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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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benevolent sexism
Someone said that low bars still slip in due to bugs, so I am going to look at bars for my next two matches.
Every match in the past hour has had massive lag pockets

I got matched with the same extremely laggy Mika two times in a row! 5 bars both times.

The truth is that even if you look at the bars, some 5s will be shitty and some lower ones will turn out fine. Of course you should still look, but don't get caught by surprise when they aren't 100% accurate.


Any idea how to transfer your CFN name across PCs? The way it's currently working seems like a pretty bad implementation. I just upgraded an older PC, and want to use it for SF5 (instead of constantly having to run a 25ft HDMI cable as well as USB extensions to where my actual PC monitor is). It handles the game just fine. Except my CFN is now "---" and I can't seem to change it.


I should know better than to play this game in a bad mood. Hemorrhaging points and getting hella salty.

Honestly, as more time passes, I grow the hate the character diversity in this game more and more. WAY too many characters who want to pressure and have command grabs. Of course, Alex is the first character, so that will help. /sarcasm.


The awesome part is how you both lose points

nah, on casuals and it only happened on the first round. Though a match ending in a double KO... I feel like neither party should lose points. It's basically a tie, points shouldn't change for either party.


Any Laura mains in here? I've just gotten to Super Bronze using mostly her, but have a question- What should I do to people when I knock them down? Usually I do HP Charged fireball -> crossup air MK -> 2 crouching jabs -> EX Command throw or dash forward-> regular throw. If they're in the corner on wakeup, I usually do charged HP fireball and hope they jump so I can do her air grab. Any more optimal strategies for an opponent's wakeup? Thanks.

If they don't tech
-Meaty st.mp. On meaty hit you can combo into cr.mp. If it's blocked you got a ton of + frames to work with.
-Meaty st.hp. Fishes for a crush counter, on meaty you can combo into cr.mp.
-Meaty Command throw. Obvious choice. If they don't jump/backdash or do some invul move they'll get thrown.
-EX fireball. Watch how they react. If they block up dash in and throw them before the fireball hits. Or throw a HP fireball ontop of them, so they'll wake up blocking but time it so it doesn't actually hit them. Then command throw.

Then you can do other things like look for the jump and qcf+hp it, or do a neutral jump yourself. You pretty much have every option at your disposal if they don't tech.

If they tech from the following:

Command throw

-Meaty qcf.lp. If it hits meaty you can combo into a st.lp XX qcf.lp. From there you can go into you normal shenanigans after a qcf.lp.

Forward throw or qcf.mp->k

-f.hp. If it hits you can go into f.hp XX qcf.hp or st.lk XX qcf.lp


-Sets you up for a cross-up.

General options from any throw ending move (so pretty much all her moves)

-Dash up command throw. Once they're scared of meaty hits they might start to block and you can catch them with this.
-Ex command throw. Again for people who wake up blocking, watch out it's dangerous.
-Poke with st.hk/cr.hk. Good for people you think who are going to wake up pushing buttons.
I honestly like to hear why Nash doesn't require good execution. Unless you guys are just talking about LP MP XX Genocide Cutter he's more than that.
I should know better than to play this game in a bad mood. Hemorrhaging points and getting hella salty.

Honestly, as more time passes, I grow the hate the character diversity in this game more and more. WAY too many characters who want to pressure and have command grabs. Of course, Alex is the first character, so that will help. /sarcasm.
Don't worry too much. They removed two of his best ways to get in and he is a paid DLC character, so you probably won't see him very often.


benevolent sexism
I honestly like to hear why Nash doesn't require good execution. Unless you guys are just talking about LP MP XX Genocide Cutter he's more than that.

No no. First you said he's the ONLY character that DOES require good execution. People think that's bullshit.

Nobody said he DOESN'T require good execution, which is what you are asserting here.


I just have no clue how to play Dhalsim. Survival Hard is just neutering me so early it makes me want to quit. I can't even get past wave 15 with him ;_;

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
How did you survive the rage quits? I pretty much toughed it out until Silver, but as another poster said that rank is a minefield of ragequit. I'm not even wasting my time with it until things settle down.

I don't get many ragequitters for whatever reason. I played for several hours today and got maybe 2. I got the game day 1 and ranked up to the higher ranks pretty quick, so maybe it's less common at higher ranks and wasn't as widespread at the beginning or something? There have been days where I've gotten more people quitting out on me at the loading screen than there have been people quitting out on me when I beat them.


