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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I think that if Capcom really wants to handle this game as a service they need to #StepUp their communication process.
The current situation is kinda silly.

There's no real diff in skill between ultra and super bronze lol

There are somy things wrong with the ranking system. The fact that 90% of the player base is prob in bronze. There absolutely is a skill difference. But regardless, that was far from my complaint there. It's was the bit afterwards.



I think that if Capcom really wants to handle this game as a service they need to #StepUp their communication process.
The current situation is kinda silly.


I keep thinking of this line from CDPR.

I mean it's annoying but I've seen worse out of this very company. Sven would pop out his head every few months and tease Monster Hunter news, meanwhile the series went years without any localizations.
What's the optimal Laura combo after blocked DP when ur opponent is in the corner? I do CC st.HP, st.HP xx EX Thunder Clap, H Bolt Charge. Is there something more efficient with 1 EX meter? What's the optimal punish without meter?
I've complained about this before, but it takes way, WAY too long to get into online matches. It's seriously unacceptable and when the only thing to really do is play online, well, it's a drag. This isn't something I expect to ever be "fixed" either. I guess I should just keep trying to set up play dates with my friends because I can't keep wasting my time waiting on loading screens. I'm so freaking disappointed with this game.


What's the optimal Laura combo after blocked DP when ur opponent is in the corner? I do CC st.HP, st.HP xx EX Thunder Clap, H Bolt Charge. Is there something more efficient with 1 EX meter? That's the optimal punish without meter?

CC st.HP x M/H* thunderclap, st.HP xx EX Thunder Clap, H Bolt Charge

*character specific as to which you use
What's the optimal Laura combo after blocked DP when ur opponent is in the corner? I do CC st.HP, st.HP xx EX Thunder Clap, H Bolt Charge. Is there something more efficient with 1 EX meter? That's the optimal punish without meter?
Do you ever use her fireball to set up the crossup? I like to use it in a manner similar to Ibuki's kunai.

Now I really want Ibuki. Gonna be forever till we get her. :(

I've been playing on a stick since SFIV (though before SFV came out I hadn't been playing any fighting games for years) and I'm still not completely comfortable doing QCFx2 motions to the right... When I'm on the right I can do them blindingly fast, but from the left I'm much slower and still mess up way too often. Feels bad, man.
That's crazy lmao XD. I wonder what the explanation is.


I didn't know there would be enough time to get a HP after a non-EX Thunder Clap. I need to work on that. Thanks.

Yup, but only on crush counter, the thunderclap hits super late in their spin animation.

iirc you use medium for most characters, heavy for gief, birdie, rashid and..karin?
Do you ever use her fireball to set up the crossup? I like to use it in a manner similar to Ibuki's kunai.

Now I really want Ibuki. Gonna be forever till we get her. :(

I guess I can do it off CC sweep since they can't quick rise, right? Any time I try to mixup with fireball on opponent's wake up it gets blown up pretty easily.

Yup, but only on crush counter, the thunderclap hits super late in their spin animation.

iirc you use medium for most characters, heavy for gief, birdie, rashid and..karin?
That makes sense. I'll spend some time in training mode to get it down. Thanks a lot!


Yeah, this appears to be the proper CC combo for Laura, vryu always goes for this one. If you have a full vtrigger bar, you can even extend it after the second st.HP for a crazy devastating combo.
I need to get it down to muscle memory, after spending the first few weeks punishing whiffed DPs by a st.HK, it's hard for me to switch to st.HP. :D
Set connection to only 5 after losing to a teleporting Ken, get matched with a Chinese player... only 12,818 km distance, no problem. Match was unplayable. Really wish we can set to Ping instead of 5 ambiguous bars.
What's the optimal Laura combo after blocked DP when ur opponent is in the corner? I do CC st.HP, st.HP xx EX Thunder Clap, H Bolt Charge. Is there something more efficient with 1 EX meter? What's the optimal punish without meter?

CC.HP , fwd HP, fwd HP X HP bolt charge maybe? Extendable if you have a v-trigger to cancel the target combo.


That's crazy lmao XD. I wonder what the explanation is.

I really don't know. I've experimented with different ways of holding the stick and the one I'm most comfortable with is the wineglass grip, but no matter what girp is use, QCF motions to the right still give me trouble.


Playing on a stick at home is weird. XD

You get more consistency with inputs, but the button placement is definitely going to take me some time to get used to.

