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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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Had a discussion about this with a couple friends the other day and we all agreed that their is a decent chance if you put more than a couple top US players in a room together they're more likely to get into a fight than actually learn anything .
Last time I saw this tried Fchamp and PR Balrog almost got into a fist fight and I think Balrog got kicked out of of champs house.

We much rather talk shit , start drama ,pop off ,get in each other's face and complain about our characters weaknesses than actually learn the game proper.

B-b-but muh hollywood though
Does Bison/Dictator have a normal that does overhead damage? I feel like you are safe against him so long as you crouch block. The only way i can vary it up is with head stomp but that gives time for the other player to react with anti air.

No. Bison does not have an overhead.
His specials are indeed better for zoning and for creating frame traps than they are for straight up offense.

FANG is great cause he can switch from zoner to in your face in almost an instant because of his dash.

You need to play him as a slower-paced character because he doesn't do much damage in bursts as much as he does over time.

Play him as a zoner who occasionally gets in people's faces and uses his normals to pressure since poison state not only damages but it also prevents white health regen so even blocked normals have more effect than usual.

Try not to become too predictable and remember that there are ways around his trap and his air fireballs.

And don't rely too much on your v-skill, it's really ehh.

Right, thanks.
That seems pretty cool with his poison preventing health regen.
I wanted to use him when he was announced, but I didn't realise he was a charge character (I'm not 100% comfortable with charge motions yet, although I can do Guile's Flash Kick Ultra motion easily). However, I had a few casual matches over the weekend with him, and I'm really enjoying him. I guess it helps that a lot of the time I gravitate towards the gimmicky/oddball character in fighting games, like Dampierre and Hakan.


Had a discussion about this with a couple friends the other day and we all agreed that their is a decent chance if you put more than a couple top US players in a room together they're more likely to get into a fight than actually learn anything .
Last time I saw this tried Fchamp and PR Balrog almost got into a fist fight and I think Balrog got kicked out of of champs house.

We much rather talk shit , start drama ,pop off ,get in each other's face and complain about our characters weaknesses than actually learn the game proper.

Don't the players on Teams do this anyway?


Every week, you just keep digging more and more.

Nope, not gonna happen. I enjoy pop offs and all that, but we really need to get better. Every year, it's the same damn shit.
I enjoy them from time to time too ...hell I was laughing till tears last night at pro talk..but until we we actually show some kind of progress all we are is talk ..right now there us a guy trying to get another king if the garden state tourney together so there are people willing to try to get better but let's see.

But on the other hand few weeks ago JRosa (very good east coast player) invited people people over to train and it seemed like I was the only one willing to go..soooo...hard to tell...


This is something the US top players should do. Get top players in a room, stream going over how to fight vs a character so they improve and the players who watch improve too so they have a stronger practice field at locals/potentially online.
US is huge af though, while the Japanese players can be a train ride away.
this is ridiculous. a simple "the update is out xx.3.2016" would do.
silence until very late march is just stupid, they must have problems otherwise they wouldn't do this.
They can give general estimates but they can't pin down an exact date because updates have to go through certification by Sony. If they clear it then great. If there's a problem though then they have to fix it and then go through certification again.

Though they can still give a general time-frame. 3rd or 4th week of March or something like that.
People who were unable to create lounges, please tell me the maintenance fixed this.

Also, it's hilarious how people always blame the other person for lag. There is no way of telling who or what is causing the lag. You also cannot tell if someone is on WiFi or not. And just for the record, people aren't using lag switches, alt-tabbing or any other crazy shit you want to blame for your loss.
Also, it's hilarious how people always blame the other person for lag. There is no way of telling who or what is causing the lag. You also cannot tell if someone is on WiFi or not. And just for the record, people aren't using lag switches, alt-tabbing or any other crazy shit you want to blame for your loss.

Back when USFIV came to Steam there were a ton of problems with lag during (ranked) matches, and we'd frequently see posts complaining about "lag-switching", posts calling out specific players for "lag-switching", and even attempts at creating community black-lists based on these accusations. Then Valve went ahead and implemented a fix for their P2P API, which apparently scaled extremely poorly when connections were frequent, and 99% of the complaints went away over-night.

So I'm always cautious about people accusing other players for such manipulations. While there surely are some who engage in this practice, chances are that any given person accused of cheating was merely on the other end of a poor connection between the two people involved.

Hyun Sai

I'm a little concerned about this maintenance thing.

Does that mean battle lounges status could deteriorate over time until next maintenance ?
I was gonna leave your post alone until you said this:

but I thought you said:

But how do YOU know that then? How do you know they arent alt tabbing then lol?

That's not what he's saying...
The point of his post is that there could be any number of factors causing lag, so blaming your loss on "manipulation of the connection" is horseshit.


That's not what he's saying...
The point of his post is that there could be any number of factors causing lag, so blaming your loss on "manipulation of the connection" is horseshit.

but he seems so sure for "the record" that they arent using the alt tab trick.

"for the record" and all that....



I agree that blaming a lag switch for sudden lag is dumb. But when you get hit by a sudden lag spike and yet your opponent keeps attacking like nothing is happening, you can't help but think something fishy is going on.

And every time I've been suspicious, I've checked the replay and low and behold it was a PC player. And the few times that I've been able to win despite the teleporting, they've dropped.



Hahaha this is hilarious, any source video of this?


I finally made it to Gold League. Took out a Super Gold Dhalsim to get those last few points and man does it feel satisfying. I set Gold as my goal early on to prove to myself I could get somewhat decent, so now that I'm there I think I'll take a break from ranked and focus on lounges/casual to try and improve my game further without the added stress of points.

Feels good man.

The only thing that sucks is that casual fight matchmaking still takes rank into consideration. So if you're trying to learn a new character, you're going to get beat down pretty hard. That's what happened to me when I tried out Bison, who has the opposite of what I'd consider my normal play style. But there's always battle lounge.

The thing that sucks about leaving Birdie, no more godlike catch-all anti air. Suddenly Nash's moonsaults got 500x more effective on me.


The only thing that sucks is that casual fight matchmaking still takes rank into consideration. So if you're trying to learn a new character, you're going to get beat down pretty hard. That's what happened to me when I tried out Bison, who has the opposite of what I'd consider my normal play style. But there's always battle lounge.

The thing that sucks about leaving Birdie, no more godlike catch-all anti air. Suddenly Nash's moonsaults got 500x more effective on me.

I find that kind of nice, actually. I made it to Gold recently by the skin of my teeth so I've been working on my game in Casual Matches. I get paired up by Rank so I'm fighting people roughly around my skill level but I'm free to try out tech and set ups in a stress free environment. If I was playing Ranked once I'd start losing I would abandon trying new things and fall back on what worked.


One big piece of advice against Nash is if they forward throw you and then immediately dash forward (which a lot of Nash's do), you have the advantage if you quick rise.

I find that kind of nice, actually. I made it to Gold recently by the skin of my teeth so I've been working on my game in Casual Matches. I get paired up by Rank so I'm fighting people roughly around my skill level but I'm free to try out tech and set ups in a stress free environment. If I was playing Ranked once I'd start losing I would abandon trying new things and fall back on what worked.

True. It really depends on what your goals are.
but he seems so sure for "the record" that they arent using the alt tab trick.

"for the record" and all that....


I dunno what you are getting so hung up about, with the myriad of reasons why you could be lagging, manipulation is so far down the list it might as well not be considered.
You're going to sound like a sore loser if every post about a lag loss is blaming manipulation, who knows how many people have been rolling back on their end while everything was fine for you.
Lag is also an issue on the PS4 as well.

DF has done a performance test in online matches on the PS4 and shows fps drops after the first round. I had tons of PS4 players who has crazy amount of Rollback but are able to play find while I'm stuck dealing with it.

One big piece of advice against Nash is if they forward throw you and then immediately dash forward (which a lot of Nash's do), you have the advantage if you quick rise.

Never knew that. Usually I would Fierce Sonic Boom after a throw as it's a much better option.


One big piece of advice against Nash is if they forward throw you and then immediately dash forward (which a lot of Nash's do), you have the advantage if you quick rise.
And, on the contrary, if a Laura back throws you and immediately dashes at you, she has the advantage (she's at +3 I think, which allows for a meaty throw setup to initiate some kind of vortex).


At this point do we really need someone official to say it will come out during the last week of March?

Since we don't have an official date, the state of this game is a mess and it's entirely possible that things have been pushed back because of the numerous other problems we're having: yeah, it would really be nice to have someone official say we're still getting the March update in March. It would also be nice if Capcom communicated AT ALL what the fuck is going on with their game as a service game, since they haven't.
I would personally like to hear that to have some sort of comfort that it will actually make it in March tbh
Yea I was gonna say, what in the world?

On another note, it still feels like an odd choice to include Zangief over Hugo for this game. Don't get that choice at all.


Hugo is from Street Fighter 3.

That's the explanation.

e: it does help that Zangief is awesome tho.

but you should read between the lines and notice how nobody from 3 showed up in the initial 16, and even people who last appeared in alpha 3 showed up before people from 3.
I dunno what you are getting so hung up about, with the myriad of reasons why you could be lagging, manipulation is so far down the list it might as well not be considered.
You're going to sound like a sore loser if every post about a lag loss is blaming manipulation, who knows how many people have been rolling back on their end while everything was fine for you.

he got the point but wanted to go all "well technically" so he could do that "hmmm" shit
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