you don't like biscuits or brits? I am offended if you dislike either![]()
Curator is the worst word. Curators manage museums and collections. They care for the historical importance of a segment of human artifacts, like Egyptian history or guns of the civil war. They want to preserve something for generations to come, to education and enlighten.
These people aren't curators. They're giving purchase recommendations. They're the people who find you when you're shopping in the mall and try to make you buy things. They're the mobile phone guy in the middle of the mall that shouts at you and asks if you have a phone, while you avoid eye contact and try to get to the Cinnabon store.
They may not make money from the activity (if it's successful, someone will try to monetize it), but this isn't going to end up as curation. It's going to end up as a cult of personality, with TotalBiscuit boasting about having 158,000 followers on Steam the way people brag about their Youtube channel or Twitter account. And these personalities are going to drown out anyone who actually cares about actual curation, the type of person who wants to perform the task of informing everyone of everything about every strategy game on Steam, for instance.
Click on Community Hub on top of the page and go to Discussions. But that's one click and page load more.
Steam PR said:In the past nine months, Steam has added over 1,300 new titles and grown to over 100 million active accounts.
(It's been in for over a month, honestlyNot sure if this is common knowledge yet but you can now middle mouse click on an item to open a new window. Makes browsing long lists MUCH easier.
About damn time!
Metroid Prime 3: CorruptionWhat metroid game is that from? or is that some sort of custom skin
Haha new steam, new skype, new iOS what's next? All programs now wznt to mimic the new iOS design.
But yes, my queue is broken forever because it keeps trying to suggest that shitty US F2P thing.
Somebody at Valve has been listening to this song too much.
Somebody at Valve has been listening to this song too much.
No. I'm expressing my distaste for the "curation" feature.
Not sure if this is common knowledge yet but you can now middle mouse click on an item to open a new window. Makes browsing long lists MUCH easier.
About damn time!
What metroid game is that from? or is that some sort of custom skin
Oh very good points. Gabe Newell talked about this a long while back and suggested that part of the sales created by such "curator" based sales would see them receive a share of the profits or something in a similar way to people getting money for sales of other user generated content. Really need to see how this works first though to understand if it can be genuinely useful or subverted and made to obfuscate some games or promote those that are paid off - in my opinion this situation is inevitable unless Valve have a way around this
Nah, not enough unnecessary, blurry transparencies and gaudy 80s colors for that. Also iOS 8 doesn't look much different than 7 and the other designs are more a mix of Modern UI and the old stuff. Valve should've gone full Windows/WP 8 imo.
Conceptually it's right up my alley, I enjoy that kind of thing, but the interface right now is unclear--you start a community group and go through there? Why would I do that? I don't want to run a group. I'm not interested in comments from anyone or input; I'd just like to share some recommendations. Having to create my own hub is what I hated about Greeenlight's curator mechanism, so it sucks that they replicated it here. I'll take a look at it later.
They already said no one is getting money on the post for it.
Yeah, my tags are basically everything relating to LA Noire, because it is the only game I have played in the last month because I wanted to finish it once and for all.... although it has a couple of other tags that are actually quite suitable
Actually for those people it seems great. They just curate the games they have on their YT channel, link it and get clicks like that.
They already said no one is getting money on the post for it.
Here's my curations for those who are interested. Doubt you're gonna see any specialization on my part though.
Somebody at Valve has been listening to this song too much.
So from what I can see, the "curation" is basically just a list of your reviews?
Or can you add new text for games?
I really don't like that the client is still pretty much grey / black? With everything in it being this obnoxious blue.
So from what I can see, the "curation" is basically just a list of your reviews?
Or can you add new text for games?
Also, if you love REALLY, REALLY, REALLY horrible techno songs about Playstationyou should listen to this from Eiffel 65
It's awful. But so bizarre
Hopefully since this is supposed to be a User Experience now they offer us themes.
Oh god, please do not turn my profile blue. Valve, I beg of you.
Snerk.Simon Roth @SimoRoth · 31m said:
The new blue everything still being inside the old black/gray border is annoying me, just makes it all the more obvious the client is just a mediocre browser. Hopefully that gets an update shortly as well.
Oh no. Will I see a quote from TotalBiscuit on almost every game page because he'll probably be the most followed curator?
Can't believe Steam has surpassed 100 million active accounts. That is insane growth. Congrats to the folks at Valve.
You're given 150 characters to work with, so it's almost basically tweeting "Buy X because Y". At least that's how it seems for me. It doesn't just take games you've reviewed, since I've not actually done any reviews before this, just went through the curating process. I don't think 1 curator themselves will be able to provide enough information without linking to their own reviews or videos from outside Steam, whereas if 5+ curators would provide you with a better idea.