I still can't QCFx2 to the right, it's wild. When I'm on the right side of the screen and input to the left I can nail it, but for some reason I have a bad habit that totally screws up the input from left to right. :p

I have a similar problem but not in every game, for some reason in this one I have to consciously slow my inputs. Even so in SFV it's not an issue at all with most characters as their super motions are easy to cancel from a special. Birdie for example, do bull head then one more qcf +p and his super comes out - easiest thing in the world. But I main Bison whose super is qcfx2 and all he has are charge moves and a qcb. I would definitely prefer that psycho crusher be changed to qcbx2.

you can combo into it from scissors but you need to be real quick and it's possible for it to miss due to its very very short range, it's not a braindead easy cancel like most characters have.

but yeah the left/right thing is simply just how my wrist moves. It was way worse before I changed up my grip but it still happens. I wonder if an 8-way gate would make it better or worse.
Finally take Vega out of training only to run into 4 straight defensive Ryu who only throws Fireballs and wait for you to jump in and Shoryuken all day, lost all 4 matches, the easiest character in the game is being played defensively, gotdamn..


Unconfirmed Member
What the hell was the point of that Capcom UK tweet? Did they want to ruffle some more feathers? A day after and still nothing.


has yet to tasted the golden nectar that is tag
Set connection to only 5 after losing to a teleporting Ken, get matched with a Chinese player... only 12,818 km distance, no problem. Match was unplayable. Really wish we can set to Ping instead of 5 ambiguous bars.
Do you have confirmation set to ask? When it is on you can make sure it is actually a 5 bar match before accepting. Since doing this I rarely get lag matches.


Here's where the thread went!

Trying to learn some Necalli, right now I'm pretty bad with him. I use standing heavy kick too much, and its getting me into trouble. Right now my strat is to v-skill as much as possible, bait the jump for the SRK, and activate v-trigger ASAP. A lot of the time I try to press a normal into v-trigger activation for pressure / combo extension, but I figured out that all I'm doing is delaying the awesome version of Necalli.

Tried out Laura and Bison. They aren't instant successes, but I do want to get decent with every character eventually so I'll come back to them. The worst part about learning a new character is losing against people you know you'd crush with your main.


From the first match, you throw out a lot of heavy moves hoping people will walk into them. Those are begging to get countered.

Your mix ups are good, but you jump a lot - try using your dash on their wakeup to keep them guessing what you'll do.

Also tatsu isn't super safe anymore so I'd avoid using it as a guess and use it more as a read / response. You threw it out like three times in a row at the end of that first round.

Overall not bad, good spacing but be careful you don't make yourself vulnerable.

Thank you for the suggestions. Should I dash back and then counter whatever their wake up move is. I have been hit up by their wake up game with Ryu. For escaping corners, should I do air tatsu? Will that work? Aside from that I always had the trouble of jumping too much (bad habit from the SF2 days).

Are my footsies/spacing any good?

I am on the DS4 controller and I felt the game was made for the stick. Are there any ways to improve on DS4? I tried the game on my friend's stick and the moves were a bit easier to do as compared to DS4.

I am about 12 to 15 feet away from tv/ps4 when I play. So I can't exactly get a stick. :(

Unless there are wireless sticks out there?
Ucchedavāda;199083460 said:
I am about 12 to 15 feet away from tv/ps4 when I play. So I can't exactly get a stick. :(

Unless there are wireless sticks out there?

Stick cords are usually 10 feet, so if you just get a extension cord for 3-5 feet it should be fine. USB-cords don't cost much.


Fuck this game.

Start trying Karin. I'm actually enjoying her. Play some casuals. Win 3 lose 1. Ok well.... Maybe I will try ranked again.

First game birdie in ultra bronze I'm in super bronze. I lose. Ok that's fine. No prob. Still anoying getting ranked against people much higher and losing 55lp but what ever. It's nothing.

Next fighter. Ultra bronze Ken. 6 win streak..........let's see what happens.

First round. I'm winning pretty good. Then boom. Lag suddenly appears as if from no where. I still win the round. Then this guy sucks so bad I still win the entire game.......... Player has disconnected.....

It's been over a fucking month capcom.

And the store still isn't open. I want to spend MY FIGHT MONEYYYYYY.

Back to casual I go.


Uhhh... ultra bronze is not much higher than super bronze. It's like a diffference of 5 or 6 wins.

Now if you were getting matched against golds then thats annoying.
Uhhh... ultra bronze is not much higher than super bronze. It's like a diffference of 5 or 6 wins.

Now if you were getting matched against golds then thats annoying.

I feel people are focusing on the wrong part of my post lol.

The ultra bronze thing is only anoying because when ever I play ranked I'm super bronze and only get pitted against bronze or ultra. Barely ever super.

The complaint is more about how when ever I do play ranked I'm fucked because you start winning and the lag out out then rage quit.


I'm pretty sure that Capcom_UK tweet was made as a bridge between seeing nothing at FR and getting a release date and a trailer / Alex reveal during NCR.

Calm down people. ^^


I am done. I am so done. Just spent like an hour and a half on that shitty hard survival mode and I am officially done touching survival mode above normal difficulty. If I knew the game was going to be this barren and this downright greedy in it's design I would have just waited a few months until Capcom got their asses whooped back and forth on the market (as is currently happening). Haven't even tried ranked today. I just wanted some colors and I can't even get that without a tremendous mind reading CPU hassle. The rage is bubbling inside me like a goddamn geyser at this point. I wish all the hateful and horrible things that can befall a human being land on the doorstep of whoever designed this goddamn scam of a mode.

hate hate hate

What character are you trying to get colours for? Have you tried watching others beat hard and using their AI exploit to win?

