I meant specifically what took them so long to announce compensation for launch issues. Most companies would straight up say okay we are giving everyone something nice for putting up with our bullshit.
Also now that I think about it we were supposed to get something for Beta 1 being a dumpster fire. Guess they forgot.
It's probably because they didn't have a full-breath of the problems the Zenny store was facing on top of the current issues they have (like being able to log into another user's profile, a big liability for a real-money storefront). That then presented the problem of "Well, if we give people the character for free, then season pass holders are gonna feel ripped off", which probably meant they had to test the system so that all players had access to Alex on this trial program they are setting up, which probably didn't even exist a month ago.
It's a tight rope walk between finding content to keep season pass holders feel secure in the money they've put down, giving the player base some compensation for the issues they've faced, and work on these features that they have to get out in order to allow the game to continue to grow.
Don't get me wrong - Capcom is fucking TERRIBLE when it comes to communication. Take yesterday for example: we get a tweet saying March Update info is coming "soon", when we're this close to the end of the month, and no clarification on when 'soon' is, when they could've just said "blog update coming 9am PST tomorrow". Thats literally ALL they needed to say. Instead, we got 'soon'. Of all the things that need to be corrected with SFV, their out-facing communication is probably one of the things that would top my list.