Get a stock exchange video game.
Research, read, learn, use simulation trading. Do that for a few months and see how you do.
Once you get it down though, it's pretty incredible. I made $4k today alone doing a few flips on a couple stocks.
Video game is far less motivating then using real money
There's people that spend $5,000 a year on on the equivalent of clicking cows in a fantasy land(no blame to them, do what you love to do!) At least Day-trading keeps me in the loop to the business world, has the potential to make a profit....
NotLove - Curious what's your capital? I'm playing with $120,000(which includes margin), stupidly got blindsided by Amazon, without a stop loss order today.. the misread support and lost some more. The pattern day-trader label is really a bummer in I can only make those $120,000 a trades a day and then It's sit out time till the next day.
Video game is far less motivating then using real money
NotLove - Curious what's your capital? I'm playing with $120,000(which includes margin), stupidly got blindsided by Amazon, without a stop loss order today.. the misread support and lost some more. The pattern day-trader label is really a bummer in I can only make those $120,000 a trades a day and then It's sit out time till the next day.
Video game is far less motivating then using real money
Thanks For the advice NOLOVE, besides for OF stocks I'm not getting anywhere near OTC stocks.
I'm Mr.Make huge $ trades but do so with as little risk as possible and expect low returns here...
PieCake - I don't leave the computer screen when I have a margin trade open and I'm out at the very first sign of trouble if using more then 15k(my stop losses are probably too conservative)
I put in 15k in Amazon left work(night job) went to go home, didn't put in a stop loss as I was actually planning to take a long position.. misread the supports when I finally did get back in.
FFDOG, watch ECOB tomorrow. I think you'll be very interested. I'll be putting another $5k in there in the AM after I watch how the gap-up does.
There are ways to limit losses, but it's a lot harder to do on a daytrade than it is longer term. It's called hedging, by the way.Heya Everyone, I've gotten so in love with day-trading, but I'm finding it's costing me money(not a huge amount, have lost 4000$ in 3 months off a top of being up $2500, oh Amazon how you have hurt me)
I would been even more in the red if it wasn't for sheer-out gambles I did that paid off(thank you shorting twitter)
So my question is: I love high-value real money day trading, it makes me so intrigued in business / keeping up with the world, makes me feel like I have a productive hobby.
But what's the best way to learn how to day trade at break-even or minimal losses?
Every post / book I've found seems to either be about how to make $$$$$$ 1000%, trade penny stocks nonsense or the opposite end, that 70% of day-traders go bankrupt in a year.
I'm not at all interested in making more then a 7% profit and willing to accept a 3000$~ loss a year to play the day-trading game
What do you suggest: Blue chip stocks that aren't going to majorly swing on me? Taking neutral positions every day in the market?
Any reading suggestions?
Again Just want a strategy that will end me up around even / slight loss at the end of the day, while still doing high-value day-trading in the stock market.
Yes, I realize that I'm guaranteed more money if I don't day-trade, that's not my point here, it's to enjoy day-trading
I'm not at all interested in making more then a 7% profit
Whoa that's insane, but also scary as can be, will be rooting for you, throw in a $25 your way(I've got way too many extra free trades)
How do you have balls to just place $3k down on something that quick-moving? At least with day-trading unless a world-changing event happens during the day, I know the most I'm going to lose is like .5% - 1% with my stop losses.
Happy my 2+% gains I got today from buying right at the start of the down market.
Article saying Apple might want to buy Tesla
Would be interesting. They would basically step ahead of Google on that front since Google will probably do nothing until they have self-driven car.
Does that mean they'd force Apple software on to the cars?
Transportation and tech are radically different goals and vision? No.
1- Sensors on cars to analyze road conditions, info sent across peer-to-peer and to servers. This is big data, very important for a company like Apple.
2- Where cars go and when, another great source of data.
3- Automated cards = car fleet that spreads automatically based on road conditions and predicted high demand areas. And when cars are automated, you have to be able to do something while in the car, which means free internet access. In fact, cars will all be mobile wifi access. No more need for the internet if you are in a high traffic area, you just connect through the passing vehicles. The more vehicles present, the more stable the connection is.
And a lot more stuff I didn't even think about.
I only use $30k at a time. I don't play big boards, I play OTC, so I don't need to use massive amounts of capital. Much faster gains, much higher risk. Once you learn to read Level 2 on OTC though and how to scan for news/momentum, it's a totally different ballgame. One of my friends that I trade with has been spanking me on trades lately... he made $18k last week and about $12k the week before. I'm up about $7k this week so I can't bitch too much.
My goal lately is to just go for 3x doubles a week using $3k.
