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Street Fighter 2 music: SNES SF2/SF2t vs Genesis Special Champion Edition


It couldn't have been the same hardware, could it? Voices in AC were crystal-clear and it displayed better colors and resolution than TFIII.


hyperbolically metafictive
heh, thunderforce III vs. tfac vs. thunder spirits isn't really a fair comparison...tfIII was the first version, tfac ran on genesis hardware, and thunder spirits is a lazy port.

i'm going to go ahead and assert that the genesis hardware kills the snes hardware, though. as a general principle. yes, the snes hardware displays far more colors and outputs vastly nicer video. so what? it was slow. the sheer sprite pushing prowess and custom effects of games like alien soldier, gunstar heroes, and rocket knight adventure far exceed anything the snes managed. an analogy: snes is dreamcast, genesis is first gen ps2. grittier visual quality, but it could do so much more.


i dont get why konami added new stuff for HSH instead of a straight port of TiT. maybe it was a nintendo exclusive thing. the music is better on genny by the way,. again, closer to the arcade.


drohne said:
i'm going to go ahead and assert that the genesis hardware kills the snes hardware, though. as a general principle. yes, the snes hardware displays far more colors and outputs vastly nicer video. so what? it was slow. the sheer sprite pushing prowess and custom effects of games like alien soldier, gunstar heroes, and rocket knight adventure far exceed anything the snes managed. an analogy: snes is dreamcast, genesis is first gen ps2. grittier visual quality, but it could do so much more.
Good call. Those custom FX on Genesis seemed to accomplish more than Mode 7 managed to do on SNES. YES IM GOING THERE.

Mode 7 shined when it had those custom graphics chips tacked on the cartridge. But by itself it was a tad overrated.
I'm comparing the three MP3s for Ken's stage. Plainly, the genesis version DOES come much closer to the arcade original than the SNES version. Actually, the SNES track sounds like its been remixed....almost 'Mega Man' style. It has a quality of its own. I wonder why Capcom decided to do this. Was it because the snes couldn't handle the arcade's instruments or was it simply because they felt it sounded better remixed? Interesting arguements.

And about the Genny vs. SNES thing. I don't feel either system is better than the other. They both had thier advantages. SNES was obviously better for RPGs, Fighting games, it had mode 7 and the best version of Super Smash TV. The Genesis was better at Shoot-em-ups, Beat-em-ups, sports and side-scrollers.

Agent X

To me, the music in the Genesis SF2SCE sounds much better than the SNES SF2/SF2T music. It's closer to the original arcade music, and also just sounds "better" overall, whereas the SNES sounds flattened out with the different instruments. Many of the Genesis sound effects were better, too, but the voices were better on the SNES SF2T. I didn't like what they did with original SF2 on SNES, where they altered the pitch/speed of the voice sample depending on which button you used to perform a special move.


SNES sounds a LOT better. I don't care if Genesis is more accurate, it sounds terrible.

Genesis MK II vs. SNES MK II is just sad.


SNES sounds a LOT better. I don't care if Genesis is more accurate, it sounds terrible.

Well, listen to the clips BOE posted. You got the polka remix on the SNES one...

Genesis MK II vs. SNES MK II is just sad.

I don't think Genesis destroyed the SNES, it was quite comparable. In fact, I think the SNES had much better graphics.


I put in SCE just a few minutes ago just to make sure I wasn't missing something before I posted my reply.

I meant SNES version destroys Genesis. SNES is superier to Genesis in basically every way. Genesis MK II is just horrible. I am trying to think of something positive about it and coming up with nothing. I guess the way they fall in the Pit II Fatality is better on Genesis...


the snes music for SF uses horns and violins EVERYWHERE. in places they shouldnt even be. while the genesis version tries to replicate all the different instruments


But it fails. IMO trying to be accurate isnt worth much when the sound quality is awful.

