Someone sell me on Divinity as I've been keeping an eye on it but can't completely justify pulling the trigger. Also will that be it's cheapest price?

As for selling you on it:
Hi guys, I am a huge crpg fan. I've played (and love) many of them, from Fallout 1 to Baldur's Gate 2. I bought this game last week due to the posts of Sinatar and Durante. Here are my impressions:
Game is fucking awesome buy it if you have good taste in rpgs.
Watching the livestream from yesterday (skipping around the parts where Swen shows off higher-level areas/encounters), just so I could get a look at the Level Editor... oh man. Oh boy oh boyohboy. Oh my. That's some high-level, weapons-grade shit.
GAF, I played the demo some more. People dismissing this as eurojank or whatever are 100% wrong.
I've been waiting for a game like this for a decade. If the final game is as polished throughout and the combat system holds up, this might become one of my all time favorites. I love the chunky UI.
I have a feeling a good many hardcore RPG fan will regret sleeping on this one, especially as it is already being discounted via Steam Summer Sale.
I haven't read one bad impression, the company has been transparent and awesome throughout development, etc... Everything about the game is singing.... and yet this game seems to really be going under the radar.
There were enough fans of this genre to throw millions of dollars at Obsidian (deservedly, mind you) and yet I feel this title is just sneaking out.