEAM)
Egyptian Senet (STEAM)
Abduction Action! Plus (STEAM)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
oh cool, my PS4 is dead

because thats what I need

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
You will not learn the game probably when you use the shortcuts :)

A lot of people seem to think this, but I really disagree. Using the shortcuts is the best way to learn the game at a certain stage, to familiarize yourself with the later worlds that you're not good enough to reach consistently.

Seems like everyone think they started going straight for hell runs as beginners :p
If they ever port Grandia to PC, they should use the superior Saturn version.

i *believe* there might some issues with putting Grandia 1 on other platforms as Grandia was localized internally by Sony's North American branch. They may have to relocalize it or license the localization but i admit im ignorant on who has the rights to localizations and how that whole thing works.

I think the time for Grandia to have hit was before Grandia 2 and not after but hey what do i know about these things, maybe it's better the other way around


i *believe* there might some issues with putting Grandia 1 on other platforms as Grandia was localized internally by Sony's North American branch. They may have to relocalize it or license the localization but i admit im ignorant on who has the rights to localizations and how that whole thing works.

I think the time for Grandia to have hit was before Grandia 2 and not after but hey what do i know about these things, maybe it's better the other way around

Wasn't the Sega Saturn version in english too? Anyway I grabbed the PSX version and I'm ok with this, at the moment. Maybe this time I'll managed to beat the final boss.


Indie Gala "FRIDAY FUNDAY" Bundle #1

Pilot Crusader (STEAM)
Naninights (STEAM)
Urizen Shadows of the Cold (STEAM)
Get Rich or Die Gaming (STEAM)
gShift (STEAM)
Break Into Zatwor (STEAM) +

Hektor (STEAM) +
Arclight Cascade (STEAM) +
StoryMode - A Game About Crafting (STEAM)
After The End: The Harvest (STEAM)
gShift (STEAM)
Egyptian Senet (STEAM)
Abduction Action! Plus (STEAM)

There's, like, nothing relatively fun about any of these games.


The farthest I have ever gotten in spelunky was funny enough my first time playing the game. Tried a few more times and never got that far. Also subsequently dropped the game from ever being played again.


"the journey to a thousand games ends with bad rats. ~Lao Tzu" ~Gabe Newell
A lot of people seem to think this, but I really disagree. Using the shortcuts is the best way to learn the game at a certain stage, to familiarize yourself with the later worlds that you're not good enough to reach consistently.

Seems like everyone think they started going straight for hell runs as beginners :p

I played for 90 hours and still haven't beaten hell :p

So I do kinda suck at this game, but I never used the tunnels!

But you are of course right, the tunnels are a legitimate way to train the worlds

There's, like, nothing relatively fun about any of these games.

Activating the ones i didn't own was kinda fun :p
if you like batman universe sure they are good

Its good but rather weak. Lego Batman 2 and Lego Marvel Super Heroes are both way better than this. There is lots of fan service in Lego Batman 3 so thats a plus if you are a dc comics fan.

They are simplistic games. I wouldn't bother unless you're going to be playing a lot of co-op with someone and really enjoy the theme.

Alright, thanks for the info. I'll sleep on it as I still have a few days to make a decision.


i *believe* there might some issues with putting Grandia 1 on other platforms as Grandia was localized internally by Sony's North American branch. They may have to relocalize it or license the localization but i admit im ignorant on who has the rights to localizations and how that whole thing works.

I think the time for Grandia to have hit was before Grandia 2 and not after but hey what do i know about these things, maybe it's better the other way around

I thought they would just fix the original PC port a bit, so at the time bringing Grandia II first was the obvious choice.
I have no clue what's the next Game Arts PC port going to be. Hope it's either Grandia or Ragnarok Odyssey Ace, but I have a feeling it'll be Lunar PSP.
I thought they would just fix the original PC port a bit, so at the time bringing Grandia II first was the obvious choice.
I have no clue what's the next Game Arts PC port going to be. Hope it's either Grandia or Ragnarok Odyssey Ace, but I have a feeling it'll be Lunar PSP.

ehh half the charm of those Lunar games came from Working Design's localizations and it's no wonder that the series hasn't been the same since

If it isn't LSSS Complete then frankly they can keep it.
The JSawyer mod and a UI mod are all you need. The bestest FONV experience available.

I had a texture mod installed that made a world of difference to the game's visuals, can't go back to vanilla.
Didn't know about the one linked though, reminds me of the ones that were released for TW1 and TW2 by the game's combat designer in the sense that they aren't official but come from one of the game's designers and represent his uncompromised vision for the game.
Looks like the latest Groupees Be Mine, BeMineLE is going to start in about half an hour. No pre-order but the admins suggested it would be priced like a pre-order so $2.50 or so. Contains Brawl.

There is also another coming at the same so that looks particularly junky.


Looks like the latest Groupees Be Mine, BeMineLE is going to start in about half an hour. No pre-order but the admins suggested it would be priced like a pre-order so $2.50 or so. Contains Brawl.

There is also another coming at the same so that looks particularly junky.

They need to make another bundle worth $5 so I can cash in my groupees coin.


I was wondering how the coins work actually. I'm up to $6.24 now, do they give change? If I buy a $1 bundle is it all gone?

No change.You probably bought the Hello kitty bundle so you have one that's worth $1 and another that's worth $5. And of course you don't get your change back, and you can't purchase several bundles at the same time. You can pay the difference if the bundle costs more than the coin, though.


D: OS 2 just hit $1.65 million, reached dedicated mod support. Don't know if they're going to hit the final two stretch goals, but I'm happy with those reached and Chris Avellone.
It's decent enough. It's kind of like a 2D monster hunter but nowhere as good. If you like that sort of thing you might enjoy it.

I always thought i was going to love Mercernart Kings but i got it during that humble bundle and played it for like an hour. Co-op seems pretty integral to enjoyment.
I always thought i was going to love Mercernart Kings but i got it during that humble bundle and played it for like an hour. Co-op seems pretty integral to enjoyment.

I played it single player and enjoyed it well enough. I did get it "free" from PS+ though so maybe I wouldn't have liked it as much if I had paid for it.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I played for 90 hours and still haven't beaten hell :p

So I do kinda suck at this game, but I never used the tunnels!

But you are of course right, the tunnels are a legitimate way to train the worlds

Let's just say I'm kind of glad that there exist no play log on the Vita :p
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