I'm going to bookmark this.
KB+M, I should probably use a controller though at times. I have a mechanical keyboard so if you listen one can hear me tapping away
How was the quality? Been a few months so I'm not sure if things reset or need adjusting. Mic volume does it seems at the least.
Video was great. Microphone levels were a bit low though. About 70/30. Most of the time it was okay, but some of you're comments blended into the explosions and gunfire.
It's not that it's arcadey, it's like.. well for a simulator it doesn't give a fuck what you do really. You can speed, drive on the wrong side of the road, cut off cars, block the road etc and the game doesn't give a damn. Only thing it punishes you for is running red lights (which are few), and damaging your vehicle (which you have to hit something pretty good to do)
Also I haven't been to europe, but I'm going to take a guess that these roads are pretty much bullshit.
That's actually disappointing really. I was looking forward to a straight simulator.
Any opinions on Inversion? It's only $5, and I doubt it'll go cheaper.
Get it. The game is a solid 8/10. It doesn't iterate on the quality of the mechanics or story of the games that it takes it's design ques from. So in that respect it doesn't shine in it's own light. But it is a very solid game especially for $5.