gketter said:Sorry. Cant be a bad list when Deus Ex is listed.
It also has a coherent story and has the most believable premise of any of the MW games.Snuggler said:Yes, with Deus Ex, STALKER, and COD4, it's a good day for FPS games. And yes, I said COD4. I've been replaying it since purchasing it @ D2D a few days ago, and I'm having a good time with it again. Obviously it's not nearly as rich and rewarding as something like STALKER or DX, but it has the best COD campaign by far and it's good, fast paced fun. The endlessly spawning enemies suck, though.
exactly why i passed. it needs to be $10 or lowerTruespeed said:Disappointed at the NFS: HP price. I could have purchased the PS3 game cheaper.
IMACOMPUTA said:Can someone tell me why COD4 fails to find any servers?
This is pissing me off..
fadetoblack said:You guys with this KB/M debate vs. controller shit.... god, you're all acting as if somebody playing with a controller is making your personal experience worse. Look, from now on, I could only play RTS games with a steering wheel and it shouldn't matter to anyone ever.
I can't download the demo because I'm currently dealing with shitty bandwidth limits but anyhow have any word on Wings of Prey? I don't have a flightstick but I'm thinking since it supports gamepads that it might be pretty good. Anyone have any experience with using a gamepad?
The quick look on Giant Bomb looked pretty pretty good to me:
Also, has anyone dealt with the DRM stuff first hand? How bad is it?
TheBez said:Everyone's favorite game The Wonderful End of the World updated for me.I actually like the game
Probably Punkbuster? Manual update required?Lone_Prodigy said:Firewall blocking it?
Lone_Prodigy said:Firewall blocking it?
Afraid so. But it might be back for the last day.MMaRsu said:Was there a BC2 sale? I missed it .
StuBurns said:Afraid so. But it might be back for the last day.
Can't say for the US, it was £5 in the UK though.MMaRsu said:How much was it?
Gvaz said:His computer doesn't want him to play a CoD game. It's doing him a favor.
Gvaz said:His computer doesn't want him to play a CoD game. It's doing him a favor.
StuBurns said:Can't say for the US, it was £5 in the UK though.
EDIT: Steam Prices says $5, seems odd.
DEUS EX AVATAR FIGHTTTTTTDerrick01 said:But cod 4 is one of the greatest games this gen so in this case it's really screwing him
Wallach said:I also gifted you a game about an old woman that sits down and dies.
Derrick01 said:But cod 4 is one of the greatest games this gen so in this case it's really screwing him
gketter said:Sorry. Cant be a bad list when Deus Ex is listed.
gdt5016 said:Yeah, Stalker isn't clicking with me as of yet. I'll play a little Infamous 2/UC3, then restart Stalker later tonight, with a guide, see if I can get a better handle on things.
and it was cheaper in the other salesChiggs said:Who the hell cares?
The game came out 11 years ago and has been on sale many times.
Worst day of Steam sales ever.
gdt5016 said:Yeah, Stalker isn't clicking with me as of yet. I'll play a little Infamous 2/UC3, then restart Stalker later tonight, with a guide, see if I can get a better handle on things.
CoD4 on PC is one of the top MP experiences of this genGvaz said:His computer doesn't want him to play a CoD game. It's doing him a favor.
Eternia said:So does Beat Hazard Ultra dlc vary the gameplay enough compared to the original? Additional weapons and enemies sound interesting.
Raxus said:Is Nation Red any good? How about with friends?
mxgt said:CoD4 on PC is one of the top MP experiences of this gen
Gvaz said:Four Minute? Maybe with the COP mod at first but never afterwards. There's a fix for that, but I don't know if it was integrated into the full pack yet.
Orellio said:I blew a fuse earlier today pimping STALKER so much, but it even took me 2 or 3 attempts to get into Shadow of Chernobyl. That first hour or two is really killer. You have to give it time to get into it, so maybe mid sale with a bunch of other new games in the back of your mind wanting to be played isn't the best time to give it a shot. I just got Clear Sky today but I probably won't play it for a week or so until I get some other games out of the way.
Discotheque said:I've said this way too much but it would be better if you skip Clear Sky and just move on to the true enjoyable sequel to STALKER, Call of Pripyat. Clear Sky just got everything so wrong for me.
Oh and the first hour or so of STALKER is tough to get into but after that I was addicted once I got the hang of things. Really amazing atmosphere and gunplay (best since FEAR 1 for the latter).
Petrie said:The Beat Hazard DLC makes it into an entirely new, fresh experience. It just feels much mor zen like and engrosses you in the trippy feel much more than previously. I for one am in love with it.
Sysgen said:twin stick + m/p + perks + fucking outrageous LSD visuals + leaderboards + unique game per music track. No brainer.