Can we step back for a moment and really appreciate the state of the fighting game genre?
It's actually gotten to the point where having a great fighting game isn't enough to be considered a great fighting game. Now, you LITERALLY have to produce AN ENTIRE FULL-LENGTH MOVIE on the side, or people will call your game "barebones".
That's crazy.
And, this is coming from someone who loves fighting game stories and characters. Personally, I'm very excited for this content. But, I'm not taking it for granted, because I've been a fan of this genre for decades. I know where we came from.
In regards to SF5, I never want to hear another person say "remember the good old days when games were launched complete?"
In the "good old days" fighting games weren't required to create full length animated movies just to be considered "worth the money". In the "good old days", fighting game tournaments didn't see annual infusions of half a million dollars from the company creating the game (even before the Sony deal, Capcom did this in 2012). In the "good old days", new characters didn't get patched in as free earnable content post had to buy upgrades as new games, for full price. In the "good old days", broken overpowered crap stayed broken and overpowered. In the "good old days", we didn't get to beta test SF2 in our homes multiple times before release.
The expectations are higher than ever, costs of making the games are higher than ever, yet we still pay the same price we paid in the 90s for SF2. Perspective is a mo fo.
The state of the FG union is undeniably better than it's ever been, and people need to appreciate that. A four month wait for free, additional, high quality content when the launch game already IS high quality content? This is not a problem, in the least.