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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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No way, I can't believe that. I've tried and failed to punish it so many times. - 4 at most for one non ex.

I swear it seems safer than that when I play claw players.
Whenever I play Bison, I've always managed to punish every blocked lk roll with cr.mp xx scissor kick.

cr.mp is 6frame startup. The problem might be the pushback. Some characters might have a tougher time punishing it than others, I guess. You just to have to practice.
Whenever I play Bison, I've always managed to punish every blocked lk roll with cr.mp xx scissor kick.

cr.mp is 6frame startup. The problem might be the pushback. Some characters might have a tougher time punishing it than others, I guess. You just to have to practice.

I could believe Necalli's cr mp has more than 6 frames start up. It's definitely hitting tho.
I just realized that the base personality of all the Street Fighter newcomers in V is "obnoxious."

What happened to making a character likeable.

... I like these new characters better than the old ones... Also, keep in mind Karin's not a newcomer.

Actually, I just disagree with this altogether.

Laura: energetic
Rashid: super chill
Necalli: besides the win animation, just furious evil, plus adorably socially awkward
Fang: Maybe, but more goofy
I could believe Necalli's cr mp has more than 6 frames start up. It's definitely hitting tho.
Necalli's cr.mp is 5 frames startup, better than Bison's so you should have a slightly easier time of hitting than other characters.

You guys should really use FAT (Frame Assistant Tool) for Android. The framedata is really accurate, sometimes the V-frames app can give some wonky data and that google doc also has incorrect data.
... I like these new characters better than the old ones... Also, keep in mind Karin's not a newcomer.

Necalli hits like a Freight Train. And he's also got the personality of one.


I swear it seems safer than that when I play claw players.
LK version can easily be made safe against most characters by spacing it properly where the last flip hit later than usual and leave Vega outside 3/4 frames normals reach, and safe against slower attacks.
Whenever I play Bison, I've always managed to punish every blocked lk roll with cr.mp xx scissor kick.

cr.mp is 6frame startup. The problem might be the pushback. Some characters might have a tougher time punishing it than others, I guess. You just to have to practice.

LK version can easily be made safe against most characters by spacing it properly where the last flip hit later than usual and leave Vega outside 3/4 frames normals reach, and safe against slower attacks.

Thanks. I need to experiment.


Helluva way to lose an 18 game win streak. That's a game winning EX Ressenha choosing not to come out
or I screwed it up


I watched the first video. I can give you some notes if you like?
Helluva way to lose an 18 game win streak. That's a game winning EX Ressenha choosing not to come out
or I screwed it up

That shit is so gimmicky in tense situations like that. Really difficult to respond to it and occasionally a Vega player will mix things up and go for the grab instead so just sitting still and blocking might not necessarily work out either.


For some time, my kryptonite has been players who jump around all the goddamn time, until I realized that they tend to corner themselves which limits their options and makes them more predictable then I let rip and then I murder them.

I love epiphany's like this.

That said I was in a mirror match where a Cammy did the same thing and I got destroyed, so used to people with projectiles doing that nonsense lol.
I swear, as ultra bronze 60% of my fights are super silver, yet to beat one. Give me silvers dang it, I can beat silvers.
They also keep pitting me against bronzes, so my brain has to keep jumping from playing my best to dealing with dp addicts.


Just finally got my copy today and I re-discovered how rusty I am at SF. Cant seem to climb out of Super Bronze yet. I have a long road ahead of me to polish up my skills and basics. I got at least 35-40 matches in today with only 2 of them actually having any significant lag issues. The time between matches however and the process of waiting for your matches to start feels way too long though.
I swear, sometimes just throwing out a heavy Tragedy assault as nash against the CPU is surprisngly effective. They quite rarely punish it.

Yeah that and EX tragedy randomly did work a few times after blockstrings. And some of the characters just don't do anything against light moonsault, at worst they might step back a bit but I wasn't really hit out of it preemptively much at all.
Super Turbo - Cited as being a 7/10 difficulty for Ryu. Most recent tier chart cites it as 6.5+ Dhalsim.

SF4 -YHC Mochi thinks 'Sim wins 6-4.
FChamp thinks 'Sim wins 6-4.

I've only cited SF4 and ST because they're the most comparable to SF5. 6-4 is not a bad matchup by any means, but it still a losing matchup. Ryu has to take risks to get in and can have a hard time sitting and throwing plasma.

