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Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition |OT| Let's fight like gentlemen!


Junior Member
I hope to get the review up tonight, but I wanted to wait until I can get a few online matches in (no one was online this weekend at all.)

I compared it to the one included in the PS2 Anniversary Collection, and it seems identical in terms of how tight the controls etc are. The smoothing, I think, looks very good too, and I love that if you play in 4:3, it displays your progress for the different challenges at the side of the game display.

The online options etc all seem pretty straightforward, but until I actually play online, I don't want to try and comment on that. So far so good though. I'm not a fighting game expert by any means, but this seems, so far, like a great version of SF3.

Also, I used a pad and a fighting stick, and both were dead-on, and yes, they have the simple button config from SSFHD :)


Impressions from TheShend via rllmuk (I hope you don't mind me posting this <3):

Having been blessed with this game early and putting some time into it (considerably more if the Mrs hadn't a say in these matters) I thought I'd ramble on about what I've experienced so far.

Arcade Mode

A pretty obvious start but I thought just dive straight in, but not before setting my buttons which took less than 3 seconds, oh yeah.
As you know front end presentation has been spruced using hi-res scanned original character art for the level select screen and stage select screens. It looks super purdy on my LCD but I haven't checked to see if I can change it back to pixel glory.
CPU seems to be the same retarded, input reading spoon it always has been, couldn't see any startling difference about how they went about their business and Gill is Gill.
I did notice a SFX flourish where once there as none. Oro's EX SA1 (launches character off screen and comes flying back down with the character burning with atmosphere re-entry) they've added a little touch as he goes up similar to the 'whoosh' you'd get as he came down. Didn't notice any others.
When you complete Arcade mode you get a breakdown and progress to the challenges you see popping up in the side screen. You can view all these in the Challenges option, be they completed, part completed and not started etc, all are there to see.
Handily there's one which says 'Completed Arcade mode with *insert character here* and then 100% when you do finish, so for those worrying about how you're going to track your Arcade completion with all characters for the Gill unlock, be still your beating hearts.
Random Select is just 'Start' at the character select screen.

Online - Player Match

I've only managed to play Nate so far, but quick match has proved obviously barren.
We got in over a dozen games and all where saved for my viewing pleasure later but there was no YT upload option available in the options yet. Game was super slick, I ate everything I mistimed myself and parried everything I didn't mistime, honestly felt like a local versus and I didn't experience any of the gremlins regular ggpo provides such as frame skipping, teleporting characters as the game catches up with the lag, juddering, lag spikes, pauses etc. just solid versus play. Hopefully it should continue to hold up once the floodgates open.
You're given a couple of options at the win/loss screen: Re-match, Change Character or Exit (to lobby). Re-match means you go straight back in with the same characters and Super Arts, it's very quick.
I started by creating a game with a private slot (1 to 8.) and sending an the invite by pressing x on the empty slot to bring the Friends List up.
There's also three empty boxes which each let you select a character for soft ban in your lobby, tournament etc.
There's also an option in the main Game Settings for 'GGPO' which defaults at 2, I assume this is the same figure you could slide in ggpo between input delay and smoothness?


First three trial options are Beginner Parry, Expert Parry, Handicap and then onto the individual characters. You get 5 increasingly difficult trials to work through, there's a hint at the start which'll say whether it's a corner combo etc.
I can't remember exactly what each where but I'm sure Dave and Nate will fill in before I get back to check:

Beginner Parry [Done]
Trail 1: Fireball
Trail 2: Super Fireball
Trail 3: ??
Trail 4: Ken's Fierce Uppercut
Trail 5: Hugo vs Ken's EX Uppercut

Expert Parry [Done]
Trail 1: ??
Trail 2: Red Parry an EX Fireball [several attempts]
Trail 3: Dudley's Rocket Uppercut (Super Art 1) [dozen attempts]
Trail 4: Oro's EX Super Art 2 [1st time]
Trail 5: EVO Moment #37 [~40 attempts]

Handicap - You (1P) with a health handicap versus an 8* CPU for 1 round. The character and opponent are set. [Done]
Trail 1: Ryu (75%) vs Ken - [1st time]
Trail 2: Ibuki (50%) vs Chun Li - [~40 attempts] - 2nd worst stamina after Gouki
Trail 3: Makoto (25%) vs Q - [80 attempts] - Should have spammed Karakusa earlier.
Trail 4: Yun (12.5%) vs Alex - [200+ attempts] - Very difficult.
Trail 5: Gouki (1%) vs Ryu - [~40 attempts] - One blocked special you're dead.

I found the Handicap Trials pretty hard as there's no mind game, just abusing patterns you need to force them into before you get hit and hope they stay there. Dat Trial 4 :angry:

Character Trials are fun but get very hard, I've managed to 100% the following characters: Alex, Ryu, Q, Oro, Urien and Gouki plus a few left for Sean and Twelve, again there are 5 per character. You can be asked to do some simple and good BnB's up till about trial 3 and then it gets hard. A couple of :blink: examples:

Gouki: Jump In Fierce > cr.MK > LK Tatsu > LP reset > D, D, D+PPP
Gouki: Far Roundhouse into Demon
Oro: Full chicken dance into EX Tengu and finisher.
Ryu: Jump In Roundhouse > cr.MK > EX Tatsu > Super Art 1 > EX Lunge Kick > Fierce SRK
Urien: Charge buffering will be involved but not too perversly!

Personally a lot of these are going to frustrate and some are for show-boating for when you're guaranteed a win (match, not round) as the meter cost isn't worth it e.g. Ryu's Trial 5 and Gouki's full stock killer: D, D, D +PPP. However when you do land it, you feel pretty BAD-ASS.