On the other hand, with MK1 the Genesis version's music is nothing like arcade or SNES but I actually like it better.
I agree. It's hard to even look at the Genesis version of MKII after you've played the SNES version. Larger characters, better music, more of the sound effects are left intact, better animation, etc. Most fighting games are better on the Super Nintendo. I could be wrong, but I think Samurai Showdown, Fatal Fury, and Art of Fighting may have actually been better on Genny than SNES. Not sure why that is, probably just bad port jobs.


Genesis MK II is missing so many small things too. Like Kahn's taunts, his death animation, the ending pictures, the opening bio pictures, most of the annoucers voices, the bones disapear after Fatalities, Cage and Baraka's win poses are cut, the crouching low punch, Goro's Lair and more. The 32X port is like the most overhyped MK game ever. It's almost as bad.

I liked Shodown a lot better on Genesis. The sprites were quite a bit taller and the gameplay felt more like the arcade. No Earthquake was weaksauce.

Fatal Fury for Genesis was missing a LOT of stuff, including two whole characters. From what I remember it played better on Genesis though.

As far as I recall AOF sucked on both SNES AND Genesis.


Oh ok, the order you put it in...I assumed wrong. Sorry.

I agree the SNES version was better looking and sounding, but I think that the Genesis's controls were far more responsive.

Play MK3 on the SNES, and even compare that to MK2, it's a lot more responsive, I don't know how the programmers messed it up.
Surprisingly, the Saturn port was even WORSE than the 32x version. Thank god for Midway Arcade Collection 2 this fall, or we'd never get arcade perfection.

Uh, it will be arcade-perfect, won't it, Midway?


Ha hah, yeah, the Saturn MK II is awful. I actually just got done playing that debacle about a hour ago. Gotta love load time IN THE MIDDLE OF FIGHTS and some of the worst sound ever. At least on Genesis it just has bad sound. Saturn often has none at all. Like you'll do a Fatality and there's just silence. No screams. No grunts. No sound of weapons clashing or anything. So bizarre.

I have sort of a bad feeling about MAT 2. It's just like this curse that no port will be perfect. Something just HAS to be wrong.

I don't really like either 16 bit ports of MK3 or UMK3.
drohne said:
genesis version is more faithful to the arcade. and sounds considerably better. the snes soundchip is unbelievably overrated -- yes, it has loads of hi-tech pcm samples, but nearly all of them are cheesy trumpets.

that said, i only owned the snes versions, and snes super sf2's music sounded much better than earlier efforts.

Are we talking about the sound quality?because the snes just destroyed the Genesys, and if you're telling me that the Genesis had better quality sound than Snes my father who is a doctor should examine your ears..............


Running off of Custom Firmware
Give up Bluemercury. I love my Genny more than the next guy, but some of the guys here... *shakes head*


hyperbolically metafictive
no, i agree that the snes sound chip was ahead of its time, and obviously much better than the genesis sound chip. it really shines for synth-symphonic stuff like actraiser or chrono trigger. it just isn't well suited to all styles of game music, and generally butchers ports of fm synth arcade music.

and it's also worth noting that the playstation and saturn sound chips are considerably better than the snes sound chip. it should be obvious, but i've heard people assert otherwise. this generation chip music has kind of died off.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I think people like to claim that the SNES sound system > PSOne only because the early 32 bit stuff was... bad. But that's wholly true of just about every new gen of hardware, on some level. I mean, for the most part, I preferred the sound of the music of FF6 and Chrono Trigger over the sound quality of FF7. I just thought FF7 sounded... faker, for lack of a better word.

But both the Saturn and PSOne, like the SNES (and even Genesis) before them, also came to their own. Legend of Mana and Chrono Cross feature some of the best freakin' sound programming ever.


Are we talking about the sound quality?because the snes just destroyed the Genesys, and if you're telling me that the Genesis had better quality sound than Snes my father who is a doctor should examine your ears...........

Heheh, his first sentence clearly said it was more faithful to the arcade. It sounds better because, as he mentions, you are porting something that uses FM synths to something that uses FM synths.

