Can I switch? I fear Pink team may be dead.
We need a modbot giveaway rule for pinks only.
Cheers, I'll keep an eye out for it.Controller support is good but I have a 7870XT so I dunno how it would run on a 750Ti...I imagine it would be fine though
now team green is destroying everything
methinks this is all bullshit lol
The Last Remnant $2.49 yay or nay?
Probably never gonna play it....
The Last Remnant $2.49 yay or nay?
Probably never gonna play it....
you need to buy it and play it!
there was never more true tag on steam
I hearby pledge to actually play badrats and record it as prove.
Is it possible that SSIVAE will go cheaper as the sale progresses? Thanks in advance.
Wow you can change your team by buying tokens on the market. lol. Team Token
Head to head.
So am I safe in assuming pricing errors really only crop up when the flash/dailies change? So I'm safe to feed myself and sleep in between those 8 hour periods?
Those team graphs are some Fox News quality data visualization.
Did LEGO Marvel Super Heroes go on sale in the winter?
Dead Rising 3 for $40 REALLY tempts me.
goddamn it.
now team green is destroying everything
methinks this is all bullshit lol
Did LEGO Marvel Super Heroes go on sale in the winter?
Can I switch? I fear Pink team may be dead.
Did LEGO Marvel Super Heroes go on sale in the winter?
Those team graphs are some Fox News quality data visualization.
Tried the demo ages ago, didnt like it. Guess I will skip it.
stay mad, pink.Also I'm fairly certain Team Green is actually cheating.
Damn it, Durante.
But I'm not playing it until it releases.
(Any of the other Divinity games worth playing?)