I know numerous people with flaps that would not even come close to being called overweight based off BMI.
pics. of the females. dessert optional. .
I know numerous people with flaps that would not even come close to being called overweight based off BMI.
It will never happen again, dudeHoller when game of thrones gets closer and here's to more Emilia Clarke nudity!
No, average is average. Good is good.
Lena Dunham has wrote 1 TV show that has lasted for a single year
Howard Stern is probably the most famous radio personality on earth
USA = not everyone on earth.
I understand that todays media is 80% focused on shit going on in LA and New York but
I think you are overestimating his fame in the world.
I understand that it's common for a white person to only hang with a closed group of other similar white people. BUT on the show, she lives and ventures into diverse Brooklyn neighborhoods (Greenpoint, Prospect), but said diversity is completely invisible/ignored on her show. It's fucking jarring and a big deal for the people who live in Bk, who are already highly underrepresented in television and other media. At least the other shows that pull this crap have the "defense" of taking place in expensive areas of lower Manhattan.
The show's claims about speaking for a "generation" are insulting considering it's a very limited subset of middle and upper-middle class white/Jewish girls living in this city who already get lots of attention. This is just the latest popular show set in NY that does this shit -- the only time minorities are prominently featured are as criminals or victims in cop shows.
In other words: the show will be on long enough to include just enough temporary token minorities whose sole existence and purpose revolves around the cast of white characters. We won't dare alienate our self-absorbed, 20-something target audience by introducing realistic diversity in a NYC setting.
I also don't think she believes for one second that she's speaking for a generation, though.
Can HBO pay me to write an awful, wanna-be edgy comedy series?
It's pretty depressing how much crap HBO has green-lighted over the last few years.
Where do you live? Milwaukee?
I also don't think she believes for one second that she's speaking for a generation, though.
haha Arizona... seriously hot chicks here no doubt, but in relation to the entire population of US. I am correct.
Haven't been to a college campus lately?i mean, if you're into skin damage, bleached hair, and 4lbs of make up
yeah, 'attractive'
...i dont like you
Lena Dunham is an odd case. I find her thoroughly mediocre, yet she seems to be weirdly polarizing.
I'm equally perplexed by the love and the hate. She's just so meh to me.
Its Howard Stern though, its his job to be controversial. He's got to stay relevant somehow you know. And it might have been an insult but it got more people talking about Lena Dunham. I've never seen her show or even seen what she looked like. Now I know.
if i have to choose between two shitters i'd choose none at allI have to choose a person making a new show or a tired old radio hack, I think I will go with the person making something new, even though I have no idea who she is.
This show really seems to piss people off, huh.
People look for any and every reason to hate it. It's actually really decent.
Buncha haters.
(Also, you linked to a page in an image tag.)
She got the job because of Apatow and on the strength of her earlier work. Most of the people she's recruited were friends.
This whole "nepotism" thing would be a problem if it weren't like, y'know, one of the best received shows in the past X years.
The girl who is Mamet's daughter is the fucking worst. She was on Mad Men and stunk up every scene she was in-I looked her up on IMDB and then was all like "Ok well at least this makes sense."
what.. uptight people have sex with their clothes on?
Buncha haters.
(Also, you linked to a page in an image tag.)
She got the job because of Apatow and on the strength of her earlier work. Most of the people she's recruited were friends.
This whole "nepotism" thing would be a problem if it weren't like, y'know, one of the best received shows in the past X years.
In this world. Girls gets near universally acclaim for a reason. People, a lot of people, love it.
Dunham's nudity is about her making herself vulnerable. I don't see Allison Williams or her character making herself that vulnerable onscreen. She's a steel trap.
I like the show, but that's the truth. It's a show about entitled girls played by entitled girls. Maybe that helps the show work (and helps the characters be particularly unbearable).
The that should be the actual poster if that's the point they want to get across. The average viewer isn't going to take that meaning away from the show. They'll just think it's a show about spoiled brats who want the world without much work.
the way she constantly gets naked on the show and is the only girl to do so is kind of oppressive
People love it? I don't think that's a fair assessment. Critics certainly love it, but the viewer reaction has been pretty divided.
In fact the wild overreactions by critics are what have engendered most of the backlash to the show in my opinion.
If it was honestly assessed as what it is, another niche mediocre HBO half-hour (see: Bored to Dead, Hung, or How to Make it in America) that is okay to watch but far from a must-see, Dunham wouldn't have received a tenth of the criticism she has.
I like the show, but that's the truth. It's a show about entitled girls played by entitled girls. Maybe that helps the show work (and helps the characters be particularly unbearable).
this is the problem
dumb people are subscribing to hbo
The that should be the actual poster if that's the point they want to get across. The average viewer isn't going to take that meaning away from the show. They'll just think it's a show about spoiled brats who want the world without much work.
So it is basically girl Entourage?
The difference is Entourage actually thought its characters were likable, decent human beings. Girls is well aware its characters aren't.