It has to be said that SF2 has some kick-ass music :) I'm listing to those clips over and over again :)


BeOnEdge said:
threads like this prove that the 16 bit/arcade gen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all

Hey I just remember you're the only guy here I've played on Live...CvS2, remember? Anyway, I'll forever miss the combo of arcade 2D/3D glory and Genny/SNES at home.


i can post some SF super tunes if you guys want. even more regular SF arcade tunes. request and i'll grab em. yeah grifter i remember u. did i ever pull my custom shadow blue ryu out on you that blends into that blue rooms background flawlessly??? LOLOLOLOL i pissed SOOOOOOOOOO many people off with that one.


I know it's crazy, but I miss the days when ports of the fighting games were quite a bit different than the arcade releases. Nowadays it's so boring. Like with MK II you've got like 20 different versions of the same game. Anytime one gets really stale I just go to another and they're different enough that it makes it more interesting.

It's also funny how much attitudes have changed in regards to what kind of changes or flaws we'll accept. Now if a port is missing so much as a win pose it's OMG RUINED. Back in the day just having all the characters was something to celebrate. Plus you still see people go on and on about the differences between like CvsS2 on DC or PS2 despite the fact that the differences are extremely minor compared to the old days.


BeOnEdge said:
i can post some SF super tunes if you guys want. even more regular SF arcade tunes. request and i'll grab em. yeah grifter i remember u. did i ever pull my custom shadow blue ryu out on you that blends into that blue rooms background flawlessly??? LOLOLOLOL i pissed SOOOOOOOOOO many people off with that one.

LOL! No, I managed to avoid that one.


EVERYTHING was bad about that game. the music, the animation, the moves, the characters. good god it was a nightmare. who made that shyte?





Tekken 5 totally needs a head button so it can match up to TIME KILLERS.

Gotta admit though, Death was a pretty cool final boss. It was cool how you HAD to cut off his head to beat him.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mejilan said:
PC version of SSF2 had INCREDIBLE music, imho. 3DO version absolutely was 2nd best.

Yeah, Gametek's PC version of SSF2T kicked all kinds of ass...spanks the 3D0 version all over the place. :)

I wish I could find MP3s of the PC SSF2T for download...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Anyanka said:
I liked Shodown a lot better on Genesis. The sprites were quite a bit taller and the gameplay felt more like the arcade. No Earthquake was weaksauce.

Fatal Fury for Genesis was missing a LOT of stuff, including two whole characters. From what I remember it played better on Genesis though.

As far as I recall AOF sucked on both SNES AND Genesis.

SS was better on Genesis despite the missing Earthquake. Felt closer to the original, save for the sound quality anyway. FF1 on the Genesis had the plane switching IIRC, while the SNES version did not. However, FF2 on the Genesis was closer and a better port in every way than the SNES version, even compared to FFS.

These days though, I can't go back and play any SNES or Genesis fighter, when it's so easy to get the real thing, be it part of a compilation or emulated. The 16-bit ports suck when you look back at them now. :)


hyperbolically metafictive
snk ports were generally better on genesis than snes, probably because they were coded by sega rather than takara. i really liked the genesis versions of samurai shodown and fatal fury 2. although i'm with lyte edge - between superior ports on newer consoles and emulation, there's little point in playing fighters on snes or genesis.


You guys are making me cry tears of nostalgia over here!

Who wants to throw a GAF old school 16 bit fighting game competition?

Not Me! j/k

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
drohne said:
snk ports were generally better on genesis than snes, probably because they were coded by sega rather than takara. i really liked the genesis versions of samurai shodown and fatal fury 2. although i'm with lyte edge - between superior ports on newer consoles and emulation, there's little point in playing fighters on snes or genesis.

I thought Sega only did World Heroes and AOF1, and thoese SUCKED on the Genny. :)


hyperbolically metafictive
i'm pretty sure samurai shodown and fatal fury 2 were ported by sega, and published by sega in japan.

edit: quick search reveals that samurai shodown was sega, but fatal fury 2 was takara. guess they just did a good job of the genny port.


i dont think they were ported by sega. i'm actually pretty sure they werent. i just booted sam sho genny and it was reprogrammed by "saurus" and pubbed by takara.