GGs lol. You gotta work on your resets, it'd make you deadlier. Ease up on the jumping as well.

Lol I got wrekt. Never punished your neutral jumps after my light bolt either.

I kick most Nash's ass pretty easily, but you're super gold for a reason.


If they don't tech
-Meaty st.mp. On meaty hit you can combo into cr.mp. If it's blocked you got a ton of + frames to work with.
-Meaty st.hp. Fishes for a crush counter, on meaty you can combo into cr.mp.
-Meaty Command throw. Obvious choice. If they don't jump/backdash or do some invul move they'll get thrown.
-EX fireball. Watch how they react. If they block up dash in and throw them before the fireball hits. Or throw a HP fireball ontop of them, so they'll wake up blocking but time it so it doesn't actually hit them. Then command throw.

Then you can do other things like look for the jump and qcf+hp it, or do a neutral jump yourself. You pretty much have every option at your disposal if they don't tech.

If they tech from the following:

Command throw

-Meaty qcf.lp. If it hits meaty you can combo into a st.lp XX qcf.lp. From there you can go into you normal shenanigans after a qcf.lp.

Forward throw or qcf.mp->k

-f.hp. If it hits you can go into f.hp XX qcf.hp or st.lk XX qcf.lp


-Sets you up for a cross-up.

General options from any throw ending move (so pretty much all her moves)

-Dash up command throw. Once they're scared of meaty hits they might start to block and you can catch them with this.
-Ex command throw. Again for people who wake up blocking, watch out it's dangerous.
-Poke with st.hk/cr.hk. Good for people you think who are going to wake up pushing buttons.

This is wonderful. I'll definitely be referring back to this. Thanks!


If you want to be optimal and get max damage/punishes, yes you do.

Give me an example.

The only thing that's kinda hard to do as far as execution goes, is walk forward links after a crush counter.

And I don't even mean that in a bad way, I'm liking the game a lot, more than I thought I would, but as far as execution goes? EASY.


Give me an example.

The only thing that's kinda hard to do as far as execution goes, is walk forward links after a crush counter.

And I don't even mean that in a bad way, I'm liking the game a lot, more than I thought I would, but as far as execution goes? EASY.

For example as Chun, doing sHK CC, dash up sMP, cMK xx m sbk. Its pretty difficult by SF5 standards. Of course nothing is really gonna come close to SF4 difficulty but it still requires you to be on point with your execution.

Also with chun, doing instant air stomp into legs reliably, and doing ia legs after a blockstring consistantly is pretty tough especially online.


This is really weird. On my FC4 pad I have a trigger set to activate v-trigger. and I've noticed that if I try to activate v-trigger after a crouching fierce, and do it too quickly, often it doesn't register the repeated input of the fierce again. Opting instead to just register the roundhouse on its own. Uploaded a quick video to show what I mean:


I'm doing this in quick succession with the same timing, and if you look at the input data, it shows that sometimes it registers, and sometimes it doesn't. It's more reliable when you space it out a little, but even then it can randomly decide to not work. And then if you do it incredibly fast, occasionally it'll randomly work. Doesn't seem like there's any consistency to it. I never noticed that issue on stick. But then again it might be that on stick I just don't press the combination as quickly.


Give me an example.

The only thing that's kinda hard to do as far as execution goes, is walk forward links after a crush counter.

And I don't even mean that in a bad way, I'm liking the game a lot, more than I thought I would, but as far as execution goes? EASY.

I think Karin and Chun have quite complex setups that aren't as simple to be executed.

This game certainly is much, much easier execution wise than something like SSFIV or GG
I think Karin and Chun have quite complex setups that aren't as simple to be executed.

This game certainly is much, much easier execution wise than something like SSFIV or GG
Don't bring up Karin and the word complex in the same breath. She's kinda flowchart. Quarter circle back and kick, sip soda while waiting for "combo" to finish, pop super.


So I am on my new back up PS4 that I bought for taking to events and having next to my pc set up and running my other account (GGGhost if anyone wants to beat me up when I am on though if home I am usually on DigitalArkham but it depends what I am doing)...

Anyway, I am working up from 0 and a lowly bronze and a Zangief named "GamingwithPhil22" RQs on me.
Come on now, you are only Super Bronze and 1035 f'ing LPs...why be a bitch?
So I am on my new back up PS4 that I bought for taking to events and having next to my pc set up and running my other account (GGGhost if anyone wants to beat me up when I am on though if home I am usually on DigitalArkham but it depends what I am doing)...