Last night I was wondering what to do with Chun, watched someone play hard mode and they abused an AI hole where they rarely blocks her v-skill when it crosses up. The spacing is pretty strict, but you get 25 easy fights to practice before things gear up.
I'm hovering just above 2k LP. For some reason I've been matched with the same Super Gold Nash player like 6 times the last few days and the same Ultra Gold Sim three times. The matches against Nash I usually lose although I tend to at least take a round off of him but the matches against Sim feel impossible.

I really need practice in the matchup. I have no idea when it's my turn, it honestly feels like he's safe all of the time. Some stuff I need a good answer for: (I'm playing Karin)

What do I do when he tk teleports and crosses me up? My gut tells me there is no way this is as spammable as it looks but I haven't found a way so far to really do anything other than perfectly timing a jab to interrupt him. Maybe I'm wrong but the timing to jab him out of his fierce seems super precise, or I'm just bad I guess. And it's safe on block I guess? I can use meter to DP it but even that feels hard to time.

Why exactly can I not use Ressenha to go through his fireball? Against the entire cast a nearly fullscreen fireball is an easy punish for me but Sim's hits me for no reason.

And am I bad or is his standing jab chop thing completely unreasonable? Anytime I jump over his limbs I think I'm golden to land a combo into pressure and then he just insta chops me out of the air. If I get close on the ground, where I thought Sim is weakest, he just hits jab and pushes me out. And his slide is safe on block I guess?

And why in the world does his super seem to do 70% of my health? Is it just generally hard to combo into?

As someone relatively new to SF Sim is just super frustrating to play against. Anybody else even without perfect matchup knowledge I feel like I can use Karin's good fundamentals to win if I play smart but I have no idea how to even approach a good Sim player.

That said the few Sims I have played in Silver and Bronze tend to breakdown as soon as I get in as long as I stay patient and just pressure them. This one in Gold gives no fucks though, always finds gaps in my offense perfectly.
Here are some rules-of-thumb on how to fight Dhalsim (though change where applicable) that should answer all of your current questions, with these guidelines explaining Dhalsim's capabilities in more detail.

Regarding Rassenha and Dhalsim's fireball: you don't go through it because his (with the exception of the EX version) are airborne, and Karin's only semi-invulnerable to them with that move from the waist down.


Unconfirmed Member
I've actually worked on my Dhalsim match-up, but I never fight any. I feel like the game is actually becoming less diverse right now
I've actually worked on my Dhalsim match-up, but I never fight any. I feel like the game is actually becoming less diverse right now

Online play is one of the worst places to find or experience diversity. People will pick flavor of the weeks or stick with more comfortable characters. If you can, hit up a local. Mine at least has a wide range of people, even a decent FANG player who attends from time to time.
I've actually worked on my Dhalsim match-up, but I never fight any. I feel like the game is actually becoming less diverse right now
It really helps to seek out people that play characters you want more experience with. Having a friend who plays Dhalsim has helped me learn how to play against him as FANG and helped him to learn how to deal with FANG.
Thank you for the suggestions. Should I dash back and then counter whatever their wake up move is. I have been hit up by their wake up game with Ryu. For escaping corners, should I do air tatsu? Will that work? Aside from that I always had the trouble of jumping too much (bad habit from the SF2 days).

Are my footsies/spacing any good?

I am on the DS4 controller and I felt the game was made for the stick. Are there any ways to improve on DS4? I tried the game on my friend's stick and the moves were a bit easier to do as compared to DS4.

I am about 12 to 15 feet away from tv/ps4 when I play. So I can't exactly get a stick. :(

Unless there are wireless sticks out there?

Jump ins are fine as a wakeup approach, especially if they quick recover and you can't close the gap very fast but more options are always good.

I like to dash in, then hold back and see what they do. If they try to wakeup super or whatnot, I know then I can bait reactions. If they don't, I can try for a grab or overhead. If they do nothing, I know I can try for cross up jump ins.

I got bodied pretty hard by a ryu that would space it so he was in MP shoryuken range, but out of range of most of my wakeup options. It's tough to not want to keep pressure up all the time, but sometimes backing off a bit lets you get even more damage.

Air tatsu can kind of work to get out of the corner - I tend to use jumping MP and jumping HK/HP to keep people off me in the corner if I have to jump. Otherwise it's shoryukens and normals / grabs to stay on the ground and find a way out.

Your footsies are good, just don't always go for the heaviest attacks hoping they walk into them. Medium punches and kicks have decent range but are much safer on block / neutral.

I know some great players who use pad. If you find a stick more to your liking though, give it a shot! You can easily find USB extension cables that'll get you the cable length you need.
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