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STEAM | September II 2014 - Ride the Lightning

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I don't remember having that issue, but it was a while back that I played through it. Are you using the more recent unofficial patch?

I could try it, but looking through the inclusion list, I'm not sure if it would add an option for it. It's more of me not being able to read the alien subtitles fast enough. Wouldn't hurt though to give it an install.
I got about $6 from Fable Anniversary in Playfire rewards, that was a nice surprise, I had totally forgotten about it. Now if only GMG would have some decent deals that aren't Square Enix and 2K games related...


So I rage deleted arkham origins. The deathstroke fight was that bad. I'm sure there is a good game underneath that horrendous fight but I just can't bring myself to care.

I've experienced some shit bosses in games (deus ex HR comes to mind) but this was too stupid to power through.
So I rage deleted arkham origins. The deathstroke fight was that bad. I'm sure there is a good game underneath that horrendous fight but I just can't bring myself to care.

I've experienced some shit bosses in games (deus ex HR comes to mind) but this was too stupid to power through.

That's some damning criticism.
So I rage deleted arkham origins. The deathstroke fight was that bad. I'm sure there is a good game underneath that horrendous fight but I just can't bring myself to care.

I've experienced some shit bosses in games (deus ex HR comes to mind) but this was too stupid to power through.
I find Deathstroke's boss fight very exciting and enjoyable, Bane's however...

What part were you struggling with?


So I rage deleted arkham origins. The deathstroke fight was that bad. I'm sure there is a good game underneath that horrendous fight but I just can't bring myself to care.

I've experienced some shit bosses in games (deus ex HR comes to mind) but this was too stupid to power through.

Yeah that fight is not great but thankfully it's the only one like that in the game. I remember taking me a bunch of tries but after reading some tips I think I did ok even if you have to cheese it a bit. It's not the best Batman game overall but I think it's still worth it.


I find Deathstroke's boss fight very exciting and enjoyable, Bane's however...

What part were you struggling with?

Good god, yes, the Oranges Bane fight was even worse than the Apples one.
And yes, the Deathstroke fight was fucking boring, which is not what you want the fight against "the greatest warrior ever" to be.
So I rage deleted arkham origins. The deathstroke fight was that bad. I'm sure there is a good game underneath that horrendous fight but I just can't bring myself to care.

I've experienced some shit bosses in games (deus ex HR comes to mind) but this was too stupid to power through.

Maybe you just suck? I'm not trying to be rude, but you can't button mash that fight, which is how a bunch of people play the Arkham games (sometimes I do it too). That fight was easy. I had to restart once or twice because I timed an attack or counter wrong, but other than that it's a breeze.


Yeah I wasn't having the best time with the main campaign. It looks liked they also improved the UI in the director's cut, which is nifty.

Random side-note but the text speed in KOTOR II is killing me. Does anyone know how to slow it down?

I'm really enjoying the Director's Cut of Dragonfall. There was mention of some bugs earlier in the thread, but personally I've not found any, so don't really know what's the situation there.

Compared to the base game, it's a massive improvement. The setting, the story, the characters and the gameplay/UI are all more enjoyable.


I'm really enjoying the Director's Cut of Dragonfall. There was mention of some bugs earlier in the thread, but personally I've not found any, so don't really know what's the situation there.

I like most of the changes, but the
OTK offices
exit was consequently bugged for me. I had to do a stupid little dance a couple of times for it to actually "use" the point, and only after I redid the whole thing.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
If TPP is really near completion, what are the odds GZ will be a Pre-Order bonus for TPP, and sold separately to those who decide not to the Pre-Order?

That'd be nice, but probably too nice considering the console versions still retail for $30.

I'd be okay with this. Valve require definite release dates for pre-orders, is that right?

