Unless there's some other price fuckup or some site sells TWD, SR3: The Full Package for 2.5$ again (missed the Amazon deal) or L.A. Noire Complete for dirt cheap, I think I'm done with this sale.
Killing Floor Robot DLC - 0,99€ (Steam)
Most of the Gamersgate Bethesda pack - 20$ (thanks to snack!). Gifted RAGE, Morrowind, Brink and Hunted: The Demon's Forge here
Borderlands 2 4 pack - 2,35€ (GamersGate). Managed to redeem my key, can't say the same for the three others.
Also, RionaaM gifted me Bioskock 2 and DECOY-LDN did the same with Spec Ops: The Line (thanks again!).
I'm seriously considering joining the one year without buying games challenge now...
Had someone ask me why I'd removed them and if they did something wrong, so I just wanted to post this again:
I removed 220 people a few weeks ago because I didn't feel like sorting through them to see who was GAF and who had added me just for help with [EA] gifting. Slowly adding people back & this time around I'm tagging as GAF, so feel free to add me if you were on there before or just want to be friends. Sorry!
Added you again. Thanks so much for the Killing Floor gift during the Summer Sale!