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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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Dropping target combo twice in a row is probably the worst feeling ever. Can't really understand how I managed to do that since it is just dialing the inputs.


Unconfirmed Member
ryus get up is the only getup with such a retardedly designed hit area. its not a problem for any other character.
I don't understand what you mean. If you time your DP badly or pick the wrong one, it will get stuffed by a cross-up, yes. But that's by design. And what's supposed to be the difference about Ryu?
I don't understand what you mean. If you time your DP badly or pick the wrong one, it will get stuffed by a cross-up, yes. But that's by design. And what's supposed to be the difference about Ryu?

every other getup move has a hitbox that covers a wide enough air space to hit a cross up.


Unconfirmed Member
every other getup move has a hitbox that covers a wide enough air space to hit a cross up.
This is just not true. Pretty much anything gets stuffed by a meaty cross-up. It's all about timing of both the cross-up and the DP. In fact Ryu might have one of the best options against them with a well timed autocorrect medium DP.
This is just not true. Pretty much anything gets stuffed by a meaty cross-up. It's all about timing of both the cross-up and the DP. In fact Ryu might have one of the best options against them with a well timed autocorrect medium DP.

oh, and heres the problem with just blocking. ryu is the ONLY character in the game with ZERO advantage on block moves. every other character can string near endless attacks together with no punish if blocked. they can insta transition into a throw from any of these attacks AND other than ken, every characters throw range outclasses ryus. so going into turtle mode with ryu on get up doesnt work well. ryu can not quickly transition into a throw from any moves other than his garbage ass stubby pokes. and even then his range is so laughably short.


Unconfirmed Member
oh, and heres the problem with just blocking. ryu is the ONLY character in the game with ZERO advantage on block moves. every other character can string near endless attacks together with no penalty if blocked. they can insta transition into a throw from any of these attacks since other than ken, every characters throw range outclasses ryus. so going into turtle mode with ryu on get up doesnt work well
I guess you are trolling?

Standing LP is +2
Standing MP is +1
Crouching LP is +2
Crouching MP is +2
Crouching LK is +1

Ryu has some of the easiest damaging combos in the game.
When do you not bring then in? Wakeup EX qcf.p is real in desperate situations, V-skill armored taunt will give you a free combo at least once in the corner and her charged hk works way too often for something that can be jabbed out of the air.

just find if theyre all jumpy cant get anything started.


oh, and heres the problem with just blocking. ryu is the ONLY character in the game with ZERO advantage on block moves. every other character can string near endless attacks together with no punish if blocked. they can insta transition into a throw from any of these attacks AND other than ken, every characters throw range outclasses ryus. so going into turtle mode with ryu on get up doesnt work well. ryu can not quickly transition into a throw from any moves other than his garbage ass stubby pokes. and even then his range is so ;laughably short.

all ryu can do is turtle. he has zero offensive usefulness unless you can parry everything with 100% success rate while rushing. his moves have zero priority, he has the worst get up move of all the characters who have one, the shortest range on his attacks, the most useless special moves and super art, his v trigger is fucking worthless, using his v skill takes 100000x more skill than other fighters, and his recovery time for everything is just brutally long

maybe i mixed up v trigger and v skill. i mean his charge fireball is useless and his parry takes a mind boggling level of skill to be effective. his mp is okay in terms of recovery time but that shit gets out ranged and out framed by nearly every single attack in the game. and almost every character other than ryu can string together near endless attacks of a variety of type with little to no recovery time. crouching HK is about the only exception. the ones that do have some recovery time are few and far between and often leave the fighter out of range for ryu to do any real damage anyway.

his dragon punch is close to useless as a getup move, its only useful for people who jump into you, which is no one half decent.

its not invul.

fireball and hurricane kick are absolutely useless. his super art is only usable as a combo finisher, but i mean any super art in the game can be used as a combo finisher. other supers have at least some level of utility outside of that. not ryus,


Can you do us all a favor and pick a new fucking character?
oh, and heres the problem with just blocking. ryu is the ONLY character in the game with ZERO advantage on block moves. every other character can string near endless attacks together with no punish if blocked. they can insta transition into a throw from any of these attacks AND other than ken, every characters throw range outclasses ryus. so going into turtle mode with ryu on get up doesnt work well. ryu can not quickly transition into a throw from any moves other than his garbage ass stubby pokes. and even then his range is so laughably short.

just. what.
I've wasted way too much of my time for the past 20 years playing these kinds of games, so in the end you probably win, and I should be better than I am all things considered.

Still feel like I'm in scrubtown when it comes to understanding neutral beyond a base level. But I played Chun in 4 for the last few years of that game so I probably have a leg up on the 99% of people who played 4 like "do risky, unsafe shit to get in then run BS pressure" since that doesn't work so well in this game.


that elena tho



He looks absolutely stunning in-game!

Need to try all supers on him, gonna be fun.

Also I need to learn Q now =D

Hopefully the SF V community will release more of mods this soon.


For example as Chun, doing sHK CC, dash up sMP, cMK xx m sbk. Its pretty difficult by SF5 standards. Of course nothing is really gonna come close to SF4 difficulty but it still requires you to be on point with your execution.

Also with chun, doing instant air stomp into legs reliably, and doing ia legs after a blockstring consistantly is pretty tough especially online.

"by SF5 standards" I can agree, and Chun definitely seems to be one of the hardest characters to play in the game.

But the thing is that SF5 standards aren't that tough for execution at all. And, again, I don't think it's a bad thing, but it's not hard.

Don't bring up Karin and the word complex in the same breath. She's kinda flowchart. Quarter circle back and kick, sip soda while waiting for "combo" to finish, pop super.

This is unsafe as hell. You need to hit confirm your shit if you're playing people who know what they're doing.



yikes, that's probably not going to end up with you having much fun.

it's fair enough if you think your character has a handful of obvious flaws, but you really have to recognise their advantages too.

being ready with 15 reasons why your character shit means one of two things: either your character is genuinely shit (in a game where everyone agrees the cast are surprisingly well balanced) - or you're blaming your character for your own problems.

is there a way to record the dummy just doing a move? don't need it from wake up or blocking, just want to learn how to punish stuff

Change the training dummy type to uh... I can't remember. It's not dummy, cpu or player controlled. You can record up to 6 slots and then get them to play back with/without intervals.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, set the dummy to "player recorded" or something in the window with stun/counter hit etc and it can play back several moves you record.
It's actually a great way to learn a match up, since the replays are random, too.


A good Chun Li player is going to win 85% of the time. She's ridiculous.

She's REALLY strong as a character, but I feel like the matchup against Karin is almost even, so I don't have much to complain.

What I like about Chun is that she's not top tier because of gimmicky crap, she's just really strong and has solid everything. It's not because there's this one bullshit move you still didn't figure out, it's a very straightforward match, you just need to outplay her.
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