Which server is that channel on?
Hmm, I've been waiting to see if Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity gets any cheaper, but now that I've seen Rebellion and what it includes, I'm having difficulty choosing between them.
If Rebellion drops enough, I'll probably go for that, but otherwise I'll just go for Trinity I think. What are the chances of either of them (especially Rebellion) being a daily deal/flash sale?
what are the current, as of this moment deals and prices? #NoAccessToSteamRightNow
I like how you find it cute, your arn't my type tho.
*pats ass on way past*
Adding me finally works! So get to it people!
----> Yoshichan <----
Go go go
You representing Stockholm GAF?!Done. Sweden represent. Stockholm > Örebro though.
I have lots of games... But no friends. Feel free to add me on steam gaf!!!
Steam id: yogloo
I have lots of games... But no friends. Feel free to add me on steam gaf!!!
Steam id: yogloo
For some reason, I can't find you too. I added yoshichan fine though.I tried but i can't find your steam ID. Is there a search problem atm? I couldn't find someone else earlier today either.
my ID is Bradach333
what are the current, as of this moment deals and prices? #NoAccessToSteamRightNow
I have the two later AC games, but are you saying climbing/platforming gets better? Because I love the tombs, but towards the end of 2, I just quit playing since it controlled like shit.
Pretty low I think. I don't remember them ever appearing in a sale. And rebellion isn't discounted at all currently.
To buy Assassins Creed Brotherhood or not.....not much money left and a lot of smaller games on my wishlist left. Oh Gaben ;_;
Thanks! Crysis 2 looks tempting. I'll be home in an hour or so take a look.These are the ones on the frontpage.
Theres a Deluxe edition? http://store.steampowered.com/app/48190
Theres a Directors Cut? http://store.steampowered.com/app/15100/
Theres a Gold Edition? http://store.steampowered.com/sub/13858/
Theres a Pack? http://store.steampowered.com/sub/14728/
I have lots of games... But no friends. Feel free to add me on steam gaf!!!
Steam id: yogloo
You representing Stockholm GAF?!
Done. Sweden represent. Stockholm > Örebro though.
You representing Stockholm GAF?!
i only got ACII and got right up to the end before I quit
and getting ACB now during the sale...
i assume the climbing/platforming is more or less the same in the other two titles but others who have played all the titles will be more informed than me. But I agree with with you, the layouts of the tombs were really good... but it controlled like a big fat turd.
Fuck! Well, I'll proudly take King of Örebro GAF then!I'm claiming the spot as King of Stockholm GAF! Come at me other members!
The controls are more or less the same. I find them incredibly fluid...my only issue is when I just want to run off a ledge and not jump (maybe there's a way to do that and I'm not aware of it). Otherwise, Ezio does pretty much what I tell him to do.
As for ACB vs. AC2...the platforming dungeons are even better this time around.![]()
Was Lone Survivor on sale already?
I voted every time and I'm at 15 votes. You missed one.
Gothenburg GAF representin'!
(Your city doesn't even have an official English name, muahahaha...)
Yeah, it was in an indie bundle
For some reason, I can't find you too. I added yoshichan fine though.
I can't find gamechop too.
Has Witcher 2 been on sale during this Summer Sale? Deciding weather to vote for it or Risen 2
Gothenburg please stop stealing concerts, all bands should play in the capital exclusively.
Oh! I get it, avoiding the actual question because I have a real-pic Avatar and your intimidated by my ravishing good looks. That's okay, I'll just chalk up your hatred of the AC series to the fact that you have terrible taste.
Even the first game was completely enjoyable if majorly flawed.