So before I pull the trigger on Sleeping dogs, how is the combat in the game?
So I bought $30 worth of games so far and got 3 cards in my inventory. I don't exactly understand the card system but what do i do with them?
It's 50% off right now. Hoping for a 75er
So before I pull the trigger on Sleeping dogs, how is the combat in the game?
So before I pull the trigger on Sleeping dogs, how is the combat in the game?
I'll trade you 200 perfect cherries for those no prob.
I R Confused
gt auto on crack.
I R Confused
So before I pull the trigger on Sleeping dogs, how is the combat in the game?
it is
So before I pull the trigger on Sleeping dogs, how is the combat in the game?
So before I pull the trigger on Sleeping dogs, how is the combat in the game?
Mmm, God Mode doesn't look very good :X
I agree with you. Sleeping Dogs does lose steam down the stretch.
Those 6-8 hours are fucking hype though.
So before I pull the trigger on Sleeping dogs, how is the combat in the game?
These new deals are so blase, I want to be shocked and left gasping!
That's a lot of perfect cherries
This means buy immediately cause of pricing error.
Combat is like the Arkham games with a lot of interactible finishes. There's awesome free-running too.So before I pull the trigger on Sleeping dogs, how is the combat in the game?
reposted for the new page
So I bought $30 worth of games so far and got 3 cards in my inventory. I don't exactly understand the card system but what do i do with them? it doesn't.
ATLUS has disappoint.
Ever played a True Crime game? There ya go...
Except the Collector's Edition goes for $10 when it's on a good sale (AKA community choice/flash sale/daily).
Not technically. I think something like that happened with the last major sale (maybe Saints? SD?). The DLC was discounted during the daily, but not the community choice. I might be making this up.
oh wow this sucks blood dragon was 55% off but the steam store was being annoying so I was like I'll get some cards and then purchase it but now it's down to 40% off and I refuse to purchase it until it goes back to 55% off.
Color me disappointed. Was expecting the total Sleeping Dogs collection to be 75% off. I think I'll wait.
I think I remember somethin like that
only way to know is, was the sleeping dogs DLC priced the same as now before this flash sale?
No... hence why I asked...
The only game like this I have played are GTA4 (which I hated) and Saints Row 3 which I enjoyed (actually thats not entirely true.. I would say my favorite openworld shooter was Red Faction: Guerilla, but I don't expect that when it comes to the gunplay)
So I guess my question is, if the melee is Arkham like, is the gunplay more GTA or more Saints Row?
I think I remember somethin like that
only way to know is, was the sleeping dogs DLC priced the same as now before this flash sale?
Yea it was 50% before the flash sale.
oh wow this sucks blood dragon was 55% off but the steam store was being annoying so I was like I'll get some cards and then purchase it but now it's down to 40% off and I refuse to purchase it until it goes back to 55% off.
Why are you complaining? It was on a flash sale with a clear timer. Your fault