I was among those considering pulling out, but I was waiting until we had a lower high...which we never had because the markets came back so fast and hard. So I'm still in, I never actually pulled the trigger.I recall a few of Stock-Age regulars pulled out quite a few of their positions in late January and early February due to the market falling. I don't want to sound like a douche, but I'm wondering, are some of you still sitting on all that cash since the markets have basically just gone straight up since that time, and if so, do you have some sort of entrance plan to get back into the market?
Clearly, the market could fall hard again any day/week/month now, but I'm just wondering what kind of short-term outlook you guys have.
I recall a few of Stock-Age regulars pulled out quite a few of their positions in late January and early February due to the market falling. I don't want to sound like a douche, but I'm wondering, are some of you still sitting on all that cash since the markets have basically just gone straight up since that time, and if so, do you have some sort of entrance plan to get back into the market?
Clearly, the market could fall hard again any day/week/month now, but I'm just wondering what kind of short-term outlook you guys have.
I recall a few of Stock-Age regulars pulled out quite a few of their positions in late January and early February due to the market falling. I don't want to sound like a douche, but I'm wondering, are some of you still sitting on all that cash since the markets have basically just gone straight up since that time, and if so, do you have some sort of entrance plan to get back into the market?
Clearly, the market could fall hard again any day/week/month now, but I'm just wondering what kind of short-term outlook you guys have.
I recall a few of Stock-Age regulars pulled out quite a few of their positions in late January and early February due to the market falling. I don't want to sound like a douche, but I'm wondering, are some of you still sitting on all that cash since the markets have basically just gone straight up since that time, and if so, do you have some sort of entrance plan to get back into the market?
Clearly, the market could fall hard again any day/week/month now, but I'm just wondering what kind of short-term outlook you guys have.
Thanks, signed up for the free trial... I've been using Merill Edge because they give me 30 free trades a month/. but it's ridiculous, the two things that you can use are Stops and Limits, I want a platform that gives me moving stops! Just reluctant to move all my money out of this...
At what time did you two decided to do this full time?
I'm trying to see if i could too. For the past 3 months, i have traded swings and made a 12% return on a 50k starting capital. If i add this month, it'll be close to 20%.
I got injured last February and it's doubfull that i'll be able to go back to my old job so i'm looking to do something else than elevators construction or working at the family restaurant.
If you're doing that well, I suggest to keep on going. It's good money and NASDAQ swing trading is pretty easy, it can be slow gains with small capital though. Hence why I do the OTC. Made $4k today. Can't beat that!
TSLA up 13%, anyone know why?
Remember that one time I was worried about my TSLA buys? Yeah...
No love, just curious, what's your biggest loss ever?
I'm so risk adverse that my gains are always so miniscule. Only reason I made $14k~ in the past two weeks is that I was down so much(due to a really really poor choice in in my 401k plan and a large investment in it normally) that I just said screw it and starting going all in when I saw openings and not caring about a 1k loss here and there... Now that I'm way back in the black I'm back to being Mr.Timid and wanting to protect my gains.
About $5.6k. Hurts, don't it?
Lost it today, due to poor stupidity thinking Telsa couldn't possibly go over +15%! and yes it does!.... Did you just quit that day or keep going?
Okay lord, time for me to quit.
How can I possibly be down 9.5k+ 15% today(well margin helps that)
Telsa short keep doubling down on it -> switch lanes -> Telsa goes down -> Throw it all into dreamworks -> dream-works goes up briefly and then down 1.34%
Why not to trade when you don't have a straight head on. Going to ride dreamworks out till earnings reports and then quit this game...
Why are you counting on earnings to bail you out? As rough as things are right now, if it gaps down you'll hate yourself even more.Okay lord, time for me to quit.
How can I possibly be down 9.5k+ 15% today(well margin helps that)
Telsa short keep doubling down on it -> switch lanes -> Telsa goes down -> Throw it all into dreamworks -> dream-works goes up briefly and then down 1.34%
Why not to trade when you don't have a straight head on. Going to ride dreamworks out till earnings reports and then quit this game...
Yep... too top it all off based on how this is moving.. if it goes down 2 more points, if I would have made a profit today.... Instead of sitting at $11.5K down....(DWA really wasn't a smart move to move to and just say I'm going to sit it out.....)Yeah, sorry to say it, but it speaks to my previous point. When you obviously was sure Tesla was going down, why did you suddenly say "no, wait" and do it over? If you follow the swing of the market, you're always the last to the table. You (hopefully) made an informed decision to say it was going down, so when that doesn't happen, you should say "obviously, I was wrong" and step back and reassess the situation.
Why are you counting on earnings to bail you out? As rough as things are right now, if it gaps down you'll hate yourself even more.
Especially if you're trading short term on margin...most short term traders don't play earnings for this reason.
Whatever you do, best of luck, hope you'll make it fine!
