I'm pretty sure it's Messilshibashi. He might play on a few others.
Thanks! Kaz was one of my favorite players to watch in SFIV so hearing that he's been playing Cammy has me pretty stoked.
I'm pretty sure it's Messilshibashi. He might play on a few others.
Yep! The only things you can't buy with Fight Money are the "premium" costumes. Story mode costumes will be purchasable but are kind of pricey compared to characters.
100k for a character
40k for the story costumes
Since when Cr.LPxCr.LPxHadoken. does 150 dmg!??!
Of course if you go with flashy combos of 500 hits all with light attacks, the scaling is dramatic, but with regular, normal combos, she ain't at that much of a disadvantage.
Alright. I'm just about sold.Yep! The only things you can't buy with Fight Money are the "premium" costumes. Story mode costumes will be purchasable but are kind of pricey compared to characters.
100k for a character
40k for the story costumes
I wasn't aware of this. So for future costumes/cosmetics, you won't be able to use Fight Money to get them? Kind of a bummer.
I dislike Mika's story costume.
Alright. I'm just about sold.
It was just an example I realised that and edited it out later. I mean use whatever Bnb does 150ish dmg . Like say Nash LK->MK->St.LP->Sonic Scythe.
Am not saying Gief has like 500 HP more than Cammy or anything , but he is going to be able to take more hits. While mostly dealing Raw unscaled damage to his enemy ( SPDs and Pokes )
I wasn't aware of this. So for future costumes/cosmetics, you won't be able to use Fight Money to get them? Kind of a bummer.
I dislike Mika's story costume.
Cammy eats 7 cMKxxSpiral Arrow and dies
Zangief eats 8 cMKxxSpiral Arrow and is left with the magic pixel. Literally zero HP.
cMKxxSpiral Arrow is like super duper easy!
Dunno what you are expecting me to tell you, but the lab tests indicate that Zangief roughly eats 1 more combo than Cammy, of whatever decent combo. If you need 2 extra combos to kill Zangief compared to Cammy, you are doing a p bad combo.
How do i change my cfn?
This was always going to be the case. They said that all gameplay related DLC (characters, stages presumably) would be available with fight money OR real money. Cosmetic DLC was always going to be real money only. Only exception are the story costumes which are only purchasable in the store after you unlock it by playing through that character's story mode. Premium costumes are extra costumes not unlocked through playing anything in game and are real money only. When we talk about colors, Capcom has not commented if they will be real money only, or also purchasable with fight money. If Capcom continues this pattern, then we can assume that it will be another piece of cosmetic DLC that is purchasable with fight money since like the story costumes, colors are unlockable through normal gameplay anyway.
"If you are going to do unoptimal combos, scaling is really important!" is kind of a weak argument. jHP, cHPxHadouken ain't even hard. It's a classic combo! It is a real, practical example.
I used Cammy's fHK, cMPxHK spiral arrow, 5 hits for 214. (could not do the Nash combo, lol) That's not a jump'in, has multiple hits.
Cammy eats 4 of those + fHK, cMP and dies.
Zangief eats 5 of those + MP and dies too!
Ok this is _slightly_ more dramatic, but do notice that gief is barely eating only one combo more, which, roughly, is the difference in HP they have + scaling.
I get the discussion on raw hits and stuff, but the truth is, Cammy has a lot more chances to use combos and land raw stuff than Gief. She just has more mobility, moves with invincinbility that start hitting from the first frame, etc. If you are telling me that Cammy doesn't do A LOT of pokes...well you are playing Cammy wrong.
I am doing all the heavy lifting in this discussion and you ain't really presenting any real counter examples.
Cammy eats 7 cMKxxSpiral Arrow and dies
Zangief eats 8 cMKxxSpiral Arrow and is left with the magic pixel. Literally zero HP.
cMKxxSpiral Arrow is like super duper easy! Literally a poke into a special. Nothing fancy like a jump'in
Dunno what you are expecting me to tell you, but the lab tests indicate that Zangief roughly eats 1 more combo than Cammy, of whatever decent combo. If you need 2 extra combos to kill Zangief compared to Cammy, you are doing a p bad combo.
You seem to be missing the point entirely.
Like I said in multiple posts. A fight isn't going to just have Pokes and 2 hit combos.
How can i make a new account? What do i need to delete?pretty sure you need to make a new account.
This was always going to be the case. They said that all gameplay related DLC (characters, stages presumably) would be available with fight money OR real money. Cosmetic DLC was always going to be real money only. Only exception are the story costumes which are only purchasable in the store after you unlock it by playing through that character's story mode. Premium costumes are extra costumes not unlocked through playing anything in game and are real money only. When we talk about colors, Capcom has not commented if they will be real money only, or also purchasable with fight money. If Capcom continues this pattern, then we can assume that it will be another piece of cosmetic DLC that is purchasable with fight money since like the story costumes, colors are unlockable through normal gameplay anyway.
How can i make a new account? What do i need to delete?
You are just posting a ton of theory fighter v, while I actually went to training mode and tested this.
Please post real examples or accept you are wrong.
How can i make a new account? What do i need to delete?
I'd think just your save data? Don't quote me on it.
Sadly this wont work , I tried it. All it does is kill you scores and story mode progress. Your Fight money and CFN name are forever tied to your PSN/Steam ID.
