Games everyone should own:
Stalker series (If you get ANY of these, get Call of Pripyat and the complete mod. Call of Pripyat is a fps where you scavenge a wasteland that is out to get you at every turn, where the draw is the atmosphere and the journey. It's very good. It's also fucking THREE POINT EIGHTY USD. JESUS I'LL BUY YOU THE DAMN GAME MYSELF IF I MUST)
King Arthur (This is basically a Total War rpg about king arthur. It's really good)
Deus Ex 1 (this is pretty much the penultimate fps/rpg game that made its start on the PC. A little dated now, but heads and tails better than other games that try to be like it.
The Secret of Monkey Island (For adventure fans, these games are a must. They're the best in the genre.)
Beat Hazard (You like Asteroids? You like graphics and listening to your music? This game is the bees knees then)
Games that are meh, better off not buying:
Civilization 5 (maybe it's better after a ton of patches, but it's not nearly as good as CIV 4)
Stalker Clear Sky and Chernobyl (they're not as good as CoP, and the story doesn't matter as much to miss it)
Guild Wars Trilogy (if you have some friends or a guild, sure I guess, but Guild Wars 2 is coming out soon, so this is a bit of a waste of money)
AI War (it's a neat little game that's kind of like supreme commader in space)
Monday Night Combat (TPS tf2, just go play tf2 instead)
Shift Unleashed 2 (eh, theres not much that sets it apart from other racing games)
Wings of Prey (eh, it's a dogfighting game that looks pretty but I hear it's rather shallow. Save your money for something else, methinks)
Games that are bad, avoid:
Call of Duty 4 (it's call of duty, you don't really play it for the mediocre sp, and hardly no one plays mp compared to the other games)
Deus Ex Invisible War (Tries to be a deus ex game while cashing in on the console market, but fails in almost every regard)