Smh..You kids need to learn what Onimusha is.No kidding, dude even looks like Geralt.

Smh..You kids need to learn what Onimusha is.No kidding, dude even looks like Geralt.
Smh..You kids need to learn what Onimusha is.
Yeah I thought the same thing when I saw the image. I was so happy for a moment. I haven't heard any news about a new Onimusha game. But damn, I want one so bad.First time I saw that game I thought it was Onimusha XP
Let's see if Capcpom can get the Onimusha IP up and running game in 2016~
Yep so you can know the pain. Since the same thing happens to me. Smash is the bigger example, everyone loves that roster. But there's no one that really does anything for me there now. So even though I play it with friends, my interest in it is pretty dulled. Compared to the game prior.
Smash roster has greninja and the god king mewtwo, they even threw in duck hunt and jr. Youre just unreasonable, snake isnt coming back, get over it. All hail the God King, MewtwoYep so you can know the pain. Since the same thing happens to me. Smash is the bigger example, everyone loves that roster. But there's no one that really does anything for me there now. So even though I play it with friends, my interest in it is pretty dulled. Compared to the game prior.
I wish Ice Climbers would return too..
Smash roster has greninja and the god king mewtwo, they even threw in duck hunt and jr. Youre just unreasonable, snake isnt coming back, get over it. All hail the God King, Mewtwo
If they let me Fulton soccer specialists from the Middle East and Africa then I can see it happening.
I laughed, thanks
Hey Atlus
Since you delayed P5 til next year.
Just maybe
Totally consider releasing it on Steam.
It'll cover up a lot of costs if you release it a few months after PS4 *wink wink nudge nudge*
On consoles at least.
Didnt they promised a 2015 Release not even a month or two ago?
Didnt they promised a 2015 Release not even a month or two ago?
No offense, but you actually believed that?
My brain said no, but my heart said yes.
No offense, but you actually believed that?
I wanted to believe. I was holding on to my ps3 in hopes it would happen.![]()
Persona aren't good games anyway guys, don't fret that it's not on PC.
Persona aren't good games anyway guys, don't fret that it's not on PC.
Well don't feel to depressed about it, but look at it this way-
On the plus side it'll give them more time to make it a great and entertaining RPG experience :3
Well PS4 would perform better I think, but since you got a PS3, you can play Yakuza 5 since that had some Atlus translators working on it I think.
True dat. But im still baffled on why they kept promising a 2015 release.
I hope you are not being sarcastic because it is true.
SMT is goat.
Persona is more about the animes and the waifu, which means if it were on Steam it would sell billions
Every game I buy and play, I start losing interest to finish it. Especially JRPG's, since I loved them. I don't understand them as much now.
I'm being serious, they just come off as weird anime nonsense with typical boring JRPG gameplay to me. I played some of 4 on Vita and just couldn't really see what the appeal was.
Those bumpers on the original xb1 controller take some getting used to though.Bought the Xbox One controller for PC, I'm really liking it so far. So gooood.
and lol @ salsa and his 3DS
I actually think Gotham is surprisingly okay considering the WB stuff, which is god damn awful. Flash and Arrow are impossible to watch
I watch Gotham ocassionally and enjoy it. dude playing Penguin is good, Alfred too
Shame you didn't enjoy it, P4 was great experience to me, the little sims meta is weirdly addicting and made its comfy play.I'm being serious, they just come off as weird anime nonsense with typical boring JRPG gameplay to me. I played some of 4 on Vita and just couldn't really see what the appeal was
As you grow older your tastes change; you being Milamber a jRPG would be pointless to play unless it had high school girls kiyaaa-ing and moaning as you play throughout the game.
I would have even agreed to you to a point, but then you go and write "weird anime nonsense"... what negates any benefit of a doubt I was going to give.
I only consider to buy PS4 cause Persona, will help a lot if its came to steam.. other JRPG like SO5 and FF XV I can kinda see coming to Steam, but not Persona
Shame you didn't enjoy it, P4 was great experience to me, the little sims meta is weirdly addicting and made its comfy play.
Atlus right now:
Capcom has evolved in that respect
I had a chance to chat with Resident Evil Zero producer Tsukasa Takenaka today, and one particular thing that stood out to me was his response to a PC-centric question I asked.
When I asked how Capcom has evolved in regards to their PC support, he responded, "well, we really got a lot of help from our western offices there. At first, we just wanted a few different resolutions for some recent PC games such as Resident Evil HD. But the western audiences demanded more resolution options, basically every option available. So we adapted, and started learning more about PC development."
Takenaka went on to state, "if you recall in the past, we often delayed PC releases in favor of consoles. Here in Japan, PC gaming is not as big as it is in the west. So it took time to adapt. Now, you'll see more simultaneous PC releases, like in the case of HD Remake and Revelations 2. We're getting to a good place where we feel like we can meet PC player's expectations."
Stay tuned for my full interview with Takenaka, as well as hands-on impressions with the game.
wut lol.
How else would I describe a bunch of school kids that get sucked into tv to fight monsters, and then some trash can looking teddy bear guy, like what in the world is going on? That's about the most anime-ass sounding anime stuff I can think of.
IDK, crazy fun? There are a lot of bad things to be said about Persona games (newer ones, especially 3) but that general inventiveness and craziness is not one of those. This is actually a good thing, it makes games less boring than they are. It's only "weird anime nonsense" if you decide to look at it this way, meaning are biased.
I'm being serious, they just come off as weird anime nonsense with typical boring JRPG gameplay to me. I played some of 4 on Vita and just couldn't really see what the appeal was.
Pretty sure they're not :V
meh, we had this in Germany for years now
That was pretty awesome. I hope they'll implement VAC or something on MGO PC though or atleast create cheater lobbies.