Maybe things have changed with SF5, though I doubt it based on the footage I've seen as of late. Even if it was universally agreed that the match is 5-5, Ryu still has to take risks since Dhalsim's poke range can make one hesitate when throwing projectiles. Dhalsim takes Ryu out of his comfort zone no matter the matchup score.
If it were vanilla or Super Street Fighter IV, I could see why they consider the match-up 6-4, but for Ultra I can't help but disagree without further explanation to see what I may be overlooking objectively speaking. In Ultra Dhalsim's tools in that specific match-up were made less effective across the board with a myriad of nerfs up until that iteration of the game, with Ryu comparatively speaking not suffering as much. Less damage and range on his pokes, making his standing back LK a 4-framer instead of 3, not being able to use some other special moves anymore with a fireball already out on the field, weakening some of his (admittedly already) strong anti-airs a tad, lowering the damage on the comparatively scant few combos he has (with counter hits or EX required to keep up with older values) and so forth. I'm more inclined to believe it's more even in Ultra and players of that calibre just happen to really comfortable against Ryu with how long they've been competing with that game. The risks Ryu has to take in Ultra are also overblown for a variety of reasons that have been largely remedied in V.

Ryu - Dhalsim in Street Fighter V is definitely closer to 5-5 however, looking at it objectively. Compared to older games, Dhalsim's pokes are slower, making it noticeably easier to whiff punish and by definition riskier to throw out given their relatively long recovery. By extension, Crush Counters add another layer as to why Dhalsim has to be more cautious than ever now with his limbs, because Ryu's forward dashes allow him to invade Dhalsim's personal space in no time at all, even if it isn't a hard knockdown with a sweep. Ryu is also one of those characters where the max range on Dhalsim's best long-range pokes does not exceed the distance of a well-timed jump-in, again different from older games. Grabs make it more difficult for Dhalsim to avoid mix-ups with a reversal teleport, since those only avoid strikes now unlike both in older games. The fireball game is obviously favoured to Ryu, with how Dhalsim is forced to use EX bar now. His standing fierce punch is nowhere near as braindead now as it was before to punish Hadokens from afar, since you need to have fairly precise timing in order for V's version to go under fireballs (even on hit) with its slow start-up animation. To compensate for this, his HK Slide is a safer way to react to a projectile... but this puts him at risk on block or when just out of reach since Dhalsim subsequently puts himself outside of his comfort zone. His Critical Art is nowhere near as effective as either a "get off me" or a chip tool compared to IV's Ultra 1, nor a desperate hail mary as any kind of reversal. Dhalsim's anti-airs (while still very strong mind you!) comparatively speaking require more second thought and precision than before, with a single slip-up leading to higher damage or stun on average than IV. Dhalsim still owns an aerial normal that can be used as an instant overhead, but the reach of it is shorter (still making it very punishable on hit vs Ryu like before) as well as it being the weakest button now strength-wise, with a floatier + shallower jump to boot. No invincibility frames on Dhalsim' backdash harms Dhalsim way more than it does Ryu, given the very short distance it travels in conjunction with the universal risk of counter-hit status. SFV Dhalsim is proficient at controlling air space, but Ryu has been given sufficient tools that allow him to focus on the grounded game to cope with Dhalsim's style of play until he gets past that mid-screen hump.

Does this make Dhalsim weak in this particular match-up? Fuck no. Ryu has also been similarly toned down in a number of ways alongside other bugbears (for example: IAT + FP whiffing on Ryu thanks to his miniscule hitbox in IV) being made more consistent, and Dhalsim has been compensated in numerous areas to even out the scale with how the underlying game itself also created some new universal (and unique) tools to accommodate his preferred approach. It's just that by the end of the day, the tweaks translate into less lopsided match-ups across the board to the point legitimate hard counters don't exist anymore in Street Fighter V, even against those where in the past Dhalsim could typically press his advantage harder.

Not sure if this is old, but this just happened:

Dash can low profile stuff. I wonder if there's anything else.
This might explain why some (non-Bison) dashes occassionally travel 'through' a couple of Dhalsim's long-range limbs, even when in hitting range. Hmm.

