Free copy of Binding of Isaac, anyone?
I'd say yes, but it's not my type of game! You're awesome for gifting though! To the next person awake here!
Free copy of Binding of Isaac, anyone?
Free copy of Binding of Isaac, anyone?
Do you mean that you want one? Because if so I'll sort you out.
You think you're going to be able to stop now?
Now this is the story all about how
Brink's life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how it became the prince of trash with no compare.
In Splash Damage, Ltd born and raised
On constant development where it spent most of its days
marketing, debugging, QCing all cool
And all the while hyping it outside of the school
When a couple of journalists found out its no good
Started making trouble in the GAFfer's hood
It got a lot of bad previews and Bethesda got scared
And said "Oh wow, you became a prince of trash with no compare."
EDIT: Why am I not working!?
I bought a shit-ton of unknown indie games on GamersGateto fill the void of Steam not emptying my wallet.
All yours. Check your PMs![]()
I'm afraid of creating an account on GOG just because I know I'll have another hole to sink my money into.
Oh god, the Gabriel Knight series is in there. Hnnngh!
It's bad.
I wish Steam would tell you how much you have to download rather than how much space a game takes up. I have put off downloading Dirt 3 for months because Steam said it was about 11gb when really it's about 6.7gb.
You could have just started the download, paused it, and checked the Downloads page.At worst you waste a few megs of quota in the process.
any of u played 'the cursed crusade'? just wondering if its worth a play thru for $6?
its 80% off ...
looks like it might be an okay hack n slash.
Also, just bought Resonance and Emerald City Confidential. To be honest, I've never actually played a Wadjet Eye game and I've wanted to play Gemini Rue and Primordia. I might end up buying those before the sale is over.
I've been browsing through the indie section. What is GAF's opinion on Hard Reset and Sine Mora?
Should we prepare a comfortable cardboard box to be his new home?
So apprently Funcom still wants my CC info after buying The Secret World. Won't let me register my key without it.
Hard Reset - At it's core, it's a traditional FPS (Doom, Serious Sam, Quake, Painkiller) wrapped in a Blade runneresque cyberpunk visual wrapper. The weapons are presented as two transforming guns; but it actually boils down to two types of ammunition (energy and bullet based) that morph into two variations on traditional weapon sets (assault rifle, shotgun, grenade launcher, etc). The common complaint is that the AI emulates the very traditional gameplay style so some people used to modern shooters where enemies stay far back and barrage the player with weapon fire erroneously complain that they're constantly getting rushed. It's really quite good.
Sine Mora - It's a Shmup with a interesting mechanic of a constantly decreasing time limit that needs to be replenished by destroying enemies. Story wise, it's a bit like a happy version of a classic Russian novel than the typical **13 YEAR OLD ANIME GIRL KAWAII!!!** storyline, but it isn't anything serious. Unless your a simpleton that HAD TO STOP PLAYING BECAUSE YOU WERE PHYSICALLY SICKENED AND DISTRAUGHT(tm) because the story world depicted doesn't follow a typical Disney story line.
LolSo apprently Funcom still wants my CC info after buying The Secret World. Won't let me register my key without it.
I'm sure we can find a gaffer willing to let him live with them, if it comes to that.
That is weird, it didn't ask me for mine. Although I already had an existing Funcom account from Age of Conan. (Which I bought a cheapass collector's version of years ago and then never played beyond the tutorial, but I digress.) As for the Secret World, getting it started was an exercise in frustration. First it took like 7 hours to download from Steam (I wish I were kidding) and then the patcher went nuts downloading data exceeding what it was supposed to download, to the point that it caused a fatal error, and apparently this is not uncommon according to their tech support forum. So i finally get ingame and my framerate never goes above 20fps no matter what I do. DX9 or 11, makes no difference, changing the visual settings doesn't make much difference either and it's not anywhere near pretty enough to justify this performance hit.So apprently Funcom still wants my CC info after buying The Secret World. Won't let me register my key without it.
I hate Steam with a passion. A couple weeks ago, I had never really used Steam but since they put SimCity 4 up on sale last week, I've bought numerous other games and it really feels like an addiction at this point. I've got to lay off the store for a while or something as I already have a giant backlog on the consoles. Hell, I bought a game today I'm not even sure will run right on my PC.
That is weird, it didn't ask me for mine. Although I already had an existing Funcom account from Age of Conan. (Which I bought a cheapass collector's version of years ago and then never played beyond the tutorial, but I digress.) As for the Secret World, getting it started was an exercise in frustration. First it took like 7 hours to download from Steam (I wish I were kidding) and then the patcher went nuts downloading data exceeding what it was supposed to download, to the point that it caused a fatal error, and apparently this is not uncommon according to their tech support forum. So i finally get ingame and my framerate never goes above 20fps no matter what I do. DX9 or 11, makes no difference, changing the visual settings doesn't make much difference either and it's not anywhere near pretty enough to justify this performance hit.
$64.99How much is the Assassins Creed Franchise pack in the US?
Wow, bought dmc 4 for around 1/3 of that at gmg.
Is the DMC4 flash deal some sort of troll? It has been that price the entire time this sale - I bought it a couple days ago (never had it on PC).
New flash deals
DMC4 66%, 3d Mark Vantage 75%, and Trine collection 75%
How come the trine 2 dlc never becomes cheaper than 50% off![]()
Is the DMC4 flash deal some sort of troll? It has been that price the entire time this sale - I bought it a couple days ago (never had it on PC).
Is the DMC4 flash deal some sort of troll? It has been that price the entire time this sale - I bought it a couple days ago (never had it on PC).
Trine is great. get it.Yeah, picked up DMC4 at Green Man for way cheaper. What's the word on Trine? Never got a chance to try it!
Yeah, picked up DMC4 at Green Man for way cheaper. What's the word on Trine? Never got a chance to try it!
Self quote to thank Vitamin again. Went through Dear Esther first thing in the morning. Put on my headphones and let myself get sucked into the experience. By the end of I was thoroughly wowed. The ambiguous story telling, the great sense of place, the stunningly crafted environment and the amazing audio made it come together as a great package that I will certainly go through again.Many thanks to Vitaminwateryum for gifting me Dear Esther! Completely took me by surprise. It was high on my wishlist so I look forward to taking the time this weekend to play through it!
Self quote to thank Vitamin again. Went through Dear Esther first thing in the morning. Put on my headphones and let myself get sucked into the experience. By the end of I was thoroughly wowed. The ambiguous story telling, the great sense of place, the stunningly crafted environment and the amazing audio made it come together as a great package that I will certainly go through again.
I was popping in here to make sure I wasn't imagining things at the beginning of the sale and that DMC4's price didn't change.
What the fuck, Valve.
Good to know. I also feel like I still have some parts of the island to explore that I missed the first time around.Going through it again is especially worthwhile since the dialogue and some other things are randomized.
How is the PC port for DMC 4? better with a pad?
Why do my flash sales say they'll end in six... days?