FC3 is a fun-oriented game and Dishonored is a failure-at-concept-oriented game.
If you want a stealth game see the Thief series.
FC3 really isn't a strong game either though. And if we are talking 'concept failure', the writer tried to weasel himself out of a failed script by calling it a parody. Mind you, those are his words, not mine. I wouldn't call it a parody, nor would anyone else.
Its emptyness (as someone else mentioned) is also reinforced by the "secret message" in Blood Dragon, which actually is a good parody of both certain tropes as well as, by extention, Far Cry 3 itself.
The main concept of FC3 never really gets of and what you get is entertaining at times, and extremely hollow in almost everything else. In terms of internal consistency, Far Cry 2 is better, even if the ending of that game is bullocks, to put it mildly.
Honestly, I only really enjoyed the first game for what it was. Capturing bases or holdouts or whatever in the sequels in just...well, meh. (Assassin's Creed also has the same gameplay, which makes things even more pronounced)