Honestly though, and don't take this the wrong way, you're a noob so please,follow my advice of learning, doing fuckloads of research, and doing simulated trading. And don't come into the OTC unless you've been studying it for months because it is the Wild West and it is definitely much harder than big boards trading. If you do, only use $1k at a time. Trust me on this. And NEVER ever fucking trust people on InvestorsHub. Pumper or basher, they WILL do their best to trick you and completely mislead you into making a big mistake.
My grandmother passed away a few years ago, and left me some money in a Fidelity account to start investing with.
I was terrified to touch it, and didn't want to spend the money, so it's just been sitting there for two years.
Parents kept telling me to start investing, and I finally have the free time to do it, so after some confusing research, I finally bought my first few shares.
Problem #1: No amount of research is convincing me that I have even the slightest idea what I'm doing.
I keep researching the fuck out of the companies I want to invest in, I'm using the resources at Fidelity and Google finance, etc... But it seems like every analyst is saying something different, so I'm trying to come to my own conclusions about companies.
I still have no idea how to do that. Advice is ranging from 'don't listen to anyone' to 'only listen to these few professionals'.
Problem #2: This is scary.
People keep telling me 'sure things' -- mostly friends ranting about marijuana stocks that seem way overvauled -- and I really don't want to get into penny stocks.
The only experience I have with anything resembling daytrading was with bitcoins. I got insanely lucky despite not knowing what the hell I was doing, and managed to do a good job riding the waves for a while before cashing out. (Sold before the massive crash to the $50-70 range last year, bought again when it was low, sold again as it got close to 200, then my exchange went out of business when I cashed out for good. Pure fucking luck.)
This is, obviously, infinitely more complicated than BTC-e. I'm still a college student. I was far more comfortable playing with fake internet money.
Should I even bother investing? It seems like a lot of fun, but investing this money still seems massively irresponsible, even if that's why it was left to me. It feels like I just walked into a casino, put $5000 on the table, and asked the dude next to me how to play blackjack.
I'm told my commission is very good (8bux), but does that really matter when I have no idea what I'm doing?
MAT keeps dropping. Not sure why, might buy more. But then again, the market makes no sense and that scares me.
Some firm is making a 700k bet that TSLA falls 75%...
Some firm is making a 700k bet that TSLA falls 75%...
HPNN just announced deal with Microsoft. MSFT PR'd it too. I'm up over $15k on this thing and still going. Gonna be a $30k+ profit day for me, weeeeeeee! Grab some on the dips and sell for easy profit.
Not sure why you trade these scam stocks, but congrats.
Whether it's a scam or not is irrelevant. I trade them because my friends and I make bank off flipping them. If you can read level 2 proficiently and learn the patterns/movements, you can make amazing money doing this.
I don't understand how you time're putting in money into a stock that is a thousandth of a penny...these are total pump and dumps.
Once you play for months and months and months you start seeing the signs and figuring out the selling points, psychological momentum, etc etc. There's a lot to take into consideration. It's hard as fuck but once you get the timing down it's beautiful.
Oh and this one isn't a scam BTW, Microsoft PR'd it themselves:
It's a scam dude, the stock shouldn't rise because HPNN licensed from MS, not the other way around. Of course MS is going to PR someone licensened from them.
You're thinking about it logically. Doesn't work like that. On the OTC, it's all about using any news as leverage. High-brow trading tactics don't work here.
Now that's just stupid.
Most likely a hedge, I've got a bunch of restricted stock units in the company I work for that don't mature for 2 years, I brought really low puts against them(so hey If I'm out of the job at least I'll have something....)
No Love, Just curious about you, what is your net realized gains from stock? What capital amount are you playing with/ Margins? Is this your full time-jobs?
If I had dipped into my max margin amount and added 15X to my short on Group-on today, I would have had almost that amount of money!
Net realized gains were over $135k in the last 6 months. Like I said, I only use small chunks in different stocks... I try not to take large positions and just flip for 50-100%. Yeah I do it full time. It's been a great experience thus far.
No problem if you don't want to share the info, but $135k is off a capital amount of how much? Are you buying yourself ferraris or re-investing that money back in?
The thing they always say to warn people away from day-trading: What makes you think you can beat the big-boys with their phds and multi-millon dollar computer systems?
Guys I'm trying to figure out: if the interest rates were to go down in Canada, what impact would it have on the dollar?
Or more specifically, if inflation does not hold and leads to deflation, what is the impact on the dollar too? A change it a penny could mean a lot of I transfer my cash to USD.
NoLove, what platform do you use for Level 2 quotes and news/technical scans? I used to use EquityFeed a couple years back but I've been out of the OTC game for a while and there's probably something better/cheaper now.
Hey NoLove, asked you this on the prior page but you probably missed it:
Sorry, my bad! I use EquityFeed. For Level 2 I use TD Ameritrade because it's free and I love Trade Architect's customizable modules. Want me to send you my Equityfeed referral link? lol