I'm not entirely sure if it's policy but I can't think of an example of a game that was available for pre-order sans a firm date. Raven's Cry's Coming Soon listing just mentions October 2014, however if you click through to the store page, October 14th is listed.
Good god, yes, the Oranges Bane fight was even worse than the Apples one.
And yes, the Deathstroke fight was fucking boring, which is not what you want the fight against "the greatest warrior ever" to be.
When Bane was about to charge me and kill me, in a last ditch attempt I started button mashing, suddenly pulled off an environmental takedown, then I got him.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Maybe you just suck? I'm not trying to be rude, but you can't button mash that fight, which is how a bunch of people play the Arkham games (sometimes I do it too). That fight was easy. I had to restart once or twice because I timed an attack or counter wrong, but other than that it's a breeze.

Harsh but true.


I'm really enjoying the Director's Cut of Dragonfall. There was mention of some bugs earlier in the thread, but personally I've not found any, so don't really know what's the situation there.

Compared to the base game, it's a massive improvement. The setting, the story, the characters and the gameplay/UI are all more enjoyable.
i still think the ui is pretty problematic and definitely the shittiest thing about the game

the game in general is filled with little annoyances like being unable to quicksave while moving (wtf), not having hotkeys for using skills, not having a real inventory, the whole sluggish animated interface instead of being immediate like it should, not being able to skip dialogue with spacebar (it's mapped to enter which i find super annoying), etc etc.

the interface is much better but it used to be such an awful mess that it's not really saying much

other than that the usual good shadowrun returns things are still there and even stronger. i like the cast better and the music's really good and the berlin setting is pretty fucking cool too.

also i so wish it didn't have this weird exagerated art style for characters tho. i liked the snes shadowrun's dark and gloomy style much better. might be a bit cliche by now to do something gritty and semi-realistic but i dunno i really liked how the old shadowrun did it <3

also #2 i find it really distressing that hbs didn't decide to include all these upgrades for the original shadowrun returns campaign. yeah, it would've been a lot of work but i think not being able to manually save or having that super bad interface are pretty big issues that should be corrected. i couldn't even bring myself to play the dragonfall campaign once it came out, i have no idea how i convinced myself of playing dead man's switch when it released. it's really really bad.

I'm feeling like I should just bail out of the main campaign and play Dragonfall.
doo eet

dead man switch is pretty cool but so far dragonfall is totes better

there's something i really liked about dead man's switch linearity, it kinda reminded me of deus ex how it progressed from location to location, i liked that a lot, but today i'd say it's not worth the trouble specially if you're finding it as frustrating as i did


I like most of the changes, but the
OTK offices
exit was consequently bugged for me. I had to do a stupid little dance a couple of times for it to actually "use" the point, and only after I redid the whole thing.

That does suck. I've got past that point and didn't get a similar bug, but a quick look on the Steam forums suggests that others have been affected. Hopefully there'll be a fix for that.


Maybe you just suck? I'm not trying to be rude, but you can't button mash that fight, which is how a bunch of people play the Arkham games (sometimes I do it too). That fight was easy. I had to restart once or twice because I timed an attack or counter wrong, but other than that it's a breeze.

Why yes!! That's totally it! I suck at what essentially is a giant fucking QTE with faulty counter prompts. Please teach me your QTE video game skills because I bet it's super fucking rewarding.

Never mind the fact that I've beat dark souls with a variety of builds. I must suck to do that huh?


I'm sorry that Deathstroke Fight has had numerous people comment on it.
You know something is up when every time someone plays the game they mention it.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Why yes!! That's totally it! I suck at what essentially is a giant fucking QTE with faulty counter prompts. Please teach me your QTE video game skills because I bet it's super fucking rewarding.

Never mind the fact that I've beat dark souls with a variety of builds. I must suck to do that huh?

The prompts aren't faulty. It's also not a QTE fight.
Why yes!! That's totally it! I suck at what essentially is a giant fucking QTE with faulty counter prompts. Please teach me your QTE video game skills because I bet it's super fucking rewarding.

Never mind the fact that I've beat dark souls with a variety of builds. I must suck to do that huh?

Oh come on, being good at one game isn't going to make you good at every game. That's a hilariously weak retort.

Learn the timing. Don't push the button as soon as it's on screen. Be patient. And most important of all...