Huh. I'm surprised about that. I thought about killing my save so that I could change my CFN name. That sucks. :\Xetehlol is fucking awful but they require 6 characters
What will come first - CFN or PSN ID changes?
What example do you want? If I test it out with a bunch of Long Punish Combos with huge scaling. That isnt practical too because no real fight is going to be ONLY long scaled punish combos.
I dont see how this concept is hard for you to understand. You seem to be the only guy here who doesnt get it.
Instead of looking at it like Gief has 150 Hp more than Cammy think of it this way.
Ryu,Ken..etc have a standard Health , Gief has 5% more health than standard and Cammy has 10% lower.
Accept I am wrong about what exactly? That There is something called HP scaling?
Because Sorry I didnt come up with it. Capcom did , and it is very much in the game.
Huh. I'm surprised about that. I thought about killing my save so that I could change my CFN name. That sucks. :\Xetehlol is fucking awful but they require 6 characters
Well I mean... Capcom didn't ask for any emails or anything so for all we know they could be using PSN IDs as the unique identifierLmao. Would be hilarious if PSN name change fucks up shit on Capcom's end.
I mean, you could say the same for Dhalsim.
I do not respect Cammy players.
My Original Statement was "Cammy only has 1 LP SPD less health than Zangief"
You said "That's not how scaling works!" http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=198622535&postcount=5459
And I proved you wrong. A bunch of different combos just show that Zangief eats one more of them than Cammy.
So you whined a bunch more and I actually tested different combos and showed you that Zangief eats only one combo more than Cammy of whatever decent combo you use.
So I don't know what you are talking about, but clearly it is an imprecise and vague point, cause when confronted with evidence you retreated.
I honestly done even know what you are trying to prove. Or how you proved me wrong.
So you are denying the existence of HP Scaling because you hit Cammy with an UNSCALED 150 dmg Throw?
Fly's statement said:900 health ain't that little.
Zangief only has 1050!
That's barely one LP SPD more.
That isnt how it works. HP isnt just a FLAT number. You gotta take into account scaling as well.
can someone post up a picture of that guys ps2 pad from WNF?
Do note that the final LP SPD still scales.
I am not saying scaling does not exists. That's just you trying to squirrel away.
I am saying the difference it makes is not dramatic, and it is very equivalent to simply substracting numbers.
She's an offensive monster that can stun fast and hit hard, the definition of a glass cannon (SPIKE!)
She's great as she is in the game.
The only thing I want is the return of her Air grab.
I honestly done even know what you are trying to prove. Or how you proved me wrong.
So you are denying the existence of HP Scaling because you hit Cammy with an UNSCALED 150 dmg Throw?
And there we have it. So you how exactly did you prove me wrong when you admit Gief does have more effective HP than 150 via scaling.
And LP SPD only scales with HP scaling not combo scaling. When you do a combo and add that scaling , the difference is % based not flat out subtracted.
The test you are doing does diminish the effect of scaling because you are landing raw SPDs. Replace that 150 dmg SPD with a 150dmg bnb like Cr.LPxCr.LPxHadoken.
I love Cammy (heck, she's my main) but don't hype her up like that without mentioning that all an opponent has to do is stand where they are and be a brick wall to beat Cammy.
People are EASILY stopping Spiral Arrow. It's not our trump card.
Cannon Spike? Trying to goad an opponent into jumping in SFV? Good luck with trying that.
Again wrong. In two counts.
LP SPD does 180.
And I did it at the end, so that LP SPD is scaled.
Please hit training mode and test the stuff you say before talking shit and you will see that scaling isn't crazy important.
Lol, Xeteh.
don't kill me
Again Again wrong, as LP SPD is 180. Please go to training mode before talking uninformed shit about the game.
What do you make of the several different combos I did on Cammy and Zangief, of which it only took one more to kill Zangief? I ain't exactly a combo machine, I did super easy, common bnb combos. Scaling is overrated.
More proof you don't know what you are talking about
cLP, cLPxHadoken does not do 150.
I am sorry you are time and time again wrong and squirrel away in semantics.
Please be more precise.
So you cant do more than a basic 2-3 hit combo and you wanna say scaling is overrated cool.
I already corrected my self there and edited that post. But you seem hell bent just to prove me wrong. When you clearly know what I meant to say.
This What I am trying to say , take it however you will. I am done.
The difference between Gief and Cammy is more than 150 hp , if you take into account HP scaling. You yourself proved it takes a 180 dmg grab ( only affected by HP scaling ) or a 214 dmg combo ( Affected by combo and HP scaling ) To make up the difference. The longer the combo the more exponential the difference will be , because scaling is % based.
guts and characters having different amounts of health is still fucking stupid
Characters having strengths and weaknesses in different areas is fucking stupid
That controller looks so nasty. Good thing it's black. Why is it taped up?
I somewhat agree. Maybe it wouldn't bother me so much in this game if characters with low health didn't also have such a low stun ceiling. Unique health values are just something that ultimately needs to be worked around for no reason whatsoever. It is kind of a chore.guts and characters having different amounts of health is still fucking stupid
Goddamnit. Can anyone else log into CFN? My option to even connect to network is grayed out.