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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Plus Member
I’m good on most of them. There are a couple ETFs I hopped onto late that are giving me trouble but I’m not too worried.

Make sure the ETF doesn’t have a high vol positions like ARKK. When you have a company like tesla which is prone to volatile movements int be market, your etf suffers in the long run.


Man I’m keeping my eyes glued to TTWO. They have been massacred the past month. They have gone from $225 to $165. They will eventually release another GTA game 😂 just waiting to see how low this goes


Man....ARK ETFs are killing me. I am thinking of taking a break for a month or two and coming back. Last time it dropped this bad was Covid last year. I really hope it recovers in the next 3-6 months. I feel like shit.


Man AMD and Apple got crushed today. Where's the bottom?

When my fucking shitty scalp trades are top of the P&L chart for the day you know its been a shit day.


Plus Member
Appl next level of is 110. So if it goes below that. Damn. But to show you hoe over valued things have become.

Appl PE is around 30 and is median historical has been around 16. So it’s value is double of its historical pre pandemic.
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Don't get me wrong, I have faith that Apple and AMD will bounce back but damn... they are dropping off at an alarming rate at the moment.

It's getting so bad that AMD's price is converging with Intel's.

But fuck me I'm glad I got out of ARKK when I did, it's a mess and Cathie is resorting to releasing damage control videos on their youtube channel.


Plus Member
Don't get me wrong, I have faith that Apple and AMD will bounce back but damn... they are dropping off at an alarming rate at the moment.

It's getting so bad that AMD's price is converging with Intel's.

But fuck me I'm glad I got out of ARKK when I did, it's a mess and Cathie is resorting to releasing damage control videos on their youtube channel.

They're over exposed on stocks but I read a good article on how my insider ownership actually happens

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Lil’ Gobbie
Don't get me wrong, I have faith that Apple and AMD will bounce back but damn... they are dropping off at an alarming rate at the moment.

It's getting so bad that AMD's price is converging with Intel's.

But fuck me I'm glad I got out of ARKK when I did, it's a mess and Cathie is resorting to releasing damage control videos on their youtube channel.

I think she has always done that for the sake of transparency

To me it makes no sense to trade her etfs. If you think her philosophy is sound which is presumably why you bought in the first place, then you should be buying morr during these dips, not selling


I think she has always done that for the sake of transparency

To me it makes no sense to trade her etfs. If you think her philosophy is sound which is presumably why you bought in the first place, then you should be buying morr during these dips, not selling

I agree. I also acknowledge I made the rookie mistake of buying ARKK at a high price of $146 (almost 70 shares) due to seeing 2020's returns...but I did like the long term vision and I wanted to start investing so I dived in. It's down to $110 right now and I don't think it's ever dropped so low so quickly before.

I've been having one of the worst months ever. Either way, lesson learned and I still don't want to sell out until it goes back above $146+...even if it takes till next year. Is that realistic or am I fucked? :/ (I am asking because I truly don't know how overvalued it is).


I agree. I also acknowledge I made the rookie mistake of buying ARKK at a high price of $146 (almost 70 shares) due to seeing 2020's returns...but I did like the long term vision and I wanted to start investing so I dived in. It's down to $110 right now and I don't think it's ever dropped so low so quickly before.

I've been having one of the worst months ever. Either way, lesson learned and I still don't want to sell out until it goes back above $146+...even if it takes till next year. Is that realistic or am I fucked? :/ (I am asking because I truly don't know how overvalued it is).

I can only speak for myself but a big problem I have with ARKK at the moment is it's weighting of Tesla and the fact that Cathie is becoming increasingly stubborn about the way she's managing her funds.

Tesla for me is a big issue. It's no secret that I think it's massively overbought and I wouldn't be surprised to see sub 500 by the end of the week, that's how strong the negative momentum is with that stock at the moment. There's also the question of "what's it really worth at the moment minus the hype" and I don't think many people who own the stock could give you an answer. There is no fundamental reason for it to be as high as it is right now.

Then there's Cathie and her team... They are doubling down on the dominant weightings in their portfolio, catching each falling knife as it falls and the people who are ultimately left with bleeding hands are the investors. I don't pay them a fee to make the same rookie emotionally charged mistakes that I am prone to making.

I originally got in around the 130 range and in hindsight I didn't do the due diligence I should have prior to investing. On the face of it it all sounded good, it was going up so I thought why the hell not. Not the right thing to do because I didn't consider how it fits into my overall portfolio and right now I can't find room for something like that, especially not with the uncertainty in the market right now.

For the question of whether it will get back to where you bought it at, it probably will, but it also likely needs to bleed out some more. How long it will take to get back much depends on the moves that they make and how the companies in the fund rebound. So keep an eye on what they are buying/selling and do some research on the individual holdings.

Ultimately its about whether you think you can find a better opportunity to make that money back outside of ARKK using the market value at the time you're considering it. If you don't have anything you can move on to with conviction then just ride it out.
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i wonder if ark contributed partially to nasdaq correction? the last 2 times nasdaq corrected, it continued into a bear market....so another 10% off tech ahead? :messenger_loudly_crying:


Central banks around the world to raise interest rates = crash soon!?

Sell up, the stock market is collapsing after a last-gasp bull run
With monetary easing set to end, it’s a game of chicken as investors see how close they can come to timing the inevitable downturn

Even China is worried. Guo Shuqing, chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Communist Party secretary of the central bank, called the recent market rallies “bubbles”, including in China’s real estate which he described as “very dangerous”. No wonder. China’s 200-million-plus migrant workers who lack hukou residency benefits are ever less likely to start families, thus exacerbating China’s ticking demographic time bomb.
Back in the US, an explosive divergence between disposable personal income and gross domestic product growth due to Covid-19 payouts adds more stimulus fuel to the fire, even without the blatantly regressive student loan forgiveness promised on the campaign trail.

Has a collapse begun already? Perhaps, but new market highs could come first if investors divine ongoing monetary largesse. It is inevitable that central bankers will abandon the Covid-19 fight in their inflation fright. In doing so, they could cause markets to collapse, as they have before. As I rightly warned you last February and in 2007, consider selling soon.



I've seen this pre market tease before.

In fact I've seen it many times over the last couple of weeks.



Plus Member

Read something interesting on a BLOG today. That manufacturing of Goods and Services are about to get higher as wage inflation accounts for a larger portion of the process. If the stimulus package incentives people not to work then we can see higher wage inflation going foward which amplifies the speed of inflationary pressures on the economy and may also hurt business that are exposed to wage costs in the unskilled market.

This includes retail, restaurant businesses, consumer services etc.

So keep an eye on margin sensitive stocks. DPZ is a good example of one.


Plus Member

Between 1970 to 1980, we had fairly high inflation rates. This lead to unemployment increases.

What contributed to this inflation rate was the U.S, was now entering the Vietnam war and we had quantitative easing as we have now. I'm not expecting inflation as high as 14.0% but I am expecting inflation between the range of 4.0% to 6.0% over the next few years which is going to lead to higher unemployment and a generation of inflation.

I think the prior years were an inflation bubble and thanks the COVID, that bubble just burst. It will take some time for the market to re balance itself.
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