The prompts aren't faulty. It's also not a QTE fight.

This. The line between a "prompt" and a "QTE" is a bit fuzzy, but there is a distinct difference.


I stopped playing Batman: AO once I realized what a travesty the combat had become..so a hour in.

I thought about picking up Batman: AO, but playing a few hours on my friend's Steam account was enough for me to make the same realization.

They increased the speed of combat, which in itself isn't a bad thing; I actually thought it kept me on my toes more. But, it definitely was marred by terrible camera angles. Traversal in the city was worse, too; there were fewer "lock" points for the batclaw and trying to chain glides and accelerations was a lot more frustrating among other things.

Edit: And, yes, I also was not a fan of the boss encounters requiring mandatory button prompt presses.


I'm having a great time with the game myself. I've not played the 3D version before and it's growing on me. The character models aren't really the best, but the environments are so much nicer than the original sprite-based ones.

I was also happy to see that the bard was, indeed, still "Spoony"

*Apparently one of the developers in the secret developer room makes a comment about how they checked and found that the bard was still "Spoony".

Yup, I've known about that for some time, but damn Milamber not even the FF-verse is safe from him.
"The bard was spoony. We checked!"

I hadn't played the DS ver. in a long time but the removal of 'Casting' Items like Rydia's Rod surprised me. Thankfully her magic more than made up for it.

Enslaved, you can be so purdy sometimes.

Too bad the textures leave much to be desired, see some examples here-

who the heck is carmilla in lords of shadow 2

lol, she is the vampire lady from LoS1.

She was also an ally of Dracula in the original Castlevania series.

oh man i know nothing about the original CV games.

I just did a search, she doesn't look the same as the first game...

Well in the first game she's an old aged vampire, but in LoS2...she's prettified...and given dem tits.

Tomb Raider 2013 worth $7.50? It's currently a lightning deal on humble store.

Sure why not. If you want Uncharted running at 60 FPS give it a shot. The bow at least is very satisfying to use.
Just consider playing the past TR games after this one just to see why many don't like the direction it went in.


Tomb Raider 2013 worth $7.50? It's currently a lightning deal on humble store.

I thoroughly enjoyed the game (and I was a fan of the previous Tomb Raider games by Crystal Dynamics). It's a good third person action adventure romp, and I consider 7.50 USD a steal. One of the few games I completed relatively quickly.

I used idlemaster for some cards and managed to get quite a few. Only put about 30 or so cards up before I get the 200 item limit on steam, and if i want to continue I'd have to provide information to the IRS.

Oh well, at least I can sell them next year lol


gave away the keys to the kingdom.

I used idlemaster for some cards and managed to get quite a few. Only put about 30 or so cards up before I get the 200 item limit on steam, and if i want to continue I'd have to provide information to the IRS.

Oh well, at least I can sell them next year lol

You don't have to give the IRS anything. Valve collecting basic tax info is a legal requirement; eBay (as in the company) does the very same thing. If you're not a US resident, though, you can just "sign" a digital form claiming as much and the restriction is lifted immediately, unless you purchased from the US store when it was easy to do so, in which case you'll have to provide proof of international residency.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not opposed for people talking about what games they play the most as yes it is on topic, what I am opposed to is people just posting stats/images of playcounts without any justification or meaning behind it. (snip for length reasons)

Fair enough. Yeah, most people weren't really discussing why they had long play times on games.

There were some people in the last thread that expressed interest in seeing how my gaming collection looked once I got everything set up in my new house. So today I have about 90% of everything put in the right spot so I decided to take some photos. I'm not going to post them directly but here is an Imgur album:


Sorry for the (slightly) OT

Looking at that reminds me that I've got a lot of games laying in my backlog to play. One of the ones that I think I saw in one of those pictures that really jumped out at me was Pandora's Tower, and I really don't know why. I should probably get around to playing it at some point.

Most annoying thing about TGS was the MGS Collection being a clothing range.

I mean wtf.

I wanted the 2nd part of that gaffers prophecy to come true about the MGS1-4 coming to Steam.

