If only!17mins to go to Deus Ex!
If only!17mins to go to Deus Ex!
What's your favorite type of game?
Sure, I'll take it.
I am now at $242 spent. How did this happen!!? At least it was all Steam credit from selling my console stuff at Gamestop but my god! New pc gamer here so I guess I have an excuse.
HAhaha!my first steamsale stung... $500 dollar stung.... ( went from 0 games to 150 I think or something bizarre like that )
That still doesn't explain why Devil May Cry 4 is currently 50% off and even SSFIV AE was 75% off a few days ago.. blah.
You're saying GAF doesn't like Payday? I've seen plenty of praise, at the very least the opinion is split in half.
I'm eyeing the Thief collection. I've never played it, but I know it's well recieved. It's made by the good Ion Storm, right? The one that made Dues Ex (which I love) and not the one that made Daikatana? Is there one which is a must own, or is the whole trilogy worth it? Do the older ones still hold up?
I'd say they hold up pretty well. The only issue I have with those games with regards to controls is occasional to rare platforming sections. As for the game mechanics, they're nothing but dated. Brilliant use of visuals and sound design that forms the framework for stealth. The NPC/enemy models and animations look rather comical, but that shouldn't be an issue affecting gameplay.
I find Thief 1's zombie levels frustrating since stealth doesn't quite work due to poor level design. Other than that the level design is great. The map function could also be better.
Thief 2 is what you'd expect from a proper sequel. This game has some of the best level design I've seen in any game, and such design doesn't age.
Thief 3 is a good game but regressed in some ways, mainly level design. The levels are disappointingly small and the hub system is not very well implemented.
So if you're set on buying just one game, I'd say Thief 2.
RPG, strategy, puzzle, adventure, action-adventure
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Has this already been discussed?
Has this already been discussed?
Just picked up the STALKER complete bundle. What order should I play the games? And are there any mods I should pick up?
Has this already been discussed?
Don't know where you live but Shadow of Chernobyl is $4.99 here.
So whats up with Bastion? Good?
I got tricked into buying the game a few years ago and am trying to save that pain from others. Besides, people keep asking about it.We get it Marrec, you didn't like Stalker. You can stop now.
Good is an understatement
It's incredible
Buy it right now or later for full price, it doesn't matter, it'll be worth it
I am now at $242 spent. How did this happen!!?
I am now at $242 spent. How did this happen!!? At least it was all Steam credit from selling my console stuff at Gamestop but my god! New pc gamer here so I guess I have an excuse.
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I see Betas and expansions, that's not 200.
Shadowgrounds is just a crappy version of Alien Swarm.
Damn i just got an email from steam:
Is someone trying to hack my account?
So whats up with Bastion? Good?
Damn i just got an email from steam:
Is someone trying to hack my account?
If you used a key from a giveaway or something, someone else can use it within Steam to prompt your e-mail like that. Nothing to worry about.Damn i just got an email from steam:
Is someone trying to hack my account?
Shadowgrounds is just a crappy version of Alien Swarm.
So whats up with Bastion? Good?
Don't be mean ):
Damn i just got an email from steam:
Is someone trying to hack my account?
So whats up with Bastion? Good?
Someone tried using a code you redeemed already. Then clicked that retrieve account button. It's the button clicking that does it.
Edit : Nvm , already answered.
Looking Glass Studios created Thief, made Thief 1 and 2. Ion Storm developed the third game and Deus Ex.The same Ion Storm also developed Daikatana.
As for if they hold up, I quote myself:
So whats up with Bastion? Good?
Just got round to playing Dear Esther and I am experiencing weird frame rate hitches. It's running at a solid 60 but every 5 seconds it will skip, anyone else have this issue?
Demon souls is pretty not that polished :\Anyone interested in S.T.A.L.K.E.R: SoC should take the plunge now that's dirt cheap.
The best way to describe it is this: it's a survival simulator. It's not for everyone, but it's a game everyone should experience. I liken it to the Souls games; not be because they are anything like the Souls series in terms of design, mechanics or aesthetics; rather because they have an inherent hostility that is always a part of the environment, and because both respect the player as a rational agent and trust him/ her to overcome the challenges the game throws out. And like the Souls series, the game will punish you for being reckless, and it will reward you for being deliberate, methodical and observant in your approach.
It does differ from the Soul series in that, unlike the former, which are polished to perfection and lovingly hand-crafted to the last delicious detail, S.T.A.L.K.E.R is kind of rough. It's actually quite rough, and if you are familiar with the term "Euro-jank", well, you know what I'm talking about, but there are ways around that.
Give it a shot. It might yet make men out of you.
To answer the previous question, yes there were two Ion Storms, Dallas and Austin. Dallas was the original that made Daikatana and Anachronox. Ion Storm Austin was the one that Warren Spector headed up, and they made Deus Ex 1, 2, and Thief 3.
In order of release, so SoC, CS, then CoP.
There are Complete mods for all three games.
I am tying not to spend more than $5 a day now
Bastion or Sins of a Solar Empire Trilogy
..I know they are not even remotely similar