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STEAM | September 2017 - Summer Ys Ending

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I think the fault is partly my own, but I guess I was hopeful.

Hmm, maybe I can use it on my travels and such, and suddenly I will have access to my Steam library every in the world where there's a fast Internet connection.

PS: I am keeping an eye on all of the g-sync monitor recommendations, very much appreciated. Thanks.
Not to disappoint you even further, but the Link only streams your PC over a local network, not the internet.

It's really just a device designed to replace hdmi and controller connection cables with Ethernet or local networks in your house.






The i5 is very likely a bottleneck, for some games 4c/4t just isn't enough.
For example, a Digital Foundry video comparing the i5 7600K and i7 7700K, in Rise of the Tomb Raider (1080p, Very High, SMAA) even a 4.8GHz overclock to the i5 isn't enough for it to keep up with the stock i7.

Though yeah, even a 1080 Ti isn't enough for 4K60 all maxed out in current AAA games, though MSAA at 4K is rather overkill IMO (and SSAA is even more overkill), it's better to settle for post processing AA (such as SMAA/FXAA and such).

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I used to only have to panic close this window at work when someone walked by because of the anime

Every day we stray further from God's light


Probably already posted, but Steam Store pages will get review / language histograms. Should be very handy for underestanding the state of a game over time and any potential review bombings etc

Do you know if W10 is required for the Steam release?

I doubt it but don't take that as official confirmation.

Here's the announcement over at the KI message board by a manager there.

Community Manager
Hey Killer Instinct family, we hope you’re just as excited for the 3.9 release as we are!

When you download the latest Killer Instinct Content Update, if you haven’t done so already, you’ll undoubtedly notice something peculiar, so we wanted to give you a heads up at what’s to come before you spotted it in the wild.

Tucked away in this CU is a switch that will enable certain feature you’ve all been clamoring for, and that feature is indeed cross-play!

Yes, this is your confirmation that Killer Instinct players on Xbox One or Windows 10 will be able to play cross-network with players on Steam, as well, and we’re super excited to be able to bring that feature to you when KI launches on Steam in the coming weeks.

There is one small caveat, though. We will be testing this feature, making sure all the kinks are worked out (as best as we can) in a live environment. What that means for you is that you will see the option for cross play in your menus, but then there will be times where that menu item is turned off, and seemingly missing. Never fear, that is simply us working on things in the background, and your experience will not be affected as we do our work.

This feature being turned on/off will have 0 impact on your ability to play KI in-network, or between Xbox & Windows 10 players. So please, play to your heart’s content while we do the dirty work in the background.

Take this as your official announcement that KI will indeed feature cross play. Of course, there are still a lot more features around the KI Steam offering to go over, so keep your eye on ultra-combo.com for more information as we get closer to launch.

Any questions? Feel free to drop them here, and we will do what we can to answer! That’s all for now. See you in the virtual arena.




Episode 1 down. Took me five hours, but I'm a nutcase who spends ten minutes just sitting and listening to music in game. Which, honestly, is the best way to experience the game, just letting the feelings and visuals and audio wash over you, while the themes and characters are held in your mind. Take this game slow, it's something that needs to seep into you, not something to be rushed through.

I'll be honest, I was concerned when the project was first announced. Cautiously looking forward to it, maybe. But a prequel with none of the original devs? Without Ashly Burch as Chloe? From a dev team who had only put out Ratchet remasters previously? I was very ready to treat Before the Storm as something to be overlooked, ignored in favour of the original masterpiece.

But somehow, Deck Nine nailed it. They absolutely nailed it. It's witty, emotional, tragic, incredibly dark yet life-affirming, with excellent dialogue and characters, sensitively portraying the angst they feel. Spending more time in Arcadia Bay was some of the best time I've spent in gaming this year. There's a term that C.S. Lewis often used, a German word 'Sehnsucht', which he described as "inconsolable longing" in the human heart for "we know not what." It fits this feeling I've got right now. I can't know what it's like to grow up in a place like Arcadia Bay, but I long for more of it.

If the devs keep this up for the next two episodes, then GOTY won't be a contest. Now excuse me while I listen to the main menu theme for the next ten hours.



So, i've heard that the PC Port of YsVIII is of pretty questionable quality.

A case of "signal the Durante light".

Apparently the game was running at unlocked framerate, which was considered a bug and then subsequently patched even tho the ingame logic is not tied to the framerate

It also supports unlocked Resolutions in a way that's pretty busetd right now

Last but not least the performance is supposedly pretty awful as of now (5 days from release)

I was told to avoid it for now. Figured i'd let you all know

Keep in mind those are not my own impressions tho


So, i've heard that the PC Port of YsVIII is of pretty questionable quality.

A case of "signal the Durante light".

Apparently the game was running at unlocked framerate, which was considered a bug and then subsequently patched even tho the ingame logic is not tied to the framerate

It also supports unlocked Resolutions in a way that's pretty busetd right now

Last but not least the performance is supposedly pretty awful as of now (5 days from release)

I was told to avoid it for now. Figured i'd let you all know

Keep in mind those are not my own impressions tho

so thats ultrawide out window

was just about pre order too


The exception were menus so i was told

Or which part are you reffering to?
Holding the Shift key unlocked the framerate and Ctrl throttled it to like 2 or something, which were obviously Debug keys, which they patched out because Shift and Ctrl are obviously used for the actual controls. No idea if they're going to add an uncapped framerate option to the menu.



Survive playable during TGS. Two missions with several difficulty levels and 4 player coop.

I hope at least Konami will release a new trailer, since the game is "Early 2018" which I suppose is during the first three months of the year, so six months max from now.

