I have said it before and I'll say it again, millions of embryos are to be destroyed in clinics. 10s of millions if not 100s of millions of embryos are lost each year naturally through attempts at natural reproduction taking place all over the globe(failure to implant, either environmental problems arising and/or presence of genetic defects resulting in spontaneous abortion, sometimes too early to even notice, and the like.). Those who oppose e-stem cell research must, due to need for consistency in their views, see this as wrong and must seek means to stop this.
Sterilizing themselves or remaining in abstinence for the rest of their lives(this is the only option for catholics, whose belief system I've heard opposes sex without probability of reproduction), would be a first step. If they do not do this, there'll be the probability of personally destroying embryos, which goes against their morals.
Given that they don't seem to make much of an issue of this, nor do many seem willing to relinquish their sex lives, their views are thus cast as inconsistent. Internally inconsistent arguments, are illogical, they hold no weight. This is the sad truth that lies behind all those e-stem cell debates. I just hope someone decides to finally show that their emperor really has no clothes.