He's pretty bad right now compared to the first beta. He's been heavily nerfed since then. But that seems to be all I hear about every character. It looks like that's the direction Capcom is going in. If it's considered good or cheap then nerf it or remove it.
It's just not that fun to play. If they want to take away combos then make these buttons, throws, and short combos hurt. But even those are pretty weak now. So we're just poking each other with pillows now?
I know I know, it's not done yet. But man I'm really afraid this is how Capcom will start the game with.
Looks like they buffed his V-Skill now removing it from trash tier V-Skill.
Probably reduced startup or less likely reduced frame advantage for blocked mids, since he can now blow up mid into mid frametraps like Karins cr.mp into st.mp which didn't work in the second beta. Light into light frametrap still works against parry and lands a counterhit on its startup.
I also tested parrying all lights. Only Chun cr.lp, Rashid cr.lp, Ryu cr.lp and Cammy st.lp are safe from parry punish. Some are even punishable with st.mp.
In turn his b.HK got nerfed hard. It is now no longer possible to link into st.mp which also means you cannot keep pressuring using HK tatsu ender.
I also think that unlike USFIV Ryus fireballs have different startups depending on which punch you push. HP is the fastest from what I could see, but I have no idea if they have different recovery.
This is such a noob question, but what exactly does set-ups mean in this context?
It means you put the opponent intentionally into a controlled situation where you have the advantage. It is not random, but done on purpose and can be done again in the same specific situation.