Is Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate any good?
is great on 3ds, i suppose is the same with steam version...
Is Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate any good?
As of today, the recent and overall review scores we show at the top of a product page will no longer include reviews written by customers that activated the game through a Steam product key.
Edit: posted too fast
is great on 3ds, i suppose is the same with steam version...
Ladybaby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Baby Metal
So Steam Product Keys are second tier folks now? There should be some better way to combat astroturfing than keeping Steam Product Keys from reviews.
You know, knowing how many people get it from keys compared to direct steam purchases is a interesting bit of data.
So Steam Product Keys are second tier folks now? There should be some better way to combat astroturfing than keeping Steam Product Keys from reviews.
Well, it's a good way to bring business to Steam itself.
All those curators now have to buy games on Steam directly instead of (perhaps cheaper) elsewhere.
EDIT: I'm not saying it's a good thing. Just that it's a smart business decision.
You know, knowing how many people get it from keys compared to direct steam purchases is a interesting bit of data. I can't agree with the dumb "key reviews cannot be at the top", but aside from that it's cool.
oh, wait
"Customers that received the game from a source outside of Steam (e.g. via a giveaway site, purchased from another digital or retail store, or received for testing purposes from the developer) will still be able to write a review of the game on Steam to share their experience. These reviews will still be visible on the store page, but they will no longer contribute to the score."
well, FUCK THAT. That's terrible.
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ReCore reviews are pretty bad. 64 metacritic.
PC version seems to be the way to go tho with 60fps and better load times.
Should be out on Steam in time for the winter seal![]()
For TIS-100/Spacechem fans:
The idea of this game is a lot better than the game itself turned out to be. I applaud the creators for putting it together with such limited resources and I hope they will be able to put more polish in their next game. I think they deserve that shot, but I don't think the visuals and concept of this game overcome the fact that it is simply not fun to play.
The good:
beautiful stylized scenery
a unique protagonist
original soundtrack
simple, but moving story
decent puzzles
The bad:
No resolution above 1080p
Locked at 35fps
The ugly:
Boring, repetive combat
Character clipping into geometry
Inconsistent, frustrating controls
Since the data is directly on the Steam store page, it would be immeasurably easy to get Enhanced Steam to show the "true" review score of a game accounting for all the reviews.
Is there going to be a demo for PC? (Forza Horizon 3) or just Xbox One?![]()
Sadly it seems like xbox one only.
I don't consider 64 metracritic 'bad'. Maybe mediocre or a love it/hate it game.
Since the data is directly on the Steam store page, it would be immeasurably easy to get Enhanced Steam to show the "true" review score of a game accounting for all the reviews.
The way I see it
87-100 = Masterpiece
80-86 = okay but forgettable
70-79 = mediocre
60-69 = bad
50-59 = shit
40-49 = broken mess
30-39 = absolutely disgusting
20-29 = youarealreadydead.jpg
Can we get to a page without that gif on the top?
(Yes, I'm 50ppp)
The way I see it, if the game has divisive reviews its definitely worth my time.
I like how they explain candidly and honest what the problems are at hand. Good they are trying to do something about it even if it sounds pretty heavy-handed.
This for example is pretty heavy. Voices don't count equally no more. The consumerist apartheid has started.Changes To The Review Score
As a result of this, we are making some changes to how review scores are calculated. As of today, the recent and overall review scores we show at the top of a product page will no longer include reviews written by customers that activated the game through a Steam product key.
These sound good. They ought to need many people exclusively reading/filtering reviews though.Next Steps
We are aware that these changes do not address all of the feedback and suggestions presented by members of the Steam community. We are working to address these other issues, which mainly pertain to the helpfulness of reviews:
There are some titles where the most helpful reviews don't seem to accurately match the general customer sentiment. For example, there are a couple of prominent titles that have review scores of 'positive' but all the reviews marked as helpful are negative. We need to look at this to figure out how to represent cases where the community has highly divergent opinions.
There are some titles where a small group of users are able to consistently mark specific reviews as helpful, and as a result can present a skewed perception of what customers are saying about the game. This is obviously not ideal, so we're looking at ways to ensure that a few users don't have outsized influence over the system.
Some off-topic reviews get marked as 'helpful' simply because they are funny. These don't appear to actually be helpful in determining whether you should buy the game, so we're working on some ways to better detect and filter out these.
AGH!! Why did no one mention that EDF 4.1 is on sale on Humble right now? D: