Where's the freaking patch, man
dont wanna blow up consoles mid major tournament
Where's the freaking patch, man
Invite me Lord_DubzIf any Bronz Boyz wanna play right now, add Ace_1991
dont wanna blow up consoles mid major tournament
dont wanna blow up consoles mid major tournament
I don't think I lose to anyone more than Karin or Mika. Fucking hate those ladies.
Got to Ultra Bronze then lost 4 in a row including against a regular Bronze.
I think I'm done for a while.
Good games dude. Still have no idea when to press buttons against Necalli lol.
Got to Ultra Bronze then lost 4 in a row including against a regular Bronze.
I think I'm done for a while.
Who wants to play?
Well it's not doing anything should I reinvite?
Got to Ultra Bronze then lost 4 in a row including against a regular Bronze.
I think I'm done for a while.
ggs, Jam. I noticed that you were getting caught by the>mk stomp frame trap a lot. I alternate between HK and MK stomp, and you were punishing the HK pretty consistently, but it's kinda hard to tell the difference. If I do MK stomp that's - on block though, so if you react quick enough you can usually pressure after. Also, any chance you can, back tech on any knockdown Necalli gives you, since that messes up a lot of his setups.
Yeah skill-wise we were pretty even, it just seemed like you didn't have that much experience against Necalli. One perk of not many people playing him online, lol.
Btw Moaradin, you wouldn't happen to have any advice for me after those sets, would you? Not sure what I can do to improve aside from work on my execution.
I expected you to jump more often as usually the necalli's I played online like to do that to avoid Laura's grab but you did not care!
Laura's overhead blocked is super negative, and on hit it so don't be afraid to do stuff after. Just be careful cause a bait can be costly. I'm bad at not stopping pressing buttons and you exposed that a few times, overall ggs. I need to dash in grab more often as that seemed to work well against me![]()
Don't know much about Necalli but you could definitely anti air more. I got a lot of free jump ins when we played.
His cr. Hp is so slow, you wight as well dp with read you have to make. Is st lp his actual best go to aa?
His cr. Hp is so slow, you wight as well dp with read you have to make. Is st lp his actual best go to aa?
st.lp and HP DP are Necalli's best anti-airs, in my experience. All 3 frame jabs in SFV are godlike anti-airs. I have trouble doing DP on reaction, but it's hitbox is really good, and it usually autocorrects on cross-ups so it's worth trying more often than not. I have bad experiences trying cr.HP. Too slow to do on reaction and the hitbox ain't that great either.
I prefer lp dp. It goes straight up, catches cross up attempts sometimes, less recovery and (unless that hp dp hits really meaty) does more damage. A solid 80.
NOTHING IS MORE ANNOYING THAN A 1500-2000 KEN PLAYER.... FUCKING UNORTHODOX DP SPAM... every fucking time i get to like 3800-3900 this game will make sure to match me against one or more.. do totally fine against ken players 2500-4000. woosah
Just block and punish dude. If they're mashing that much, just block and Crush Counter them.
Just block and punish dude. If they're mashing that much, just block and Crush Counter them.
The worst is when you try to do that and you mistime your crush counter normal and eat another DP. I lost to a Super Bronze Ryu a couple days ago who for some mythical reason I couldn't punish his blocked and whiffed DP's. I blame lag, capcom's netcode and Donald Trump.
That really only happens if there's some lag or your character has a CC with a lot of startup.
Hard to read people that just spam and don't think though. Like i said i have no problem with Ken players 2500-4000. Also doesn't help that I'm relentlessly offensive Rashid player most games.
Sorry for the really basic question, but can someone explain exactly what 'reversal' and 'counter hit' indicators mean, and their usefulness?