LA Noire is just really shallow in implementation, runs poorly even on good rigs (poorly here meaning locked to 30fps, and if you patch it to 60fps even on great systems it still dips to 30 randomly for no reason which shouldn't happen, also it fucks up car driving because it's locked to fps speed, another example of shit/lazy coding)I'm considering LA Noire. What's the verdict on that? I know a lot of people don't like it but I'm not sure why? Could someone post some pros and cons?
I mean thematically it's cool, but it's just kind of boring and shallow. The face animation is cool but IDK, I got this for $7.50 and I couldn't imagine having to pay $60 for this.
You're new to PC games huh?I am playing on the PC there is no controller option. Unless you mean Y on the right side of the keyboard lol..a bit far.