Uh, absolutely not. This is online ranked, not a tournament. That's fine for BL, but that's not the philosophy behind Ranked and it shouldn't be.
The philosophy behind Ranked is one-off gimmick-y Wild West garbage, so the suggested alterations would make a big difference.

So Dhalsim gets out of meaty pressure for free with teleport? Or did I time the meaty wrong 5 times in a row? I was using Vega and trying to meaty with cr.MK (claw on).
Not for free, no. Dhalsim can indeed escape meaties with a teleport and only as a reversal, but the recovery is insanely long plus he's still prone to being grabbed. If he does avoid a meatie, it's not difficult for Vega to punish on-reaction: some versions of the wall dive and roll depending on the distance, his HK slide, his Critical Arts (also distance dependant) and his V-Trigger can all connect in time before Dhalsim is allowed to block. Merely walking or dashing forwards also suffices, given Vega's high movement speed.


That shit is so gimmicky in tense situations like that. Really difficult to respond to it and occasionally a Vega player will mix things up and go for the grab instead so just sitting still and blocking might not necessarily work out either.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to stuff the EX wall dive with an air-to-air after a neutral / backwards jump.


I just fired this game up for the first time in about a month and still can't believe they haven't fixed battle lounge so it holds more than 2 players.

Are they going to do anything they promised? Seems like that March update isn't coming.


Wow managed to grab Nash out of his teleport just now.

I just fired this game up for the first time in about a month and still can't believe they haven't fixed battle lounge so it holds more than 2 players.

Are they going to do anything they promised? Seems like that March update isn't coming.

Update with 8 player lobbies comes out 28th.
Wow managed to grab Nash out of his teleport just now.

Grabs are crazy, last night playing a few rounds with a friend, I saw him out grab Gief Ex-SPD and i was right in his face, no distance between us, it was probably 1 in 10 chance but it fucking happen, so pissed, while he laughed his ass off...it's ok I planted his ass the next round and took the set..


They don't lead to hard knock downs so what positioning do they offer? Damage isn't worth it when you consider the damage an opponent gets in comparison to a normal throw. Can't be teched doesn't mean a lot when if an opponent goes for a standard grab in a situation they'll beat you clean.

Command grabs are a terrible option in this game. DPs lead to big punishes (no worse than command grabs) but have more utility and lead to your opponent having to play around it. The only situations where you should command grab are trick set ups, otherwise you're better off going for a normal grab and having an AA punish read if they try to jump for a punish.
They don't lead to hard knock downs but they forbid the opponent from rolling on wake-up, which limits their waking options to 2.
As an example, Laura as setups covering those 2 options for everyone of her normal and command throws.
You are right they should be used sparingly though, once you've conditioned your opponent into blocking while in fear of a CH if they try to tech. But they are not a terrible option at all, they have their use once you know how to set them up and have a good read on your opponent.
And as everything in this game they ask of you that you commit to your decision; following your logic one could also say that DPs are terrible in this game because the 30 to 60% punition you will receive if they are blocked are not worth the little damage they can make, which is of course not true either. :)


I'm not sure how Rashid's personality is obnoxious? He seems pretty chill if anything.

To play against, sure.

You're right about Rashid; he's pretty alright, actually.

... I like these new characters better than the old ones... Also, keep in mind Karin's not a newcomer.

Actually, I just disagree with this altogether.

Laura: energetic
Rashid: super chill
Necalli: besides the win animation, just furious evil, plus adorably socially awkward
Fang: Maybe, but more goofy

Nah, I would fully describe Laura and FANG as "obnoxious." Did you play her story mode? "High energy" can be an easy synonym for that. Necalli less so, but he's kind of a freak who always talks about eating people and growls a lot.


Vega's roll is difficult to punish because the blockstun ends earlier than you'd think in the animation. Throw out the punish early.


then its broken by design

Ha, I guess it's differing interpretations of "broken." Some people have been calling certain moves or even characters "broken" when that's really not the word to use for them.

Being able to set the AI like that in Training mode or something would be pretty cool.
then its broken by design

Inhuman reactions speeds aren't 'broken'. It's almost impossible for a person to play like this. Don't worry, the people obliterating you are flesh and blood most of the time.

I agree with Flux, I'd love for it to be incorporated into the game for training purposes.
Ha, I guess it's differing interpretations of "broken." Some people have been calling certain moves or even characters "broken" when that's really not the word to use for them.

