So, how's the DRM on Driver? You have to be connected to the Internet every time you start the game, or something?
Wow - a lot of people missed the Driver weekend sale, it seems
$5 is a new low for Hot Pursuit on Steam! Rejoice!
Fuuuck I wanted Driver. There's no point in buying Hot Pursuit since the online is fucking dead.
I may have missed the answer but earlier someone NFS didn't have any AA because it wasn't patched in, is this still the case?
NFSHP is good for what it is, but I really miss the NFSU-era games where you could rice the hell out of your cars with tons of customizations. And no one makes games like that anymore it would seem.Hot Pursuit is totally worth it. I almost want to double dip even though I have the console version. This sale is killing me.
i dont understand how hot pursuit can have a high review score.
good graphic but shitty control... mehh
I would check your steam list just to see if it got listed even with the error.WTF is this shit. I bought 2 copies of DR2: OTR and sent one copy to my friend. The other copy I want to redeem myself and it says error: this copy may already have been redeemed.
That's kind of impossible.
NOOOOO NFS HP was already $5 on amazon... Why didn't you buy it then instead so i could get Driver?
Because no Steam library count +1. Besides, you guys somehow missed a Daily Deal (or it may have been a midweek or weekend) on Driver a few weeks ago. I see no point in voting for it knowing that.NOOOOO NFS HP was already $5 on amazon... Why didn't you buy it then instead so i could get Driver?
WTF is this shit. I bought 2 copies of DR2: OTR and sent one copy to my friend. The other copy I want to redeem myself and it says error: this copy may already have been redeemed.
That's kind of impossible.
NOOOOO NFS HP was already $5 on amazon, steam version... Why didn't you buy it then instead so i could get Driver?
Because you can never have enough Batman: AC and Sanctum weekend deals amirite?These community votes are a lot of fun, wish they'd make them a regular thing.
Wow, Hot Pursuit is going to be $12.49 here with the discount. Great deal EA.
It was 7,50€ back then, now it would have been 5.Why didn't you buy Driver when it was a daily deal a few weeks back?
Because you can never have enough Batman: AC and Sanctum weekend deals amirite?
I think that might be a regional pricing issue. Should end up being $5 in the US.Can't risk cheapening that IP man.
Yes, NFS:HP on PC has native 360 controller support (including button prompts).Is NFS Xbox 360 controller enabled? I can't race with the keyboard and I don't have a wheel.
How many days left?
New dailies in ~2 hours.
I have no idea what to predict this time. There will be games?
,____,I have sacrificed the correct animals, to ensure it's ARMA II. No need to thank me guys.
There will be games?
Why didn't you buy Driver when it was a daily deal a few weeks back?
I have sacrificed the correct animals, to ensure it's ARMA II. No need to thank me guys.