They should really start promoting the game, because people barely remember it exists.
Just briefly tried out Song of the Deep, and it seems to have really shitty performance for what, as far as I can tell, is mostly a 2D game with some polygonal 3D elements. I heard there were issues when it launched, but I thought they'd been patched since. :/

On the positive side, SteamWorld Dig is quite fun. Yay freebies.


Holding the Shift key unlocked the framerate and Ctrl throttled it to like 2 or something, which were obviously Debug keys, which they patched out because Shift and Ctrl are obviously used for the actual controls. No idea if they're going to add an uncapped framerate option to the menu.

In that case it was an issue of my paraphrasing i suppose


Finished Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 1 today and honestly it was SO good. I believed in Deck Nine but it was even better than what i expected.
VA for all characters is very good, animations are improved, great soundtrack... and that ending.

It feels great to be back in Arcadia Bay. Can't wait for 2nd episode.

BTW. I decided to completely stop watching any future trailers/gameplays... etc. After finishing first episode i realized that i already knew more than i should. XD



Survive playable during TGS. Two missions with several difficulty levels and 4 player coop.

I hope at least Konami will release a new trailer, since the game is "Early 2018" which I suppose is during the first three months of the year, so six months max from now.

They should really start promoting the game, because people barely remember it exists.

I want the game to be extremely good, purely to see the forum shit itself


Maybe I really do just f*cking suck at Sonic, but for all of the complaints that the Crash remasters got about being too hard (they really weren't though), I'm surprised no one has said the same about Sonic Mania?

I sadly, pretty much near hated my time with it cos I found it so difficult/frustrating. Replaying levels in their entirety, and limited lives is not something I expected actually; not when many retro re-releases nowadays make more modern concessions (yes it's not a re-release but you know what I mean).

It just seems to be me though =/
Yeah, yeah, in b4 "git gud" >_>


I want the game to be extremely good, purely to see the forum shit itself
I dunno, I'm interested in the game simply because it's the closest we're gonna get to coop MGSV, but judging from early impressions it'll be just ok and abandoned not too long afterwards. Kinda like MGO3. Not bad, not amazing. Just what I'm expecting right now.

As a MGS fan who loved MGSV despite being disappointed by the same stuff everyone was, if Survive turns out to be extremely good I'd be really happy, but I just don't see it happening. I just don't think it will be terrible either.


Maybe I really do just f*cking suck at Sonic, but for all of the complaints that the Crash remasters got about being too hard (they really weren't though), I'm surprised no one has said the same about Sonic Mania?

I sadly, pretty much near hated my time with it cos I found it so difficult/frustrating. Replaying levels in their entirety, and limited lives is not something I expected actually; not when many retro re-releases nowadays make more modern concessions (yes it's not a re-release but you know what I mean).

It just seems to be me though =/
Yeah, yeah, in b4 "git gud" >_>

That's actually very disappointing to hear. I love platformers, but I totally suck at them. Limited lives and stuff might be kind of a deal-breaker for me.
Maybe I really do just f*cking suck at Sonic, but for all of the complaints that the Crash remasters got about being too hard (they really weren't though), I'm surprised no one has said the same about Sonic Mania?

I sadly, pretty much near hated my time with it cos I found it so difficult/frustrating. Replaying levels in their entirety, and limited lives is not something I expected actually; not when many retro re-releases nowadays make more modern concessions (yes it's not a re-release but you know what I mean).

It just seems to be me though =/
Yeah, yeah, in b4 "git gud" >_>
What did you find hard about it? Lives aren't that difficult to come by. Sonic is basically a character mascot platforming pinball. You just kind of have to spin dash and go with the flow.


What did you find hard about it? Lives aren't that difficult to come by. Sonic is basically a character mascot platforming pinball. You just kind of have to spin dash and go with the flow.

Well I genuinely don't know how then, cos I was always having to beat levels (and let's be frank here, most of these levels past the first couple are pretty long) on just the default 3 lives.

I'm really surprised that it doesn't have options for more lives, mid-zone checkpoints or something, for those that may want it - considering that many retro games that come out now have this (like the entire SNES mini having rewind options in all the games).
Well I genuinely don't know how then, cos I was always having to beat levels (and let's be frank here, most of these levels past the first couple are pretty long) on just the default 3.

I'm really surprised that there isn't difficulty options with more lives, saves states or something or other in this, at least as an option.
By you don't know how, do you mean how to spindash? When you're stationary press down + jump, you'll be fast and offensive.


Maybe I really do just f*cking suck at Sonic, but for all of the complaints that the Crash remasters got about being too hard (they really weren't though), I'm surprised no one has said the same about Sonic Mania?

I sadly, pretty much near hated my time with it cos I found it so difficult/frustrating. Replaying levels in their entirety, and limited lives is not something I expected actually; not when many retro re-releases nowadays make more modern concessions (yes it's not a re-release but you know what I mean).

It just seems to be me though =/
Yeah, yeah, in b4 "git gud" >_>
I found it to be pretty easy. I'm not done with it, but I've seen the credits once. Played with Sonic and Tails. I never run out of lives, always had 10+. I could just brute force the bosses with one ring + invisibility. Some bosses I figured out how to beat the proper way only after I've beat them and replayed them.The hardest challenge were the special stages. Not done with those yet.

I guess knowing some Sonic logic and behaviour beforehand makes it much easier to make it through the game.


I found it to be pretty easy. I've not done with it, but I've seen the credits once. Played with Sonic and Tails. I never run out of lives, always had 10+. I could just brute force the bosses with one ring + invisibility. Some bosses I figured out how to beat the proper way only after I've beat them and replayed them.The hardest challenge were the special stages. Not done with those yet.

I guess knowing some Sonic logic and behaviour beforehand makes it much easier to make it through the game.

Yeah, on the other hand this is the first "classic" Sonic game I've played in full (played a bit of 2 as a kid, but that's all).
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