Being able to set the AI like that in Training mode or something would be pretty cool.

lots of characters and moves are broken. this is the most poorly balanced fighting game i have ever played.

Inhuman reactions speeds aren't 'broken'. It's almost impossible for a person to play like this. Don't worry, the people obliterating you are flesh and blood most of the time.

I agree with Flux, I'd love for it to be incorporated into the game for training purposes.

im not talking about the controversy of whether that ryu is a bot or not, its irrelevant to my point. so many characters can just spam 2 buttons repeatedly with no disadvantage on block. so many matchups leave 1 chaarcter at such a ridiculous disadvantage.


lots of characters and moves are broken. this is the most poorly fighting game i have ever played.

im not talking about the controversy of whether that ryu is a bot or not, its irrelevant to my point. so many characters can just spam 2 buttons repeatedly with no disadvantage on block. so many matchups leave 1 chaarcter at such a ridiculous disadvantage.

Oh... so you are actually one of those people.

Carry on.
lots of characters and moves are broken. this is the most poorly fighting game i have ever played.

im not talking about the controversy of whether that ryu is a bot or not, its irrelevant to my point. so many characters can just spam 2 buttons repeatedly with no disadvantage on block. so many matchups leave 1 chaarcter at such a ridiculous disadvantage.

I see, ok! What fighting games do you prefer to this one? Is there one that you see as successful in this regard, that none of the matchups are unfair?

Not being sarcastic at all, I'm interested in what your opinion is!
I see, ok! What fighting games do you prefer to this one? Is there one that you see as successful in this regard, that none of the matchups are unfair?

Not being sarcastic at all, I'm interested in what your opinion is!

no fighting game is perfectly balanced obv, but this one is just so unbalanced. its as bad as this old arcade version of super street fighter 2 turbo where guile could do sonic booms so fast he could have 15 to 20 of them flying at you at any given time, and vega's wall jump air throw would grab you out of almost anything and left him nearly invincible during the entire movement. 3rd strike was solidly balanced. not a single matchup was anywhere near the level of unfairness in this game. going back further, killer instinct 2 was pretty decently balanced, as were marvel v capcom 1 and 2.

***meant to say the most poorly balanced fighting game in my previous post***


lots of characters and moves are broken. this is the most poorly balanced fighting game i have ever played.

so many characters can just spam 2 buttons repeatedly with no disadvantage on block. so many matchups leave 1 chaarcter at such a ridiculous disadvantage.

Did Bison traumatize you? I apologize on his behalf. Thing is, there are ways around everything but you have to try and adapt to figure them out. If someone is spamming the same 2 buttons on you, chances are they know you aren't good enough to make them stop. Read up on frame data, get in the lab, practice punishes or escape options out of frametraps.

Edit: 3rd Strike is considered totally unbalanced at high level play. For me and my average skills, it was fine. I feel SFV is very balanced as well.
no fighting game is perfectly balanced obv, but this one is just so unbalanced. its as bad as this old arcade version of super street fighter 2 turbo where guile could do sonic booms so fast he could have 15 to 20 of them flying at you at any given time, and vega's wall jump air throw would grab you out of almost anything and left him nearly invincible during the entire movement. 3rd strike was solidly balanced. not a single matchup was anywhere near the level of unfairness in this game. going back further, killer instinct 2 was pretty decently balanced, as were marvel v capcom 1 and 2.

Something that all of your examples had were much larger life bars. In MvC1 or 2, you could live through a super or two without worrying so much. SFV is absolutely a faster game in that example, damage is generally much higher percentages of your life.

This can make it seem like strategies that are either broken or 'cheap' are all that get used, since people can and SHOULD be afraid of counters. But that isn't, by nature, wrong, it's a more offensive game than most (Not MvC2, haha). The matchups aren't as one sided as they first appear, though they DO take a lot of work and research to overcome, at least as you increase in skill.

I don't necessarily agree with you that SFV is unbalanced, or that it is as unbalanced as you're suggesting. But that doesn't mean your argument is moot. I hope you stick with the game a bit and if you ever felt like fighting a basically shit Mika, let me know!