I'd be nice if Capcom would introduce more fleshed out Training Trials for new comers to 3S as it's a steep learning curve otherwise. Maybe we'll get it in DLC?

VP Points, Challenges &Achievements

So these little pop ups which earn you VP points to spend, Challenges, well they're tiered and reaching certain tiers in some of them gets you an Achievement.

Some example(s):

'Throw a Fireball'
Tier 1: Throw 50
Tier 2: Throw 200
Tier 3: Throw 500
....and so on

'Wax on, Wax Off' (Parry)
Tier 1: 50 Parries
Tier 2: 200 parries
Tier 3: 1000 parries *Achievement get*

Red Baron (Red Parry)
Tier 1: 3 Red Parry
Tier 2: etc.

Some of the numbers may not be accurate as they're from memory sat here at work, but reaching Tier 3 in a few gets you an achievement 'Wax on, Wax off' for instance. You're earning points for all of this too.
Other Challenge examples include: Perfects, completing Arcade without losing a round, Super Finishes, Air Parry, Throws, Teching Throws, mash out of stun, Smashing the SUV up etc, etc.

There's an achievement for getting Q to appear in Arcade too :p

I've yet to spend any vault points, I haven't even looked in Vault yet but I've racked up almost 3000 of them across completing trials, a few attempts at arcade mode and online. Easy.

All in all I'm made up, lots of content to plough through, trials are addictive, online is sublime, presentation spot on, the package is superb. I've yet to touch training yet, but the only taint is the lack of a gentler learning curve for the character trials, it's a very small glimpse of a character with only 5 trials and I'm hopeful some DLC fleshing these out will be along shortly.

In summary: 5 Shends out of 5.
oracrest said:
Some Avatars up for grabs. I will make more soon. If there are any character/color scheme requests, I will try and accommodate...

Please make one with Remy. Console colors, white hair, black shirt/pant. Start+HP

If you are on PSN and you don't have an invite to the PSN chat, send a friend request to QisTopTier, floydnova, SephirothRK.


oracrest said:
Some Avatars up for grabs. I will make more soon. If there are any character/color scheme requests, I will try and accommodate...


If it's alright I would like a Makoto one with Start + LK color scheme(Light blue Gi w/ dark blue scarf).


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
This will be my only game purchase for the rest of the year most likely. PhD quals this semester so I will be buried in the books,papers and presentation. However, I will come up to play a few matches every now and then.

El Sloth

If we're requesting avatars: Oracest would you mind making me Red-haired Elena or Pink Gi Sean?

Edit: Err, I mean Elena's m.kick color and Sean's h.punch color.
The Shend said:
There's also three empty boxes which each let you select a character for soft ban in your lobby, tournament etc.
That there are specifically three boxes made me laugh.


thesixthaxis review is up [CLICK]

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike is the perfect example of a game that has actually aged better over time. There’s something for everyone even if you never got into it twelve years ago. While the high level of execution may take some time to get adjusted to, it’s ultimately worth it. The online multiplayer not only provides a near lagless experience, it moves the genre forward in terms of features and technology. That’s an achievement not only for Capcom, but for the fighting game genre itself. Hopefully it’s a sign of things to come.

As a fan I want to give this 11/10, but if that doesn’t work for obvious reasons…

Score: 9/10


^ This pic made me laugh. "OMG they're smoother than I ever imagined! :O"
oracrest said:
Some Avatars up for grabs. I will make more soon. If there are any character/color scheme requests, I will try and accommodate...


I wouldn't mind one for Ibuki in her Start+LP or Start+HK colors. Her taunt animation after connecting, in particular, would be amazing.


Holy shit rematch option ONLINE? Thank you based devs.

I'd like to request some Makoto avatar, if you have time oracrest :3
The only thing that I wonder is why for 16:9 mode, even though it was only in 2I, they didn't use the widescreen option from 2I where the game simply doesn't zoom in and out a tiny bit and fills a 16:9 aspect ratio. It would have been cool to have that.
hikarutilmitt said:
The only thing that I wonder is why for 16:9 mode, even though it was only in 2I, they didn't use the widescreen option from 2I where the game simply doesn't zoom in and out a tiny bit and fills a 16:9 aspect ratio. It would have been cool to have that.
16:9 changed the way the game played (wallbounces must have been a big one i assume). So stretch it is.
_dementia said:
16:9 changed the way the game played (wallbounces must have been a big one i assume). So stretch it is.

The only major differences were indeed some of the wall bounce moves. If you were in the corner with Ryu and did an EX mule kick they sometimes wouldn't bounce off the opposite wall. I always figured it was more of an oversight on the game's part that in 4:3 mode the field of view didn't zoom out like with other moves, so it almost feels like more of a glitch in 4:3 than 16:9 unintentionally changing gameplay (like 16:9 was "correct" in how it played).


Vespa said:
You're given a couple of options at the win/loss screen: Re-match, Change Character or Exit (to lobby). Re-match means you go straight back in with the same characters and Super Arts, it's very quick.

Finally a quick re-match option for player matches. This will make grinding online way faster and enjoyable.


what the hell man???
they need to patch that. the replays look terrible lol

edit maybe the youtube upload api just accepts a parameter for quality or resolution and they're sending up low or 240p? so they could just patch it and tell it to use higher quality

i'm assuming the g ame isn't actually recording video of the matches(which migth mean its recording them at a really shitty bitrate), but that it's just saving the inputs and recreating the matched based on that


Yeah, that youtube upload quality is pretty god awful, I assume that could be something to patch and change though. It's a nice feature to have regardless.
The youtube quality isn't great but functional I suppose. Let's hope the 360 version gets up and running soon. Still kinda bummed about it now uploading straight to your youtube account(on 360)
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