It's really unfortunately that it's littered with Uplay garbage that can render your game unplayable (surprise). I wonder if they ever fixed that.Man, Might and Magic Heroes VI looks gorgeous, honestly kind of shocked.
It's really unfortunately that it's littered with Uplay garbage that can render your game unplayable (surprise). I wonder if they ever fixed that.Man, Might and Magic Heroes VI looks gorgeous, honestly kind of shocked.
Good morning everyone. Who would like to play the super awesome Jamestown? First to quote, wins.
What the fuck is a uplay
I don't know what I'll do if RCT3 isn't the next deal...
They're all dead, each game has a couple servers up but I think UT3 is the deadest. Get the Unreal Deal Pack or just UT 2004 if you don't care for the history/progress of Unreal.
It's really unfortunately that it's littered with Uplay garbage that can render your game unplayable (surprise). I wonder if they ever fixed that.
Oh wow, OT3 already?
Btw, don't buy Fear 3, it's boring and the other games are way better (the first one is best).
Pestilence11 has myswordvote!
Yep, it's hard to keep up!while at work
What's this voting thing? How did that completely pass me by?
I agree, I bought the Gold-version but I doubt I'll ever have time for expansions. Game looks great, plays great and the music is there! Uplay thingy isn't that bad (read: dealbreaker) either, and I fucking hate anything but Steam. Gaben <3Man, Might and Magic Heroes VI looks gorgeous, honestly kind of shocked. Still incredibly bummed that the franchise pack didn't include the expansion for VI, very shady of Ubisoft and steam refused to offer a refund so oh well. Paid 25 dollars for it via Dunder so not as much as I would have lost otherwise.
I see we all predicted Deus Ex will win....
Dont understand the community votes at all...
Yep, Steam ID?
You know what I like about uplay? The fact that you can get ingame stuff for achievement points.
meh, it's usually stuff they just rip out of the main game to try to sell their silly concept.
That's got to be horrible for the lower back.This thread is so fast only one thing for it..
It is not really my bedroom, I would end up divorced if I did that
Who bothers to setup a Uplay avatar.....
Personally I'm thinking about not buying anymore games that use the crap bloatware.
Guess you'll not be playing Watch_Dogs.
This thread is so fast only one thing for it..
It is not really my bedroom, I would end up divorced if I did that
Everything except for the graphics and gameplay in Tomb Raider was pretty bad, but I had a ton of fun playing it. It's basically Uncharted but with shitty characters and more satisfying gunplay. It also controls like a dream.
I'm thinking of Dust: an Elysian tail. Is it good?
Oh yes. Incredible game.
I'll just wait for it to be cheap on a console.
What the fuck is a uplay
I'm thinking of Dust: an Elysian tail. Is it good?
So i updated steam and now my non steam games are set in a different category that i didn't make.Yes i've restarted steam.
Mine did the same thing. Before the update I had "FAVORITES" and "MY GAMES". Now I have "FAVORITES", "#STEAM_GAMESSECTION_MYGAMES", and "#STEAM_LIBRARY_FILTER_OWNER".
Doesn't that require a UPlay account too? I thought UPlay is for all systems. I may be wrong.
I vote for Salsa Crashers.
So i updated steam and now my non steam games are set in a different category that i didn't make.Yes i've restarted steam.
That's got to be horrible for the lower back.
Doesn't that require a UPlay account too? I thought UPlay is for all systems. I may be wrong.
Yeah, me too. Weird.