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Steam Summer Sales Thread: remember: you can actually play after buying

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I played through Borderlands on my own just fine. I never felt like I needed someone there with me. Of course, having someone play with you is better but I personally didn't let it hold me back from it. I'd go with it since you haven't played it yet.


grkazan12 said:
Okay I'm in a tough spot yall, played and beat Oblivion on the 360 and I know mods really make the PC the definitive version, but I never played Borderlands and it seems interesting but I dont have anyone to play co-op with ( dont know if its a problem or not). Borderlands or Oblivion? I have no idea which one to choose.

I think it depends on how interested you are in mods. You probably won't be that interested in any of the content you've already finished on the 360. Have you played the DLC content that comes with the Oblivion GotY? If not I'd lean that way, since I think Oblivion is a better game than Borderlands, especially if you're only going to play the latter as a single player game.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Bruiserk said:
Ok, so I want to get Borderlands. I will also get Oblivion GOTY deluxe, but should I get both Bit.trip's? Or is runner the only one worth it?
Bit.Trip.Beat is kind of like Pong mixed with a bullet hell shooter. If that sounds interesting to you, its worth it.


This Dawn of War situation is fucking me up. I want to get those games, but the THQ hits pack is like $49.99. I already own a lot of those games though, like most of them. So I don't want to pay $45 for just the Dawn of War games, when I get get a few more for $5 more, but I don't know if the complete collection of DoW games will be cheaper on another day since Retribution is a daily sale. Shitty.


So I'm tempted to get either Recettear and Bit.Trip Runner, but I must resist! Also spent a little time on Bit.Trip Beat. Got myself two tickets total now! I'll need 6 to grab the Magicka and Defense Grid DLC.


The Broken Ska Record said:
Amnesia isn't a Daily Deal, right? I want to hold off on buying it as long as I can.

No, only the 12 games shown there on the front page splash are the dailies.

mug said:
Killing Floor worth it at $9.99?

Yes. It is fantastic. But wait to see if it shows up as a daily sale. If it doesn't show up as a daily by the 9th, grab it.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Weenerz said:
So it was confirmed to be Bit.Trip.Beat even with it not having a 1-1 level? Can someone 'splain this to me?

The first part of the first level.


Bought Bit.Trip Runner. Almost went for MoH but I think I can hold out for a game I'm more interested in. Keep me busy Bit Trip. Hold me back.
Weenerz said:
So it was confirmed to be Bit.Trip.Beat even with it not having a 1-1 level? Can someone 'splain this to me?

Yeah, it's Beat. The song is broken up in segments and you just need to do perfect on the first segment. Very easy.
Oh man, going after these tickets is like I'm back on the potato hunt.

...which is an awesome thing, considering the potato hunt was pretty much the most fun I've had in video games this year.

Anyone know where the sunbeams are in toki tori


Weenerz said:
So it was confirmed to be Bit.Trip.Beat even with it not having a 1-1 level? Can someone 'splain this to me?
Yeah, just play transition mode and don't miss a single beat up until beat #70ish (when the first set of glowing multicolored beats/boxes pop up). It's pretty easy to do.
theinfinityissue said:
Oh man, going after these tickets is like I'm back on the potato hunt.

...which is an awesome thing, considering the potato hunt was pretty much the most fun I've had in video games this year.

Anyone know where the sunbeams are in toki tori

Look at the first post of this thread for help on Toki Tori.
TDU2 for £5? can't say no on steam, just can't.

*edit* eh page says 50% off, front page says 67%...
This is the first sale in a long time where I actually have to job to fund my buying :p
theinfinityissue said:
Oh man, going after these tickets is like I'm back on the potato hunt.

...which is an awesome thing, considering the potato hunt was pretty much the most fun I've had in video games this year.

Anyone know where the sunbeams are in toki tori
It is in the OP.

I'd like to see help like that for all the challenges in the OP. Which of the ones are easy? I just want a few tickets so I can get the TF2 shades and maybe a couple other prizes.

gdt5016 said:
Is Toki Tori good?
It is a fun little puzzle game. The later levels get very challenging.
Dwayne said:
So, Lead and Gold, worth a damn?
Probably the best time to play it, I hear it's dead otherwise with just a handful of servers. A sale will be your best chance to enjoy it. That said I've bought games in Christmas sale which had no boost to the community (Defcon) despite selling well in the sale indie packs.
LastWindow said:
Look at the first post of this thread for help on Toki Tori.

ah, thanks. Also, I think Toki Tori is fantastic, a shame I never finished it. At some point it gets pretty freaking hard. But solving one of those puzzles is pretty damn fulfilling. Definitely a sound investment if you enjoy those "oh shit now I get it" moments.


Thanks folks for the bit.trip.beat information, and thanks to SalsaShark and friends for making an awesome OP, the Toki Tori information helped.


Diablohead said:
TDU2 for £5? can't say no on steam, just can't.

*edit* eh page says 50% off, front page says 67%...
This is the first sale in a long time where I actually have to job to fund my buying :p
That clinches it for some reason. I'm buying it too.


Probably a dumb question, but how do I remove stuff from my wishlist? I can only seem to re-arrange the games, but not remove them.
Picked up the Witcher 2, happy I waited (well, I had other stuff to do too). I never finished the first, but I think I'll just watch some videos / read up on it and get right into the second.
Lo_Fi said:
Probably a dumb question, but how do I remove stuff from my wishlist? I can only seem to re-arrange the games, but not remove them.

Just under the name of the game, right next to the date when you added it to your wishlist. Click on Remove.
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