Did Bison traumatize you? I apologize on his behalf. Thing is, there are ways around everything but you have to try and adapt to figure them out. If someone is spamming the same 2 buttons on you, chances are they know you aren't good enough to make them stop. Read up on frame data, get in the lab, practice punishes or escape options out of frametraps.

Ice "Ryu has no priority on his moves" cold.
Ice "The game is wrong, I'm right, I tried it with a friend once despite frame data being correct" cold.
Ice "Ryu lost to a bot so the game must be broken" cold.
Ice "The game is unbalanced because I refuse to get better and instead blame the system" cold.

Every week with this guy, lol

Real talk, don't be like this guy. This is the attitude that keeps you from getting better or learning. This is why some people stay taking L because they absolutely refuse to get better and would rather make up shit about the game. Same dudes who, when they are given help, squander it because it would mean they'd have to take some of the blame and level up.

Seriously, don't be that kind of player.
Did Bison traumatize you? I apologize on his behalf. Thing is, there are ways around everything but you have to try and adapt to figure them out. If someone is spamming the same 2 buttons on you, chances are they know you aren't good enough to make them stop. Read up on frame data, get in the lab, practice punishes or escape options out of frametraps.

Edit: 3rd Strike is considered totally unbalanced at high level play. For me and my average skills, it was fine. I feel SFV is very balanced as well.

the only move ryu has that can interrupt bisons shit is a shoryuken. that or being able to parry as good as that ryu who may or may not be cheating. surely you see the problem with this right?

and bison isnt even one of the really unbalanced characters


no fighting game is perfectly balanced obv, but this one is just so unbalanced. its as bad as this old arcade version of super street fighter 2 turbo where guile could do sonic booms so fast he could have 15 to 20 of them flying at you at any given time, and vega's wall jump air throw would grab you out of almost anything and left him nearly invincible during the entire movement. 3rd strike was solidly balanced. not a single matchup was anywhere near the level of unfairness in this game. going back further, killer instinct 2 was pretty decently balanced, as were marvel v capcom 1 and 2.

***meant to say the most poorly balanced fighting game in my previous post***

3rd strike and mvc2 are great games but balanced they definitely are not. 3 characters basically run those games.

What exactly do you find unbalanced or unfair about sfv?
Ice "Ryu has no priority on his moves" cold.
Ice "The game is wrong, I'm right, I tried it with a friend once despite frame data being correct" cold.
Ice "Ryu lost to a bot so the game must be broken" cold.
Ice "The game is unbalanced because I refuse to get better and instead blame the system" cold.

Every week with this guy, lol

Real talk, don't be like this guy. This is the attitude that keeps you from getting better or learning. This is why some people stay taking L because they absolutely refuse to get better and would rather make up shit about the game. Same dudes who, when they are given help, squander it because it would mean they'd have to take some of the blame and level up.

Seriously, don't be that kind of player.

whos your main character?

lots of characters and moves are broken. this is the most poorly balanced fighting game i have ever played.

im not talking about the controversy of whether that ryu is a bot or not, its irrelevant to my point. so many characters can just spam 2 buttons repeatedly with no disadvantage on block. so many matchups leave 1 chaarcter at such a ridiculous disadvantage.
The only thing that's broken is your ignorance if you think this is one of the most unbalanced fighters out there. Not even sure why you thought linking a fight against a bot would help your agenda either.

What are the no disadvantage moves? The standing medium kicks back-to-back that can be counter-poked or jumped over after each and every one (before Dhalsim can recover) from that distance? The -4 on block Yoga Flames that push Ryu away from Dhalsim's short-range normals and automatically leave him unsafe to whip out longer normals? The Yoga Drills that Ryu could press any normal against mid-flight or jab after blocking since most characters have a faster LP's / LK's than Dhalsim's? Dhalsim's slides into V-Trigger that could be V-Reversal to prevent the flame carpet from coming out at all?

Don't bother writing anything until you stop jumping to conclusions with nothing but vague absolutes.

he can. all the high and mighty people in this thread, i hope youre all gold ranked.
Already became Gold ranked weeks ago, yes. Stopped caring about Ranked at Super Gold.



Nope he can't unless you are in the corner, by jumping backwards from his walldive he'll never get in range fast enough to grab, because a good air-to-air button will outrange it.

Hm, I see. Jumping back and then doing Mika's j.MK might be my go-to for that situation, then.
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