I'm indifferent to 4, but having 1-3 on Steam would be great. The MGS Collection proved to be as disappointing as I thought it would be, even though I wanted it to be really hype :/

Yeah, that was pretty shitty. It'd be nice if they rereleased 1-3 at the very least (I've heard 4 isn't as good? Maybe?)

It's divisive. Some people like it, others don't. I'm not really a fan mainly because of the game's story. It's pretty dumb at times, especially for a Metal Gear game, but some segments become so bad that they're good. And there's still some great quotes in it, like the early game "Brotherrrrr, it's been too long" dialogue. It also feels like it was more of the focus of the game rather than the game play itself. It also kind of ruins characters I like so there's that too.

Overall it's not bad, it's a pretty okay game. I just like the other three mainline MGS games much more. Though keep in mind that it did win multiple goty awards, including Gaf's, so people did like it.

Actually, now that I think about it, Ocelot's dialogue is one of my favorite parts about MGS 4 and the franchise as a whole. He's got a lot of great lines.

There are still quite a few games I want to pick up for the DS but I'm hoping that the prices on some of them will go down once they're no longer backwards compatible. Probably wishful thinking on some of them.

I'm not sure if they would go down in value. Some of the rarer ones would probably just go up in price since they would shift to becoming collector items, especially CIB copies.

He's still trolling us super hard :( There's been no word of a release date for GZ on PC since the initial reveal to my knowledge.

The ultimate troll move would be to release TPP prior to GZ just because :p

Li Kao

I'm in the process of playing walking dead season 1 ep 3. Hoooolllly shit.
Never been a huge fan of telltale episodic approach to making games, but in this case I always need some days before playing the next chapter anyway.



http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...n-GTAV-and-GTA-Online-for-PS4-Xbox-One-and-PC Click on Only text for easter egg

Information about GTA5 posted and removed.

first person on foot and vehicles?

Looks like someone posted it by accident while writing it for the unfinished list.

You don't have to give the IRS anything. Valve collecting basic tax info is a legal requirement; eBay (as in the company) does the very same thing. If you're not a US resident, though, you can just "sign" a digital form claiming as much and the restriction is lifted immediately, unless you purchased from the US store when it was easy to do so, in which case you'll have to provide proof of international residency.

So, if I were to sign the form that valve asks me to fill out, I don't have to worry that something along the lines of valve/IRS notifying the CRA (Canadian revenue agency) that I am indeed getting some sort of income (even though it'll amount to about maybe $20 if I'm lucky) as part of their procedure?

I'm taking student assistance to pay for my student tuition and I declared that I'm receiving no income whatsoever (they check my taxes to make sure that I am indeed not receiving anything). I know it sounds silly when reading the question, but I have to make sure.


Looks like we are getting another Platinum Games title on PC very soon here. This one was completely off my radar until I watched a couple videos tonight, I also had no idea it was from Platinum.


I think we found out about this for a month now? You should come and visit here more often Grief!

play some Quake Live

I never play a Quake game in my life.
my childhood was terrible.


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like we are getting another Platinum Games title on PC very soon here. This one was completely off my radar until I watched a couple videos tonight, I also had no idea it was from Platinum.


For a second before I clicked that link I thought it would be a port of one of their older games like Madworld :/

The Legend of Korra game looks really good from the few minutes I've already watched of that video, way better than the old Avatar games. That's to be expected of Platinum though.


Anyway, I've put a little over 8 hours into Final Fantasy IV and the more I play of it, the more I'm liking it. It's a really solid purchase if you're a fan, even at $15.99.
I'm having a ton of fun with it as well!

i remember being pretty upset about it

like wtf i had this super cool dark armor guy and now i'm some lvl 1 blonde douche that heals and is super weak

healing is for girls!

(12 year old zky was kind of sexist)
He gets really strong after a couple of levels. I was more annoyed that I forgot to unequip all his stuff before that happend (it vanished with the job change), I could have sold that armor =/
Dark knights do look cooler though.
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