Lost it today, due to poor stupidity thinking Telsa couldn't possibly go over +15%! and yes it does!.... Did you just quit that day or keep going?
As I try to save the rest of what I got left here, question regarding after-hours trading:
Here's the log of trades:
17:09 $ 32.55 100
17:06 $ 35.20 High 8,802
17:04 $ 32.17 Low 100
17:01 $ 32.57 100
16:56 $ 32.56 50
How in the world did a $35.20 trade get executed... and why when I had a bid in at 32.55 did that person's bid get executed instead of mine?
I hope ADSK starts a downward trend tomorrow, that would be nice. This thing needs to go back in the high 30s or at least low 40s for me to get back in.
And FFD: don't invest like that:/ Put money in safe stuff, especially with the return rates you aimed for. Just put it in ETFs with low expense ratios,in your 401k, that way it's usually more of a hassle to touch it and you have fewer choices. Put a date on the calendar: evaluate your positions every four months. And then it's just about being patient. My 401k-equivalent has given me market-and-higher return rates since inception in 2006, and it's the one I fiddle the least with.
And never trade on margin.
Especially never do emotional trading that ends with you using margins on random earnings reports with the hopes of recovering your losses for the day. Yes I realize I'm a moron ^_^
Down at least min -$24k, 35%(Still need to figure out when I'm going to be selling DWA tomorrow....) in a bloody freaking non-crash day..... feels like I won the reverse lottery... didn't have any immediate need for the money anyway is how I can re-assure myself.
You are right time to rethink, find some good investments and then not look at it more then once or twice a week!
You lost $24k? Stop now... You are playing a bit too recklessly. How long did it take you to lose that 24k?
Got upset but was trading the next day and didn't give up.
BTW, if you want to see where I got some good gains this week thus far, check out VGPR. Made $10k there yesterday and today. Riding free shares and should be able to sell them close to half a cent, if not more. Good times. I wouldn't play it though... it's one of those plays where unless you watch it all the time and flip for 10-30% gains during swings, you can get burned easily.
Oh man I remember VGPR. Made a good bit of money on that one a few years ago. Looks like one of the few companies I traded that hasn't shut down or had management arrested due to illegal pump and dump promotion lol. Why the hell is it up so much? Not seeing any news.
Damn I'm getting that trading itch again. I'm going to get that EquityFeed trial going and do some paper trading next week. NoLove, just to clarify, you use the TD Ameritrade platform and actually execute trades with Fidelity, correct? So you have an unfunded Ameritrade account for platform access?
DDD earnings friday. Might be a good opportunity for me to add to if it drops, although I did recently.
Hahahaha yeah it's a total scam but it will run super hard with the upcoming PR + shareholder update. The float is small as hell. Hemp news is going to send this soaring.
I use TD Ameritrade for my level 2, yeah (cause I like it.) and execute trades with Fidelity. Yep.
BTW had a really good day today... made $700 off UTRM, and $3k off DSCR... Now I just need further news on VGPR so I can make an extra $20k on that with my free shares. Bring it to me, baby! I want to end the week with $30k+ profit. *crosses fingers*
So the new penny stock scam du jour is a press release that says something of the effect of "bullshitbullshit HEMP AND/OR MARIJUANA bullshitbullshit" and then the share price triples in an hour? I'm down with that. Not quite as ambitious as everybody being a fake algae based biofuel company like it was a few years ago but you can't argue with the results.
That covers DSCR and UTRM, but I'm still confused about VGPR. I gathered from (shudder) InvestorsHub that the company is teasing a hemp news press release (like you said), but nothing has actually been made public yet. What was the impetus for taking your initial position in VGPR?
So, did anyone get in on the JC-Penny or Zulily surges? Seeing things like that make me think swing trading is really possible.
NOLOVE - how did VGPR work out for you? notice it's up 66% today
Doing great. Riding 6.2 million shares and plan to sell in the 0040-0050's tomorrow with the right catalyst. If not, I'll be selling in the 30's. I did email the CEO and he told me a shareholder update/news is coming tomorrow so... yeah.![]()
Isn't that insider trading?
Just because there is an announcement doesn't mean anything! It could be anything! Ether_snake, After realizing the full severity of my 26k loss, what do you think about just investing in a a VFINX that matches the S & P 500, 126% returns over 5 years isn't shabby at all.... I don't want to risk myself on momentum shares anymore (thinking of getting out of tomorrow and putting it all in VFINX)
It scares me to no end that I still have up to $120,000 in margin buying power.
Isn't that insider trading?
Just because there is an announcement doesn't mean anything! It could be anything! Ether_snake, After realizing the full severity of my 26k loss, what do you think about just investing in a a VFINX that matches the S & P 500, 126% returns over 5 years isn't shabby at all.... I don't want to risk myself on momentum shares anymore (thinking of getting out of tomorrow and putting it all in VFINX)
It scares me to no end that I still have up to $120,000 in margin buying power.