Sho Nuff

Lyte Edge said:
Yeah, Gametek's PC version of SSF2T kicked all kinds of ass...spanks the 3D0 version all over the place. :)

I wish I could find MP3s of the PC SSF2T for download...

I have these if you want them. PM me.
And for the longest time, It thought I was the only one who also felt that the music for SF2 sounded better/more arcade perfect on the Genesis!


YOu guys are delusional who thinks snes version of SF2 controlled better than Mega Drive version. In what way was the snes version controlling better? The Mega Drive version responded much better.

And comparing snes sample playback sound chip to Mega drives FM synthesizer soundchip is unfair, they aren't the same type of hardware and aren't ment to be either.
Also dopey, never ever again compare a butchered emulated version of the Mega Drive FM synthesizer to emulated version of snes sample playback chip. There isn't a single emulator that eumlates the FM synthesizer even close to the real hardware. The gritty and dark sound of the real hardware has yet to be emulated correctly.


Shompola said:
There isn't a single emulator that eumlates the FM synthesizer even close to the real hardware. The gritty and dark sound of the real hardware has yet to be emulated correctly.
Truth. Although after learning that TFAC is Genesis hardware, and playing the game on MAME produces excellent crystal-clear audio, makes me wonder if MAME could properly emulate the FM synthesizer..
Pulled out the ol' Genny and SNES and gave SFII Special Champion Edition and SFII Turbo a few rounds just to refresh my memory. And yes, there is not a single emulator that has done justice to the Gen sound, yet. Like the NES, IMO, the sound quality is just so right for 2D games. Not that the SNES sound sucked, but not many made it sing like many could on the Gen. Dug out Shadow Blasters, Shadow Dancer, all the Yuzo stuff, and some random Sega games...man, I love that sound.

Anyway, I prefer the Gen sound to the SNES sound all the way around. The voice samples are the only thing that really suck on the Gen version...well, just speaking of the audio, anyway. Gameplay and feel, I think the Gen version of SF still feel weightier and definitely more arcade-responsive...which is to say, snappy, but not necessarily instant. Anyway, Gen version wins, as far as I'm concerned.


while the mk2 port on SNES looked extremely good, it was sluggish. genesis version was ugly (well i thought it looked good enough) and imperfect, but faster.
again...its not some hype or blast processing im thinking of, i used to play that game in the arcade every day, bought the genesis version the day it was out and went over to my friends house to play his snes version when he got it.
played againsnt him and his cousins, with my skill level...i should have been untouchable. but everything was off, my timing kept getting fucked up.
but yeah, graphically way more detailed, blasting bones, better looking/animating characters etc.
actually the PC version was pretty much arcade perfect, i loved playing that, and of course now i play on mame.


Whoah whoah whoah...it's been a long time since I played the 16-bit ports but...

People feeling that Genesis SamSho was closer to the arcade than the SNES SamSho? It looked better because the sprites were always zoomed in (neither version implemented the zoom feature - the SNES version just chose to always be zoomed out which means that as far as spacing goes, you can be as far away from your opponent as you can in the arcade)...but there were so many missing moves in the Genesis version as to basically not be the same game as the arcade anymore...I mean, wasn't Haohmaru's far AB removed and replaced with him doing his crouching AB twice? That's just wrong. The SNES version played very close to the arcade version from my recollection...

People feeling that the Genesis MK2 was better than the SNES MK2? Holy crap, now I've seen everything - the SNES one was close enough as far as move timings and glitches that you could practice for the arcade on it, the Genesis one totally felt wrong (and didn't look as good). And yes, the 32X version wasn't as good as the SNES version, unfortunately. Incidentally, both ports of MK1 sucked balls but for different reasons, but Genesis MK1 sucked a bit less :)

I don't remember the Fatal Fury games well enough, but I recall the SNES ports being OK - the control on the Genesis Fatal Fury 1 (don't remember if I played 2) felt kinda "mushy" compared to the real deal.

Genesis World Heroes tho - holy unplayable crap, Batman :) It's not as bad as SNES Pit Fighter tho :)
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