Anyway, I am working up from 0 and a lowly bronze and a Zangief named "GamingwithPhil22" RQs on me.
Come on now, you are only Super Bronze and 1035 f'ing LPs...why be a bitch?

I had a Ryu with 700LP RQ on me minutes ago. I dunno, man. Kids these days.

I'm dying here. How in the fuck do you perform a wake-up? Is my dexterity just that godfuckingdamned bad?????

Do you mean a quick wake up or a wake up attack? Because the attacks depend on the characters.

Otherwise, two punches right as you hit the ground to stand in place. Two kicks to roll back a bit.


I am free to Nash as Birdie. I don't know when I can push a button. I guess I need to lab it up, but any suggestions on where to start?


I really don't get this game. I jump in, people always dp me. When I dp people jumping in on me, I get counter hit everytime. Wtf??


Don't worry too much. They removed two of his best ways to get in and he is a paid DLC character, so you probably won't see him very often.

Altering options that he had in 3S doesn't necessarily mean a damn thing in SFV.

Everybody is gonna own Alex. You could afford him for free by playing the game for literally 15 minutes. Story mode alone gets you him.
GG's Cobalt, I was actually going to leave to but you beat me to it. I wanted to say something in the chat first to give you an idea before I left. In the first set it wasn't like you were blowing me up match after match but it didn't feel good to go 10-3. I'm glad I was able to adjust and barely win the 2nd set 10-8. I was pulling out every gimmick I could think of to win rounds. So many matches went to the 3rd round when both of us were close to death in that 2nd set.

GG's again, I'm heading to Final Round tomorrow so I'm glad I was able to play someone who was making me work really hard for the W.


good lord, literally ate shit again'st a freshly silver cammy player and she kept doing the same shit over and over @_@

lp lp spiral arrow and I couldn't jump on wake up at all, all I could do was get blown up and nearly got perfected twice >_<
GG's Cobalt, I was actually going to leave to but you beat me to it. I wanted to say something in the chat first to give you an idea before I left. In the first set it wasn't like you were blowing me up match after match but it didn't feel good to go 10-3. I'm glad I was able to adjust and barely win the 2nd set 10-8. I was pulling out every gimmick I could think of to win rounds. So many matches went to the 3rd round when both of us were close to death in that 2nd set.

GG's again, I'm heading to Final Round tomorrow so I'm glad I was able to play someone who was making me work really hard for the W.

Let us know when you're heading on stream.


GG's Cobalt, I was actually going to leave to but you beat me to it. I wanted to say something in the chat first to give you an idea before I left. In the first set it wasn't like you were blowing me up match after match but it didn't feel good to go 10-3. I'm glad I was able to adjust and barely win the 2nd set 10-8. I was pulling out every gimmick I could think of to win rounds. So many matches went to the 3rd round when both of us were close to death in that 2nd set.

GG's again, I'm heading to Final Round tomorrow so I'm glad I was able to play someone who was making me work really hard for the W.

Yeah, we went back and forth for the last 6 or 7 games but your early lead pulled through.

Good luck at final round man. I guess the only tip I could give is to avoid using air tatsu in the corner. It doesn't seem like a reliable escape option.


So, I have noticed myself and others online doing a few things when things get a bit tense.

In my case (as Chun Li) I find myself constantly pressing cr. HK and ALWAYS getting punished for it (usually by a crouching Ryu kick). The other thing that'll happen is when I am trying to execute a bnb, I will press the lk or lp 2 or 3 times and are either just simply blocked or I am out of range and miss, also leaving me to be countered and punished.
My question is, what ways have you guys learned to get over that or train yourself to basically calm down and avoid the panic -> button mash?

Personally, I know i made a bit of progress by basically forcing myself to go into rounds and not pressing the attach button until at least 20 seconds have passed (the idea being, I learn how to dodge and block and read attacks without being distracted by landing attacks). But I was wondering what some more skilled players did to get where they are IF they experienced the same thing when they got into fighting games?
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";198574447]Let us know when you're heading on stream.[/QUOTE]

I'd love to play on stream again. I was fortunate to get on stream to face PR Rog 3 years ago. I think they will mostly focus on getting big name players on stream. My pool doesn't have any big name players. I only recognize two names, Marvisto and GAF's very own FR Top 8 finalist in 2012 DBJ lol.
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